Know what you mean about the medical staff Luke; when my daughter had my first grandson I thankfully arrived at the hospital after the crash team had done their bit [but not long after]. She said she wasn't too worried because a couple of the guys with various bits of equipment were just stood in a corner yawning; we were then told that they were trained to look unconcerned. As for Pigeon Island, I wasn't on him that day, but I've been backing him ever since [sob]. This year has been a strange one, with jobs being somewhat precarious, and household bills going up on a daily basis. The nostalgiafest that has been Christmas has, I hope, paved the way to people moving from the materialistic world that Thatcher created. We're all trying to not waste food, use less petrol, grow our own veggies etc. In general, try to appreciate things around us a bit more. My highlight of 2010 is probably Chief Dan George winning at Cheltenham; a horse I've loved throughout his career, and to be there to witness his finest [to date] hour was wonderful. And backing Jaqueline Quest for the 1000gns, and then realising WH's pay first past the post [phew]. On a non racing front, the Chilean miners being saved. We forget these days how many people still risk their lives on a daily basis.