Windows 10


At the Start
Jun 12, 2005
I'm wondering if anyone has upgraded to the new Windows 10 released worldwide today?

I have done so, and it's a blast I've got to say.
Great features, and the spanking new Microsoft browser -- EDGE -- is super. Faster than Chrome, I reckon, and very lean. It has an amazing feature that allows one to write notes directly on websites for reference or sharing. And you can query something on a page without going to google or wiki.
Another feature is called Cortana that speaks answers to you.
All in all, I love it. Worth waiting for, especially when you've been stuck with that steaming pile of crap called Windows 8.1 for so long.

The upgrade did take me 1hr 50mins, but was painless.
Just downloading it now - only worry is that a few of my older programs wont work but anything has to be better than W8!
Just beware, depending on what version of Windows you have (Home/Professional/Enterprise etc). Windows updates cannot be disabled unless you have the Enterprise edition I think.
Just downloading it now - only worry is that a few of my older programs wont work but anything has to be better than W8!
Worrying unduly, Ballydoyle, I think.
Each and every one of my programmes and files transferred over seamlessly.
Just beware, depending on what version of Windows you have (Home/Professional/Enterprise etc). Windows updates cannot be disabled unless you have the Enterprise edition I think.
Yes, future updates are automated; same as with W8.
I would prefer to have control and choice over when to update.
It's annoying on the occasion when you want to boot-up straight away ( like, to make a bet), and find that updates an configurations start to run thus delaying you by maybe 15 minutes.
It happens rarely, tho'.
I used it briefly a few months ago for work but it was so buggy it was hardly worth bothering with. I'll be waiting to see the reception it gets before I take the plunge, always best to wait a few weeks before upgrading...

Can't be worse than 8 which was practically unusable and an absolute abomination of an OS. 8.1 improved it drastically but still work to be done.
Yes, future updates are automated; same as with W8.
I would prefer to have control and choice over when to update.
It's annoying on the occasion when you want to boot-up straight away ( like, to make a bet), and find that updates an configurations start to run thus delaying you by maybe 15 minutes.
It happens rarely, tho'.

I'd rather pay extra for the Enterprise edition, disable updates, then wait to see the potential damage the updates can do.
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Daft question [technophobe] but my computer is ancient, positively dinosaur like; can I still carry on using it as it is but buy a Windows 10 laptop or would I have to upgrade the computer as well [in fact, I think it would blow up if I tried to do anything like that].
Daft question [technophobe] but my computer is ancient, positively dinosaur like; can I still carry on using it as it is but buy a Windows 10 laptop or would I have to upgrade the computer as well [in fact, I think it would blow up if I tried to do anything like that].

Yes you can.
Daft question [technophobe] but my computer is ancient, positively dinosaur like; can I still carry on using it as it is but buy a Windows 10 laptop or would I have to upgrade the computer as well [in fact, I think it would blow up if I tried to do anything like that].
If I understand correctly, I would buy a new laptop with W10 pre-installed rather than trying to upgrade the very old laptop that you have, tbh.
The Windows 10 O.S. will cost you around £90 on its own unless you already have W7 or W8, and there is no guarantee that it will run smoothly on a very old machine. A new laptop should set you back maybe £300.
Now using W10 for a short while, I have a couple of whines ................

Firstly, the new browser Edge won't allow me to apply AdBlock.
Then, Cortana only searches Bing; I don't like Bing. I want Cortana to permit me the choice of other search engines like Google.
The advert for the phone with Cortana makes me want to smash the telly.

adopts whiny middle english accent "Cortana, can you remind that I'm a useless fuckwit 6 times a day" "Right, I'll remind you that you're a useless fuckwit 6 times a day" "Oh, and Cortana, the next time I'm having sex remind me to tell James I'm never swallowing again" "Right, I'll remind you not to swallow next time you're having sex"
Can't buy a laptop with Windows 10 for 3 months; can only buy a current one and have it upgraded. In the meantime all this buffering and crashing is driving me mad.
Its not too bad - installation worked first time and nothing seems to be crashing when I run it. All other programs seems to work and it recognised my external drive and kept same lettering.

The new "file explorer" option is a bit more user friendly than previous and it shows favs and desktop shortcuts at the top

Overall glad upgraded now
Windows 7 was a great OS. I've no idea why they butchered it so much. Windows 8 was unusable, 8.1 was an improvement but still horrible for most things. 10 looks better but still not a patch on 7 from a usability point of view.

Windows 7 will be like XP and last a long, long time.

Also the Edge browser is a ballache, lack of ActiveX controls is even worse than when Chrome dropped NPAPI. Seems decent enough for a standard user mind.
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