Winter Prize Results


Senior Jockey
Jul 4, 2004
First, a reminder of how the scores are calculated.

First place in the Most Valuable Portfolio (MVP) part of the Ante Post competition is worth 1 point, second place gets 2 points, third gets 3, and so on.

For the main part of the Ante Post competition (AP), and for the Ten To Follow (TTF), the score are doubled. First place gets 2 points, second place get 4 points, third gets 6, and so on.

The placings are based only on the entries of people who took part in both competitions. So in the AP competition for example, chroniclandlord’s winning entry is not counted because he had no entry in the TTF. The lowest score after totalling the points wins the prize.

The leading scores were as follows. The figures in brackets are the respective points from the MVP, AP and TTF, in that order:

Flaggers 24 (6,2,16)
Tiggers 24 (2,2,20)
New Approach 28 (14,4,10)
Euronymous 31 (7,20,4)
Perpetual 38 (10,20,8)
Bonjers 39 (13,20,6)
Trudij 39 (1,14,24)
Frontrunner 43 (3,20,20)
Wilsonl 46 (8,20,18)
Arkwright 51 (19,20,12)
Desperate Dan 51 (23,6,22)
Diamond Geezer 53 (9,8,36)

As you can see, there is a dead heat at the top of the board, between Flaggers and Tiggers. In order to split them the next step was to see how their Dark Horse entries in the TTF had got on, but again it was a tie. Neither Fla- nor Ti- ggers scores any points in that part of the TTF.

So I declare the pair of ggers, Fla- and Ti- to be joint winners. Well done, and Congratulations to both of you.
Very well done Flaggers and Tiggers and thanks as ever for running, Grey and other contributors
Wahoo! Thanks Grey! Well done Tiggers!

Here’s hoping this is all sorted so we can get going again next year!

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Well done to our joint winners, first time it has happened and thanks to Art for devising and scoring this competition.
Well done gentleman. That's a fine effort from you both.

Good consistent scoring from New Approach and Euro just behind you too.
Well done to you both (I'm just delighted that I've managed to finish in third - must be the best finish I've had in any of these comps!) and thanks again to Grey and DG for organising.

Hope everyone is well and coping with these strange times
The results of the 2020/21 Winter Prize, intended to reward the most consistent performance in the Ante Post and Ten To Follow competitions, are set out below. For the Ante Post competition both elements, the Most Valuable Portfolio (MVP) and the main prizes (AP) are taken into account. The scoring system is explained in the first post on this thread, but basically the lowest score wins.

Sorry, chaps, my computer froze just then. The tension must have been too much for it. Anyway, to resume the announcement:

In a very tight contest, the scores were as follows:

1st Wilsonl [8, 1, 6, 15]
2nd granger [4, 9, 4, 17]
3rd Euronymous [6, 14, 2, 22]
4th ep1987 [12, 4, 8, 24]
5th frontrunner [2, 2, 22, 26]
6th Maruco [14, 3, 16, 33]
7th Maxbet [20, 5, 10, 35]
8th Perpetual [10, 15, 12, 37]
9th barjon [18, 11, 14, 43]
10th Diamond Geezer [20, 6, 20, 46]

Other finishers were, in order of finish, New Approach, Double J and Marb, viking, Tiggers and Flaggers (last year's joint winners dead-heated again), Grasshopper and Trudij

Well done to Lee alias Wilsonl, a good low score was needed to win it this year given the proximity of other runners, especially granger.

Thanks to Grasshopper, who is kindly sponsoring the prize of £100. Thanks also to the other sponsors of this year's competitions, and to New Approach and Diamond Geezer for all their work running them. Finally, thanks to all those who took part.
Some esteemed forumites punching heavyweight in the Winter Prize Maruco too. :lol:

Well done, Lee. IM me your details, and I will arrange transfer of the prize-money to your good self.

As always, the only stipulation around the prize-money is that none of it is used to fund wanky bets on the Flat, or outfits for cross-dressing (which amounts to the same thing anyway). :thumbsup:
Some esteemed forumites punching heavyweight in the Winter Prize Maruco too. :lol:

Well done, Lee. IM me your details, and I will arrange transfer of the prize-money to your good self.

As always, the only stipulation around the prize-money is that none of it is used to fund wanky bets on the Flat, or outfits for cross-dressing (which amounts to the same thing anyway). :thumbsup:

Nicely done, Lee;and good luck with your other Flat bets too.:)
Yeah, good stuff, Lee.

Lee is one of those long term, fairly regular posters, including on the flat, where forums like this would have died a long time ago without the likes of him.

Well done (and deserved) then, Lee.

Fair play and thankyou to all the sponsors as well.
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Just a quick update on this.

I've exchanged messages with Lee, and he wishes for his Prize Money to be denoted to Colin, to go towards upkeep of the site. A tremendous gesture from a top man.

Colin, I'll send you a PM to confirm the Bank details are still the same as I've used previously.

Thanks for all the nice words guys. Sorry, I hadn't got around to reading this and replying as I didn't even know I'd won until Grassy messaged me.

Maybe Grass's summer hibernation is contagious :D

Thanks as always to the organizers, sponsors and participants for an excellent set of competitions.
Just a quick update on this.

I've exchanged messages with Lee, and he wishes for his Prize Money to be denoted to Colin, to go towards upkeep of the site. A tremendous gesture from a top man.

Colin, I'll send you a PM to confirm the Bank details are still the same as I've used previously.


They will have changed I think, I'll pop them over when I get home :)

Big thanks to everyone who entered and organising as always, and to Lee for the donation.