Word Advice Required

Originally posted by Warbler@Dec 22 2006, 03:16 PM
Send for Betsmate!!!
He would have been no use. He has been inebriated for days. :P

It certainly sounds as though your friend is pressing return (inserting a paragraph mark) to move down to the next line - as you would on a typewriter - rather than simply allowing Word to wrap the text between the margins.

If he has a legitimate reason for wanting to do this (i.e. perhaps leaving a space on the page) then the only options are to do as AliGupter says and turn off Auto-capitalisation or to draw an object on the page that the text could then wrap around.
If you press SHIFT+ENTER instead of just ENTER, you get a line break instead of a paragraph break. I don't think Word auto-corrects the first capital on line breaks.