Woman problems.

Very few women are programmed for one night stands. it should be easy enough to pick out the ones who are - just be more discriminating in future, and take the 'clinging' as a great compliment to your sexual prowess.

Even women who themselves enjoy one night stands can't wait for another round with any man who is any good at it - and believe me, most men are not... or certainly weren't in my day LOL! So a good shag is obviously going to be much in demand.

Just make yourself subtlely clear at an early stage, and remember Trudij is right - it does work both ways. And it's usually the real disappointments who refuse to take "NO - sorry - it was just a bit of fun on the night" for an answer!

PS Rory - what does "It's not really true" imply??

(no I don't really want to know, it just made me laugh)
I wouldn't know anything about one night stands. I've never had one (giving or receiving). It's not the kind of thing that would interest me anyway.

I can only say, speaking from personal bitter experience, that almost all of the women I've had any kind of involvement with - personally or professionally - have proved to be anything but trustworthy. I suppose most women would say that about most men and some might even say it about me so as far as I'm concerned women aren't worth bothering too much about, but I can understand that most blokes find it difficult to get by without some kind of involvement.

I'm probably just well past-it.
I've only tried a couple of one night stands and they went something like:

Me: "Was that it? ... what time are you going? ... what, you want feeding as well?"

Really not worth the risk or the bother.
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I'm currently dealing with yet another clinger.

What you need is some of those wet medicated bog papers or perhaps a pair of scissors. Failing that.. a wire brush and dettol

Be careful though...
I think one night stands are unnatural and the following sentence;

So a good shag is obviously going to be much in demand.

one of the most soul-less observations that I have ever read.
I wouldn't know anything about one night stands. I've never had one (giving or receiving)

Didn't quite catch that last bit.. :blink:

I can only say, speaking from personal bitter experience, that almost all of the women I've had any kind of involvement with - personally or professionally - have proved to be anything but trustworthy.

Preachin' to the choir... :D
Always a bit suprised that the "nostringssex" (NSS) doesnt appeal to as many guys as is often imagined. Nothing wrong with that i suppose

Quite a decent thing to admit Desert O. One other trusim..those that claim they are at it with all and sundry all the time...are actually spending evenings watching Ben Dover videos.

Those that do like a nice round of shags...tend to say very little indeed
Elements of this thread remind me of when myself and the lovely Mrs Grass first started courting. My mother asked;

"Are you sleeping together?"........

......to which I replied;

"Good God, no..............who could sleep with all that shagging going on".

No EC..... which is your fav?

Grass...too much detail.....your mum was probably as nauseous as im feeling now
I don't think one night stands are natural either An C, just for the record, and certainly not desirable!

But those who didn't have the fortune to meet an enduring Mr Right - or Miss Right as the case may be - when in our youth, either live a life of celibacy or have to survive life as a 'single', which is not easy in any respect; and may require a good deal of juggling of priorities, possibilities and so forth (which is how the thread started). It doesn't pay in that situation to be too po-faced about it all. A sense of humour is a very necessary survival technique, in my experience...

Those who have long been happily or at least satisfactorily married can count themselves very lucky in life; they don't know the half of it!

And since the good men almost all get married young, and affairs with someone married are even less desirable than one night stands.... well, you get my drift.
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