Yacht for the Queen

Desperate Dan

Senior Jockey
May 2, 2003
Would other forum members agree with me in congratulating Michael Gove on his splendid idea of the Nation buying Her Majesty a new Royal Yacht to celebrate her Diamond Jubilee?

Isn`t it so re-assuring to know our political leaders are so in tune with the feelings of the Nation? Truly, we are all in this together.
So austerity is driving us into a downward economic spiral, but investment (presumably it will need labour to build this thing, shipbuilder pays tax, upskilling, repeat orders for the "Queen's shipbuilder" etc.) is bad too.

I predict that this will turn in to an anti-monarchy-brigade-passing-grievance-off-as-economic-concern hypefest.
Although this would be a form of economic stimulus, classical economic theory suggests it is more likely to be worth it if the money is built on something that is useful, such as a road, or a war.

I am not sure that building a yacht ticks all the boxes.
I'm all for it if it's going to be plied for hire to the hoi polloi (or even the riff-raff) - trips round Blighty, £5,000 per person per week; trips to see Prince Pip's homeland, £2,500, etc. - all profits after costs into the RNLI, hospices, kids' playgrounds, etc., etc., and all those worthy causes of which Her Madge is so often the patron.

Otherwise, we culled one yacht to save on unnecessary expenses to the nation. The idea that we re-create another at this particular time is worthy of a Monty Python sketch.
She'll be dead by the time it's finished, if it gets started in the first place, so there's no point even discussing it.
Solved that one - next!
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:lol: That's probably right - by the time the workers have struck at least five times for this or that, worked strictly to non-shifts, had their mandatory tea and lunch breaks... hey! North Korea! How about extending the hand of friendship and building a nice boat for our Queenie? Done and gift-wrapped in six months!
If we did get her a yacht do you honestly think we'd give the work to British workers? [think Bombardier......]. Anyway, isn't Britannia still in existence somewhere, as a tearoom or something? We could always get it back. She was dead upset when it went, wiping away a tear if I remember right...
If we did get her a yacht do you honestly think we'd give the work to British workers? [think Bombardier......]. Anyway, isn't Britannia still in existence somewhere, as a tearoom or something? We could always get it back. She was dead upset when it went, wiping away a tear if I remember right...

Moored at Leith in Scotland
There you go; she could just go and sit in it and pretend she's going somewhere. My old dog used to do that....