Given that the politics of this forum range from the far left of Trotsky to the far right of Adolf Hitler is it any wonder there are fall outs? On other threads people swap information and help each other make better betting decisions whereas on these threads it's my dick is bigger than yours and look how clever I am. No one is going to change anyone's opinion on these threads so it's a futile endeavour.
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I dunno, like I wonder of the proportion of people in the country as a whole who favoured keeping Marijuana illegal were made aware of the reasons it was outlawed in the first place and it's true benefits (especially in contrast to cigarettes and alcohol) I wonder what percentage would change their mind.

I do think a fair amount of people (left and right leaning) are kind of lazy and almost have their "opinions" made for them by whatever rag they read.
Given that the politics of this forum range from the far left of Trotsky to the far right of Adolf Hitler is it any wonder there are fall outs? On other threads people swap information and help each other make better betting decisions whereas on these threads it's my dick is bigger than yours and look how clever I am. No one is going to change anyone's opinion on these threads so it's a futile endeavour.

I'd like it on record that I think I am clever as well. Cleverer than slim. (If that is even a word)