Who's Clean And Who's Dirty Then?

I'm not one of these women who can drive while using a mobile phone and doing their make-up at the same time. I can't concentrate on other things.
Suny , you can have 12. Each conviction stays as 'current'on your licence for 3 years. After 4 years you can have them removed from your licence for a small fee. Having acculumated 12 'current' points normally leads to a ban, but you can plead your case. Being caught driving over 100 usually leads to an automatic ban I think, although mitigating circumstances can be pleaded and a ban is not always awarded.
:lol: She's breastfed and I wouldn't want to cause other people to have accidents :lol:
Originally posted by Colin Phillips@Jan 5 2007, 08:21 AM
is anyone on here prepared to admit that they use a mobile phone (not a hands-free set) whilst driving?

I'm really not coming out this too well am I? In truth I flick it onto loud speaker, (which is still illegal I know) but does give me a lot more control, as its propped on the dashboard, and doesn't really course much more distraction then pressing a button on the radio. In fact I find lighting a cigarette more troublesome, as this courses you to alter your depth of vision momentarily, unless your prepared to risk burning your nose off. It depends on the conditions of the road/ traffic too, as well as whose number came up :lol:, but I'd be lying if I said I'd never done so.

I have pretty well mastered the dark art of steering with my right leg/ knee though if necessary, (old habits die hard - sales rep days I'm afraid) and although I couldn't effect a 90 degree turn using this dubious method, I can negotiate bends/ corners, and larger traffic islands if necessary. It does in truth beg the obvious question, when such a thing would be necessary, and it almost invariably involved running late between appointments, whilst doing something simulataneously etc. I daren't expand on some of the histroical examples of what else I was doing, or the speeds and roads involved, suffice to say I'm slightly shocked to think that's what I used to do. Suffice to say I don't need to anymore, and am far from convinced I would/ could do so now anyway, and certainly not under the circumstances I used to

Hands free? the question I'm afraid has tended to mean something else on occasions
Three points, first since 1989. Due to come off my licence in October.

For those of you who know Mu, she managed to get to 9 points a couple of years ago (when 74) All for speeding.

She's now sold the Lotus Elite.....
Driving for 12 years now, no points on the licence so far.

Not that I've been that good, just that I've got away with it :D

Actually I used to be a lot worse before I had my MG Midget several years back, that helped slow me down and take more care.
6 points

all on one dashed jouney round north circular at 2am. Flashed three times. Bloody madness. Roads were empty

I think some 30 mph zones should actually be more like 20mph, but upper limits on open roads are nuts. Motorways should be 90 at least and the damned north circular could cope with 70mph over stretches at quiet times
I'm in agreement with clivex (something's wrong here, surely?) :D since I feel there shouldn't be an upper limit to motorway speeds. The three lanes should be speed-zoned with the right-hand one from 80mph up. Considering there are truly just a few people who want to travel significantly beyond that limit, or feel comfortable doing so, that would leave it free for the speedsters, while the left-hand lane could be for those terrified to be on a motorway at all, 'up to' 70 mph, (like the geek doing 40 mph in the right-hand lane on the way to Lingfield, who resolutely refused to move for anyone!) and the middle lane for swapping lanes.

I think Germany's autobahn system has a free-for-all approach (or, at least, it did) and I'm not sure that they suffer from 'speed kills' paranoia?
Some stretches of the Autobahn network are indeed unrestricted, but they are a lot tighter at penalising on their version of our "Driving without due care and attention". This leads to people driving slower when there are other road users, congestion, poor conditions etc.

Which in a roundabout way is the point that many have been trying to make on this thread about driving in excess of a speed limit when they consider it safe to do so.
Sounds sensible enough to me.

As for using a phone when driving, I often find myself on the phone when driving, but legally with a bluetooth headset, they're brilliant little things.

Mind you, I do think that in the interests of safety there should be a section of the driving test that ensures you are capable of opening (and drinking a can/bottle [delete as applicable!] of drink, opening and eating sandwiches/KFC/other food [delete as applicable] or changing a CD whilst still driving safely! :D

Now there's an interesting challenge. Re-design the driving 'for real' test. Things like how to spot a traffic warden, how to nick someones parking spot/ place in the queue at the petrol pump, how to letch in the rear view etc. Shadz has got the drink and food angle covered. urm.........the potential is limitless
Mind you, I do think that in the interests of safety there should be a section of the driving test that ensures you are capable of opening (and drinking a can/bottle [delete as applicable!] of drink, opening and eating sandwiches/KFC/other food [delete as applicable] or changing a CD whilst still driving safely!

or receiving a...........
0 points for me too and a small encounter with the inside of a hedge 2 months after passing my test. Whilst driving my Aunt's car. :ph34r:
Been driving for 7 years, passed my test 2nd time round when i was 17 failed 1st one for going too slow, of all things (no one who goes in a car with me can believe that!!). I do admit that a couple of times i'd take off with the car before i'd passed, i know very naughty but I started work early in the morning in racing & sometimes couldnt get a lift.

I have no points & the only time i'v needed my insurance is when some russian tw*t got pissed up & nicked my keys out of my bag in the pub and put my baby through a wall i was gutted. I think i'v probabaly been lucky i've not got caught, comingback from Newbury theres a lovely road where i can open up a bit, SL & Headstrong will know the one i mean, from Stockcross towards the Pheasant? & then from pheasant to Lambourn although that roads only 50mph but you cant help it!
It's good, yes - but nowhere near as good as the A338 Hungerford-Wantage road or better still, the B4494 Newbury-Wantage road (the one that goes past Lockinge PTP) :D
The A4086 for me :P It's a bit like driving in an advert. I'm sure I can hear a Cream track when ever I'm there B)
I'm amazed that I didn't get done for driving a fair distance in a bus lane in town. I turned left down what I thought was a slip road (which I hadn't used before) and suddenly found myself driving along red tarmac! Tried desperately to do a U and turn round, but oncoming traffic prevented that. Had to drive until I could get off the damn lane - how ridiculous. Was told 'ooh, you'll get a ticket for that off the CCTV' and I thought, well, if there'd be any signage, I wouldn't have been on the darn thing. That was over 3 months ago, so I seem to have slid by unnoticed. Unless they noticed the popping eyes and look of terror on the driver's face and had a giggle instead! :unsure:
Originally posted by ovverbruv@Jan 6 2007, 12:42 AM
AAARRGGGHHH, I am now dirty, 3 points for going through a red light on november 1st
Join the club.

I'm still refusing to believe that me and Clive top the league table though, we must have someone on 9 plus
Originally posted by Warbler@Jan 6 2007, 01:35 AM
The A4086 for me :P It's a bit like driving in an advert. I'm sure I can hear a Cream track when ever I'm there B)
That's exactly what the B4494 is like - it's a Top Gear producer's dream! :D

Betsmate :lol: :lol:
This morning I decided to become a Reformed Character and just do up to the max and no more on the drive to Lingfield. It was an amazingly clear run, so that starting at 8.40 a.m. I arrived in the car park at 9.25. It usually takes an hour with weekday traffic, and to be honest I'm never doing 'up to' the limit! It was very relaxing and I shall drive more slowly in future - I admit I did go over the limit a couple of times on the way home, but mostly to get past those driving bug-eyed and white-knuckled in the honking rain.

I'm not sure how a trip which I can do at an average speed of 80mph in an hour can also be done in an hour without speeding. I'll have to work on the Math... :brows: