Worst Sunday Of The Year?


At the Start
May 2, 2003
Thank God for the Ryder Cup and Davis Cup tennis today....3 meetings in the UK are of no interest to me and no Irish racing today. Worst "weekend day" racing of the year!
I don't even look at Sunday racing these days. My brother was surprised I couldn't give him an opinion on the Vermeille last week as I didn't even know it was on.

In an ideal world, Sunday would host the biggest races of the week. Instead, in the UK, it hosts the biggest non-triers conventions of the week.
I had a quick look at the plumpton card, the could be some decent ones hiding in there.

The All Ireland final is on too.
Thank God for the Ryder Cup and Davis Cup tennis today....3 meetings in the UK are of no interest to me and no Irish racing today. Worst "weekend day" racing of the year!

Jaysus, Gal. Are you Irish atall atall. What about Croker?
QEII, Fillies Mile, Royal Lodge, Beresford Stakes, Goffs Millions all next weekend....followed by a little meeting in France the following weekend....this weekend will soon be forgotten!!!