Your Top Films List ?

Quite embarrassed to say I have not seen The Long Goodbye; surprised with myself as I do like film noir style films -- Double Indemnity, The Big Sleep, etc etc.
Will grab it from Popcorntime later this evening and watch it asap.
Midnight Express is/was a film I was really taken with, the guy gets caught with drugs in Turkey and his life changes bigtime.

Seemed quite an authentic film and I just haven't seen any other films to hit me like that, though I'm sure they've been made.
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Caligula! fcking hell. The only good bit is the orgy

for my money the departed is the most overrated and possibly just about the worst of his recent very mixed bunch of films. The endless ending was so ridiculous that only laughing stopped me walking out. Have to say I really disliked the film
Caligula! fcking hell. The only good bit is the orgy

for my money the departed is the most overrated and possibly just about the worst of his recent very mixed bunch of films. The endless ending was so ridiculous that only laughing stopped me walking out. Have to say I really disliked the film

Fully agree on this.

I have a lingering affection for the Long Good Friday - anybody think it has stood the test of time?
Oh yes. I haven't seennit for a while but it would never strike me as being dated in any way. Strength of performances alone would ensure that .a great film in every way

remarkanle history . When it was made they could not find anyone to releases it, such was the mess that was British film industry and cinemas at the time. It literally sat in the shelf for ages. I recall the hullabaloo and went to see it day of release.

The the long good Friday is being shown for a few weeks at the BFT this month and next. A restored print no less.

I suspect that will lead to limited release