Who's the worst drivers ?

Walking to work is a dangerous thing in D4. The cunts around here are too buy posting inane shite on forums while driving and not watching the road.

All I need is one wet foggy morning and a bonehead in a black jacket who is too lazy to cross the road to the footpath by the river when he runs out of path on the left hand side. Just one wet foggy morning...just one....
Do you work 9-5? Do you not get a massive pain in your bollocks getting out of that kip every evening. My biggest worry is that knocking me down would be a bit of welcome distraction from the daily chore of commuting.
I work from 7.30 - 6 most days and everything else you say is true. Pain in the Swiss Roll.

Thank God for TapaTalk.
You've obviously never been to Mexico

Apparently not. But since the thread is about British drivers, it would be fairly irrelevant if I had, except to make terrible drivers from the South of England feel better about themselves - "we may be awful, but we're not as bad as the Mexicans. So there."

se has nearly double the population of Scotland and double the accidents. Bet car ownership is higher too in se

london has double the population of Scotland and half the accidents.

South west England tiny shade more populatiin than paranoid bitterchiponshoulderland. Tiny fraction more accidents

Given that hat roads are clearly more crowded down here I think it is fair to say you have been skewered by your own stats. Big time
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se has nearly double the population of Scotland and double the accidents. Bet car ownership is higher too in se

london has double the population of Scotland and half the accidents.

South west England tiny shade more populatiin than paranoid bitterchiponshoulderland. Tiny fraction more accidents

Given that hat roads are clearly more crowded down here I think it is fair to say you have been skewered by your own stats. Big time

Knows nothing about accidents. They are less likely to involve a KSI in high density areas like cities and on motorways. Duh!

Face it clive, you live in the part of the country with the worst drivers. don't fight it anymore, give in to it, embrace it, love it.
Col bach.....they were all accidents, in the sense that I 'accidentally' don't drive a Maserati, and I 'accidentally' don't have four holidays in the sun each year!
What I am about to tell you is 100% true.

My girlfriend and I were up in her village visiting her parents. We have a house there but as it's not yet completed we stay at a resort called Crockmai. which is a resort about 20km from the nearest town.

We were driving to the resort just after dark when I came across a vehicle in front of me and in the distance the light of a lone motorcyclist. I am about to over take when she cries out Don't!!!!!!! "What's the problem the road is wide w enough and it only a motorcyle....motorcycle mu ass.It's a huge farm vehicle with no lights and I swear a guy standing on the top above the cabin with a torch in his hand.

Next day a guy drunk as a skunk falls off his motorbike right in front of us and we miss his head by inches........He stands up laughing his head off and gets back on his bike.

Few days later I am run off or rather I drive off the road on to some grass to avoid being pulverized by a bus flying round the corner on the wrong side of the road when overtaking a pick up.

It's a regular occurrence to see all sorts of vehichles with no lights when the farmers in the area finish work...Food and Thai whiskey are priorities not lights.

One of my friends from London lives up there permanently..painted his house Blue walls colourbond blue roof blue walls......he's amd Chelsea supporter asked the local copper where he should go for his ...Motorcycle driving licence..The policeman enquired why so you want a licence no one else here has one.

3 and 4 people on one motorcycle is common place and the driver is very likely to be a 10 to 12 year old girl

All very funny until you realize 338 people died and counting with 2,891 people injured here on the roads in the last 5 days.

The worst driver are Thai country folks because no one ever taught them how to cross the road never mind drive a car. Plus unfortunately dues to lack of education many of them are in some ways as dumb as dog ****.
You see a few things when you're driving a lorry -- being higher up and all.
Maddest incident I saw in my trucking days was a woman driver in an open-top Merc on the Clonmel bypass ........... breastfeeding her baby. Passed me doing around 70; needless to say neither mother nor child were strapped in.