Your 2016

I got to Italy on a 15-day coach tour. Most of it was very enjoyable but Naples is an absolute pit. It’s a bit like 1950s Gorbals allowed to go to pot. Still, one of the other folk on the tour was a charming Belfast woman who agreed that I looked like Robert Redford. I’m still not sure how they allowed her on the tour without her guide dog.

The tour of Italia was ace
It's mostly a beautiful place
But Naples's the pits
It got right on my tits
The place is a fvckin disgrace.

One of the group was from Derry
Nice looking and far from a hairy
"You're Bob Redford's double!
You can get me in trouble..."
Well seen she'd long lost her cherry.
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The tour was a consolation for not getting to do Route 66 for my landmark birthday the previous year but since the good Lady O reaches the same landmark birthday this spring she’s talking about our going there before the summer.

Route 66 has been on my Bucket
List, since my job I decided to chuck it.
From Chicago to LA
Across the States' belly
Stopping everywhere bar in Nantucket.

(See? I resisted!)
it was a fine year professionally, not great but fine.

Personally, 7th year married, not easy to educate my daughters,but my wife gives me plenty of time for my hobby....

Health, Collesterol high and needs to start jogging again

Punting, first year on negative in a long time, still dont believe wtf happened in chantilly with that japannese horse.

It wasnt a vintage year of horse racing with no champions in action.

Politically, Brexit was a big negative, but
2016 was a good year for the world, every year with one less Castro is a good one.
Obama leaving the white house is a big bonus for the world too, Trump has an impossible to task in doing it worse than his precessor.
I guess professionally I feel I'm getting better at presenting when doing my radio shows,

What radio show is that Marble and can I find it online?

Being amongst the luckiest few in the world, 2016 was as easy and comfortable personally as most of my previous years revelling in this unique opportunity to savour Eden. Other than a Nuclear War, whatever happens 'elsewhere' will have no bearing on my own quality of life, save perhaps for diminishing the list of safe holiday destinations: poor poor me

Should I feel guilty?
Nothing wrong with being 50, Euro! Just hit it personally and I look fabulous! 

If you've hit 50 Jinny, you should have pointed out to that idiot's mrs that you would probably give him a heart attack if having an affair!!
I met you the day in the car park of the TH meet up on the Saturday of the Cheltenham November meeting Jinny, and I'm surprised you're 50!

I also met you the same day DO. I think it was the day you and I sat in the stands together and Lingo won the big hurdle?
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I tend not to think backwards, only forwards, but having read this thread, it's made me realise how much time I spend 'doing' rather than 'thinking', as my immediate reaction was I'm not really sure how my 2016 went!

I changed jobs this year. I'd worked in a senior position for a large company for some considerable time, and as many of you know the job took me over to Australia for five years where I set up and ran what became the largest renewable energy business over there. I came back to the UK at the end of 2014 (my decision), and found it very difficult to adjust back, not least because the UK business I came back to had gone south in terms of the way it was operating. Some poor decisions had been made, and some of the people I'd worked alongside were proving to be 'fair weather' execs and couldn't see the wood for the trees. Anyway, long story short, I hit the point where I was so frustrated it was time to move on, which I did in March this year. It was a difficult decision because I was working with people who I regard as friends, and in a couple of cases close friends.

I was very specific in terms of what I was looking for, and I joined an already successful business that was finding growth becoming limited within its current framework. They needed new thinking and specifically someone who specialised in growth strategy. They were also looking for someone who would seamlessly fit into their culture, and similarly I was looking for a company with a culture where the majority of people give a damn. It's a Board position with full influence over the direction of the business and you would think an excellent fit. However for most of the year it's been like pulling teeth, and there has been resistance to change from the very top, the people who hired me precisely for this reason. On the plus side the senior management team and their own teams have been quite the opposite. The blockage has only been from the very people who hired me specifically for the task. I found myself through the middle of the year becoming increasingly frustrated. After a combination of implementing some things that 'should' have required board approval, and tackling it head on with them, almost to the point of full on confrontation, things seem to be moving along now and I ended 2017 feeling far more positive. The business already has an order book larger for 2017 than it had at the same point in 2016, and I expect growth for the year to be somewhere in the region of 20%, which is way beyond expectations coming into the job. For them and for me. The battle will continue though as the a business needs to properly supports that growth, with the right expertise in the right places, at the right time. Reputation is a wonderful thing. It's hard to build, but can be blown in a heartbeat, and if we are to sustain growth we've got to be excellent at every aspect of what we do. Fighting battles over these kinds of things just shouldn't be necessary. Anyway, I suspect 2017 will continue to get better workwise, and I'm looking forward to the challenge.

On a personal level, 2016 had a couple of specific lows which I won't share on here. What I will share though is through the back end of 2015 and the first part of 2016 our family could have played their own version of the TH Deadpool thread. Relatives were keeling over with regularity. I also lost a couple of close friends this year, one of whom is my best friend, and it's been tough to take. Life really hasn't been the same since. My own parents are also in poor health and have become increasingly dependent on me, which I'm sure is far more frustrating for them than it is me. The truth is by mid-year I could have genuinely started to feel very sorry for myself, but it's only writing this that has made me realise that. I tend to take things as they come and look forward rather than backward as I said earlier.

There were plenty of bright spots too of course, mostly general day to day stuff because I'm lucky to have such great friends and family. And I've got four succesful (adult) kids who I'm immensely proud of, and I'm lucky to remain very close to. Having lost several close relatives and a couple of friends in such a short space of time, I've learnt not to take friends and family for granted in the way we all do, and I've made much more of an effort to catch up with them more regularly despite what can be a busy life at times, and my life has been all the better for it.

What I haven't done much of this year are things for 'me' though, and I became conscious of it over Christmas when my entire break was dictated by everyone else. Looking back over the year I had four days at the Festival, and only managed one day at the Paddy Power meeting (or whatever it was called this year), and literally nothing else in the entire year. Only five racing days, and outside of racing I literally can't think of anything else. I intend to do better this year. More racing definitely, and an attempt to get an extra weekend away here and there at the very least. It might sound a bit selfish, and I'm sure there are plenty of people who get less or don't have the opportunity, but I do have the opportunity and through the busyness of my work life I've become very unplanned and last minute in my personal life. I'm basically at the point where I'm told where I'm going and what I'm doing, because otherwise I'd be sat at my desk at home working all weekend.

I've gone into this year in a pretty positive frame of mind though. Work is starting to feel good, and right now it seems the others are now coming along for the journey. I've got a couple of nice holidays to the Emirates booked, the first in February to Ajman (small Emirate two along from Dubai and next to Sharjah) and I'll include a trip to Meydan for one of the World Cup lead-up meetings. One of my daughters is getting married in Florence to the right guy and we're having a week over there in May. She's the first one to take the plunge and I'm hoping the others spread similar anouncements out because it's a dear old do and I don't fancy forking out another three times in the immediate future! And of course smack bang in the middle of those holidays are the four most important days of the year at certain place in March, although I wouldn't dare say that to my wife and daughter!

On the punting front 2016 was pretty good overall. I tend to spend some time over Christmas analysing what I did well, and where I made bad decisions. I trade most markets that have decent liquidity, and this has continued to be nicely profitable. On a punting front, single bets haven't been profitable overall though. Jan to Mar was excellent, Apr to Oct wasn't, and Nov and Dec were really good again. I've said to myself previously to stop after the Festival and to restrict my serious punting to Nov-Mar, but that was some time ago and looking back through my records has been the perfect wake up call. What tends to happen is I can't resist Aintree and Punchestown, and both have been terrible for me over the years. So this year I'll stick to small stakes for interest, with no expectations, but also no real dent in the bank. I also can't help getting involved on the flat and it's about time I realised that I just don't have anywhere near the knowledge that I do over the sticks. Essentially if I'd stuck to the Nov-Mar principle single bets would have been easily profitable. 'I will not back on the flat', I will not back on the flat, I will not back on the flat'! What has worked for me well however are multiples. Doubles, trebles and accumulators. I've posted on the subject a couple of times this year, and for any of you with any skill at the game I'd really encourage you to start thinking about how you make your bets. I've had one of my best years ever with multiples, and that's because I've been pretty disciplined and stuck to the races I'm good at, and I've not been trying to search out the extra leg to pump it up. My staking plan is simple. I have a target amount I want to win and I stake accordingly, generally in amounts ranging from £10 to £100. I landed three big bets over the Christmas period, and was beaten a fast finishing half length for one very significant payout on a four timer and 4 trebles. I still pulled over £1000 on one of the trebles, but given the payout on the acca stupidly it still felt like a loser! I don't make the bets for the sake of it, and I've been reasonably smart about what I've put in multiples. I expect losing streaks, and only stake what I'm comfortable with. The net result has been a better strike rate with my multiples than any year since I started betting. Just as well really because when you have daughters that get married, take it from me, the wedding planner does everything she can to wipe out your betting bank! :lol:
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I met you the day in the car park of the TH meet up on the Saturday of the Cheltenham November meeting Jinny, and I'm surprised you're 50!

I also met you the same day DO. I think it was the day you and I sat in the stands together and Lingo won the big hurdle?

There was more than one weekend, though, Maruco. We definitely met the weekend Lingo won the Greatwood. I'm not sure it was me with you in the stands that day, though. But to be fair I'm not sure about much that weekend.

Was that the only time there was a car-park-eat-and-drink meeting?

I was at the Open meeting twice, certainly, and maybe a third time. I'd need to check back through the results to remind myself.

The first time was Rooster Booster's Greatwood and then there was Lingo's but I'm not sure if that was a year or two later or if there was one in between and if so whether I was there.

Edit - just checked.

RB was 2002, Lingo was 2005.

I'll need to check the Mackeson results to see if I remember whether I was there!

By the way, I also met jinnyj at Newbury for one of the Hennessy Meetings (Celestial Gold's?) and recall the generosity of SteveM in the champagne bar.

Edit again:

Definitely there 2002-2005 inc.

Mackeson winners

2002 - Cyfor Malta
2003 - Fondmort
2004 - Celestial Gold
2005 - Our Vic

I think I may have given up after that as the costs became prohibitive. I might try and go back next year but you definitely see much more of the racing on TV.
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Had a TH meet up in the car park once with Diver (remember him?) Relkeel, Son Of Relkeel, Irish Saint, BrianH and one or two others but I don't recall DO or Maruco being there. Can you remember the others Martin ?

Have met quite a few others elsewhere at different times on various racecourses including Kathy, Diminuendo,Midnight Court, GG, jinnyj,Rory, Roddy, Arkwright, Colin Phillips,Merlin The Magician, the late The Cardiffian,Ted and most of the old FF crowd, and a few of the TRF gang too
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Had a TH meet up in the car park once with Diver (remember him?) Relkeel, Son Of Relkeel, Irish Saint, BrianH and one or two others but I don't recall DO or Maruco being there. Can you remember the others Martin ?

They were all there that day Roger. In fact it was champagne out of the back of Diver's boot. DO was definitely there as I walked into the course with him. We must have met that day without realising who each other were. Anyway, I was quite late there because I was in the wrong car park because I thought you were all in the car park outside where the main entrance is now near the offices and the Gold Cup restaurant. There's some names to remember there. I wonder where the absent members from that day are now and if they're still involved in some way?

I remember you were all over Lingo that day DO. Couldn't have it beat. You may recall I backed Tramantano each way and we had the exacta between us but no money on? It paid something like £400.
I remember you were all over Lingo that day DO. Couldn't have it beat. You may recall I backed Tramantano each way and we had the exacta between us but no money on? It paid something like £400.

Aftertiming on my behalf, Maruco... cheers :)

Yes, the forecast thing does ring a bell.
Funny year for me. It started in January with a punch-up with my brother in his house. I had decided to quit smoking (again) at the turn of the year and was round his gaff shortly after the start of the year. He had United on against Southampton I think. I was basically bored out of my mind and was slagging the club and the whole sort off. Just isn't the same as when I was a lad going on the Stretty most weeks etc etc. This pissed younger brother off mightily and fisticuffs happened. Very silly and my fault for sure. I think he's miffed that I gave up my love for club and game for horses running about a bit.

Punting wise I'm gonna say bang average despite a healthy ish profit. I did fine on the flat but a good year on the Group races was hampered by a bad year on the handicaps. Gonna have to adjust the way I pick my trackers out. The jumps have been hard, a lot of fallers and horses not winning when they should (see what are you backing today thread) I suppose that's better than them finishing nowhere though.

Workwise I was very unhappy until the summer. I work in an office 9-6 Mon-Fri with one Sat in four included. Was overworked I felt but was offered every Sat with Mon off and took it, basically because the Sat is only a half day. Genius move that's made all the difference. It feels like I get a long weekend every week. And of course the lack of customer facing is a massive bonus compared to my Railway days. That said someone did come in for a parcel just before Xmas and wasn't impressed with my CS "skills" and wrote into complain. I left him to it once I'd wheeled his goods into the Warehouse yard rather than help him carry them to his vehicle. Bright side though (apart from not giving a ****) is he described me as bald, late 30s/early 40s! Bonus - I'm 50 in May.

Speaking of that milestone, off to New York with the brother I thumped at Easter to celebrate (with parents and his new wife in tow) cannot wait. Hoping Aqueduct or Belmont have a meeting although I doubt he'd be involved. The Yankees are at home so that's a certainty.

Scrapping with the brother pissed on Xmas Day, and knocking 50.

You are an inspiration, Euro! :lol:
Funny year for me. It started in January with a punch-up with my brother in his house. I had decided to quit smoking (again) at the turn of the year and was round his gaff shortly after the start of the year. He had United on against Southampton I think. I was basically bored out of my mind and was slagging the club and the whole sort off. Just isn't the same as when I was a lad going on the Stretty most weeks etc etc. This pissed younger brother off mightily and fisticuffs happened. Very silly and my fault for sure. I think he's miffed that I gave up my love for club and game for horses running about a bit.

Punting wise I'm gonna say bang average despite a healthy ish profit. I did fine on the flat but a good year on the Group races was hampered by a bad year on the handicaps. Gonna have to adjust the way I pick my trackers out. The jumps have been hard, a lot of fallers and horses not winning when they should (see what are you backing today thread) I suppose that's better than them finishing nowhere though.

Workwise I was very unhappy until the summer. I work in an office 9-6 Mon-Fri with one Sat in four included. Was overworked I felt but was offered every Sat with Mon off and took it, basically because the Sat is only a half day. Genius move that's made all the difference. It feels like I get a long weekend every week. And of course the lack of customer facing is a massive bonus compared to my Railway days. That said someone did come in for a parcel just before Xmas and wasn't impressed with my CS "skills" and wrote into complain. I left him to it once I'd wheeled his goods into the Warehouse yard rather than help him carry them to his vehicle. Bright side though (apart from not giving a ****) is he described me as bald, late 30s/early 40s! Bonus - I'm 50 in May.

Speaking of that milestone, off to New York with the brother I thumped at Easter to celebrate (with parents and his new wife in tow) cannot wait. Hoping Aqueduct or Belmont have a meeting although I doubt he'd be involved. The Yankees are at home so that's a certainty.

Scrapping with the brother pissed on New Year's Day, and knocking 50.

You are an inspiration, Euro! :lol:
We should do a 'car parker' on one of the Festival days this year. Anybody know how to logistically put this together?
I'd say there would be at least 20-30 of us on here at the Festival, so now Colm's suggested it we should make a point of getting ourselves organised.

If we do organise a meet up I can do We'd, Thu, and Fri. I'm hosting hospitality on the first day and need to be in the racecourse first thing. Gold Cup day is too manic, and I happen to know there's a few others here that have hospitality themselves on Thursday, so can I suggest we aim for Champion Chase day on Wednesday.

The first thing we need is a member who parks at the course so we've got somewhere to meet before racing. Any volunteers?