Who's the best actual jumper of a fence you've seen?

Short of showjumpers West Tip is one of the best jumpers of a big fence I've seen, whether at Cheltenham or Aintree. He would stag his fences making the right shape in the air and was as sure footed as a mountain goat.
I'd agree with many of those already mentioned, especially Desert Orchid, Remittance Man, Grey Abbey and an on-song Master Minded. From recent years I'd also throw in Denman at his peak and Mon Parrain in his first UK chase (shame he didn't go on from there), and from further back I submit Lefrak City - couldn't see over most of the fences but that didn't stop him jumping them like a little orange stag.
who's the best actual jumper of a fence you've seen

Tingle Creek and when getting it right Captain Christy also Morceli in more recent times.
I used to love watching The Mighty Mac - a pity there's no sign of any of his wins on youtube.
Plenty of predictable answers (and fair enough, too), but I give full marks for Kilkilowen who was very good, but almost forgotten. There are a couple of youtue videos around of him - particularly a third to Smith's Man at Aintree under 12st. Worth a look.