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Worst Film You Have Ever Seen?

Hitman's Run.

"Quick, we need need to break in through this window"

"Here, use this" - passes crowbar that "just happened" to be on the pavement in front of said window.

When tailing a car: "Oh no, I've lost him"

"No look there he is" - points to car directly in front that has never left the shot.

Classicly bad.
Most overrated. try reading what i said

It is a laughably hyped piece of rubbish i felt

Interestingly when i saw it (opening night) about a quater of the audidence walked out (i left fully bored about 10 minutes from the end).

Went to work on the monday and was asked what it was like. when i said i didnt rate it i was vehemently told i was wrong by....someone who hadnt seen it

It has its moments but the childish violence, overlong scenes, lack of empathy with any character, drab dialogue and empty plot left me cold
Clive X, old bean. I can't help but notice your continued plea that people should read the postings. Now I am willing to admit that I am a scanner and sometimes miss the point - but surely else everbody can't be wrong.

Would it be remiss of me to suggest that you may be, how should I put this, absolutely shite at communicating?. Just a thought.

ps..are you any relation to Malcolm X?
I liked Charlotte Gray too.

Worst film I ever saw was a recent one whos name escapes me but starred Nicole Kidman stuck on a boat.
Naming the worst film of all time is a bit difficult because quite frankly, there are thousands that are instantly forgettable

So i just amended imy reply to the most "overrated". Take it or leave. Im sorry if that was hard to understand

I would suggest that that would be a more accurate description of the nature of the thread given that there are surely far worse films that have been produced than Ghost and lord of the rings (i thought Ghost was pretty nicely done myself)
Velvet Goldmine was possibly about as bad a film as I have paid to see

World trade centre was hugely disappointing of recent efforts

Three films to highly recommend from this year

Capote - gripping and fascinating. Hard to imagine it could have been better produced


36 - wonderful twisting and turning french cop thriller
Seabiscuit, i watched this with Jinnyj and a couple of others. The most absolute unrealistic film ive ever seen.

Gary Stevens should have been done for non trying in the last race on there, as if you would take a pull to join the horse that is a furlong behind! :lol:
Dungeons and dragons, Jeremy Irons played the villain but the best they could do for a hero was the kid who played Jimmy in the New Adventures of Superman. Absolutely atrocious effects, story and acting, the last scene is a complete steal of the Darth Vader/Luke Skywalker storyline from Empire Strikes Back
A few years ago I was made to see a film called something like "my great big Greek wedding", it was an American "comedy", set in Chicago I think. Anyway, I kept falling asleep and the bits I did see were dire.
I'm not allowed watch Seabiscuit anymore after how angry I got 1st time I saw it,I kept shouting at tv over racing scenes.
In USA people told me they thought Pride and Prejudice was crap after seeing movie so I rented BBC version and they loved it.
Also saw Beerfest,because a friend insisted it was funny,most stereotypical,stupid crap I've ever seen.Don't ever watch it.See Talladega Nights instead,millio times funnier