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Which Would You Repeal?

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The point is that no other organisation feels the need to ram their alleged civil liberty violations down the throat of everyone with as much determination and aggression. This was a poll conducted by the bbc to find the result of what the nation thinks, NOT the members of the CA. No other organisation rounded up members to vote. Why did the CA? Does it aid their cause? I doubt it.

Perfectly put

Wasnt the Man of the year radio 4 contest hijacked by some religous nutters a few years back too? and didnt r4 drop it after that?

To suggest that the hunting bill (which i agree with...vile "sport") is the most crucial of the ones listed is laughable of course...
Originally posted by Warbler@Dec 22 2006, 06:29 PM
Well until the list is posted, I'd like to nominate the smoking ban due to come into effect in 2007, as well as whatever law was responsible for speed cameras. Personally both laws will prevent me voting Labour, but since I don't believe a word the Conservatives say about repealling them (despite being in control of the Highways Departments of numerous County Council's look how many they've got rid of :lol: ) So if anyone knows David Cameron, tell him I don't believe him.

If I could introduce a law, then it would be banning the making of any TV or radio programmes that involve a public poll based around an 08700 telephone number, or anything that features D list celebrities being voted for etc. I'd also ban programmes which are compilations of recordings from previous episodes, or rank orders etc that are then presented as a top 20 type thing of cheap and easy to make TV that can pad out our schedules at the expense of challenging alternatives.

The worst example of this I've seen recently concerned a radio 5 amateur football correspondant who was stationed on Birch services last weekend, and within drive time of 5 grounds!!! Yep you guessed it, vote for which ground you want to send our correspondant to cover. As there were no games being played in Ulaan Batar I didn't par take.

In fact I might start a thread up somewhere about the number of these types of programmes that have infested our TV in the last 10 years, though I suspect it will constitute an appeal as I'll need help in compiling a list? I'm guessing we must have had about 40 or so of these types of shows, invented and foisted upon us by now, and if Blair moved to make this abuse illegal, rather than waste the amount of time he did on a 'non issue' like fox hunting he'd have shown better judgement.

Incidentally, to all of those of you who love killing foxes, something I've never really understood is why you don't hunt them in the cities? I briefly lived in Devon, and so far as i could see their hunt involved a few deluded farmers daughters charging around on ponies and they never caught so much as a cold, yet alone a fox. However, I lived in Leicester City Centre for a few years after that, and foxes would happily wonder up and down the street. Far from that I could even take you a spot behind the KFC on a Sunday morning where you could happily kill about dozen of them.
There was a programme on the radio last week with all these smokers trying to give up and they all couldn't wait for the ban to be brought in .

And I see the legal age for buying tobacco is to be raised to 18 !

You know it's amazing that despite the supposed widespread hatred of such a vile sport not one person has ever said a dickie-bird to me when I'm wearing my favourite sweatshirt in public - the pro hunting one with "Felix Says Fight The Ban" emblazoned on the front and back in large letters....

I'm not shy about wearing it either - it's often to be seen in town centres, supermarkets, airports....or maybe the vitriol isn't quite as widespread as some would have us believe? The pro-hunting community are, after all, merely fighting against a severe injustice that has been done to them.
You know it's amazing that despite the supposed widespread hatred of such a vile sport not one person has ever said a dickie-bird to me when I'm wearing my favourite sweatshirt in public - the pro hunting one with "Felix Says Fight The Ban" emblazoned on the front and back in large letters....

Yes....... I have an inkling why that might be

Its not fair to judge by appearances maybe, but as a rule of thumb, i like many others, are careful who they talk to in the street.........
Maybe they think that the reaction to anyone daring to comment will be far out of proportion and they can't be arsed arguing with the ignorant?

What is the injustice? They knew it was coming for years and yet they did nothing to adapt their lifestyles. There was no reduction in the breeding of hounds. Why?
Does anyone approach in the street, people with "jesus saves" written all over them?

The ignorant, PDJ darling, are the ones who know the square root of **** all about the sport yet persist in sticking their noses in where it ain't wanted in order to destroy a way of life.

The injustice is clear for all too see - why should countryfolk bow to the prejudice of people ignorant in the ways of the countryside? Those same people who will only step in the countryside so they can spend the day saying "ooh, isn't it pretty? Where is the nearest McDonalds?"

As Homer so rightly says it is a breach of civil liberties to dictate to countryfolk what they can and can't do - and that after generations and generations of sustaining the population and the countryside. Why should people who know nothing about a necessary way of life dictate to others? It makes me sick.
Originally posted by Shadow Leader@Jan 2 2007, 05:09 PM
You know it's amazing that despite the supposed widespread hatred of such a vile sport not one person has ever said a dickie-bird to me when I'm wearing my favourite sweatshirt in public - the pro hunting one with "Felix Says Fight The Ban" emblazoned on the front and back in large letters....

I'm not shy about wearing it either - it's often to be seen in town centres, supermarkets, airports....or maybe the vitriol isn't quite as widespread as some would have us believe? The pro-hunting community are, after all, merely fighting against a severe injustice that has been done to them.
It's not the jumper Shadz, but the baseball bat with 9 inch nails hammered in to it, that people noticed first.

I wouldn't mind betting that most people have an opinion not massively dissimilar to mine. Against hunting in principle, but not terribly bothered about it in truth. I think its a largely non issue, and regret the amount of parliamentary time that's been wasted on something that really isn't very important. As I keep saying, if you want to hunt foxes just hang around the dustbins near any "take away" on an early Sunday morning in any of our big cities.
Originally posted by Shadow Leader@Jan 2 2007, 05:30 PM
As Homer so rightly says it is a breach of civil liberties to dictate to countryfolk what they can and can't do - and that after generations and generations of sustaining the population and the countryside. Why should people who know nothing about a necessary way of life dictate to others? It makes me sick.
Now steady on Dom.

You aren't seriously suggesting that Country folk should be above the law of the land because....... well we're country folk, and no one understands us
As Homer so rightly says it is a breach of civil liberties to dictate to countryfolk what they can and can't do

Its democracy.... I know that might be an unpopular concept in certain parts of the countryside...

In fairness though, i would imagine that no country dweller has ever expressed an opinion about urban life (whcih they "know nothing about")
Destroy a way of life? I thought the way of life was about living in the country, not hunting. Is hunting a way of life? For whom? Hunt masters who again knew the ban was coming and could have retrained in a useful skill insead of simply sitting in their castles and whinging? Hound breeders, who again should have turned their hand to something else when they knew it was coming?

I haven't heard anyone Anti hunting express a preference for McDonalds. Did I miss that debate in Parliament?

Just because it has been going on for ages does not (and never has) make it right. A civilised society must evolve. We no longer burn witches. We know longer kill people for their crimes. We no longer do many other things that have been rightly outlawed. This belongs in the Dark Ages.

Civil Liberties is bollocks I am afraid. Civil liberties are protections from the power of governments. Examples include the right to life, freedom from torture, freedom from slavery and forced labour, the right to privacy, the right to a fair trial, freedom of speech and freedom of assembly, and the right to marry and have a family. These are the kind of things for which we should fight. Other additions cheapen the others above, none of which can legitimately be described as unimportant.
Must we have this blasted debate again :(

We all know that those who have either pro or anti hunting viewpoints will never agree - let's leave this please.
The way I see it the bill was forced through by Blair in a dictatorial fashion using an ancient act for one reason - to antagonise a section of society who would never have voted for him anyway.

I think its a largely non issue, and regret the amount of parliamentary time that's been wasted on something that really isn't very important.

Should the Tories ever get into power and decide to repeal the act, does anyone know how many parliamentary hours would it take to do so ?
I am closing this - we have had the hunting debate to death on here numerous times and it always turns nasty
I would like to thank Ardross for closing that last topic, people on here obviously have deep seated beliefs about certain subjects. I seriously doubt anyone will change their minds so why do people insist on starting fights with each other. State an opinion and leave it at that but if someone dares to offer an opposing viewpoint get a grip, dont assume it is a personal attack and be polite.

Feel free to close this one too Ardross, I just wanted to get that off my chest
Oh no I thought this was all behind us........... in this freely spoken world of ours????????? :angy: :teeth: :teeth:

not a very good start to the new year then???? :rolleyes:
Merlin's right of course. There is no such thing as free speech on this forum unless your views are identical to those with the power to stifle the debate at will.

Yes, the hunting debate has been done to death in the past but the same old faces will insist on coming out with the same tired old digs in order to provoke people - then they get their pal the moderator to back them up then delete and/or close the topic when they realise they're getting outnumbered! It's pathetic and laughable.
I won't respond to that post other than to remind forumites that Songsheet and Krizon I think amongst others closed the previous hunting threads for these very reasons some time ago . I don't moderate at the urgings of others -ever
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