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Some excellent work…

I don't see the point of the ignore button given that if you aren't logged in you can see everything anyway, it's not like another horse racing forum where only certain parts are publicly viewable and even when logged in parts of the forum are only viewable etc by invitation only once people see you don't just drivel sh&te.
I've been giving this matter some further (tongue-in-cheek) thought and I've decided the punishment should fit the crime.

I think the fella should instead serve six months community service in the kitchens cooking my Saturday chinese takeaway while Daniel, who I am reliably informed finished stone last in a racial discrimination awareness contest recently, should have to deliver said meal to my home by scooter every time it's raining at Saturday lunchtime.

Next case!
Have to say I completely disagree Len and believe me defending Tanlic is not a hill I'd choose to die on. The person who first called it out I'm not familiar with but has managed a dozen posts on the forum in years of being a member as if literally just waiting in the wings to be offended. The word he used was for me non offensive and is a term nearly everyone I know from all walks of life uses when they order a Chinese meal even though when addressing a Chinese person would give them the same respects as they would anyone else. I just randomly asked a few guys at work to see if i was losing the plot they all agreed it wasnt in anyway offensive. He is talking about the food not the people. You've got him on ignore Ian which to me is the best policy if you don't like reading someone's content.

The new mod comes on and bans him so I'm taking someone has reported him which for me is very sad. Tanlic has been a big contributor to horse racing forums for a long time whether you like him or not, agree or disagree with everything he says. At the end of the day the guys an old fella out in Thailand and obviously talking horses is a big part of his life and to take it away over something so trivial for me it just stinks.

The new mod has done a fantastic job with the forum. However a couple of times people have requested that we get something sorted with the separation of the general chat and the horse racing threads properly so that people who genuinely come on a horse racing forum for horse racing can actually see what they came for on latest threads. That hasn't been done which is fair enough if a mod hadn't had time but it would've been a better use of time than throwing the book at Tanlic.

I took Euros side when he dropped another sort of c-bomb the other week and jinny had took offence as I think he has the right to use it where he sees fit and again people who are offended by it can ignore. Personally though I took it on board as it's a word I might drop in from time to time because I just think that sometimes it's the best descriptive that someone could apply to a person or bunch of people. I've purposely tried to change my wording when i post on here because I know it offends somebody but I don't have to, that's my choice as to whether I tone myself down or not.

It's all just very sad to me and I hope Tanlic returns after the ban. As I still have plenty to argue with him about.
What the mod can't seem to take on board is that the current front page - unlike any other I've experienced - doesn't make a distinction between horse racing and non-racing content;the result being that clicking on a thread title often leads up a path you've no wish to travel.
I'm no techy,but I can't see any reason it can't be fixed?
What the mod can't seem to take on board is that the current front page - unlike any other I've experienced - doesn't make a distinction between horse racing and non-racing content;the result being that clicking on a thread title often leads up a path you've no wish to travel.
I'm no techy,but I can't see any reason it can't be fixed?
Indeed its a horse racing forum not a drivelly spam forum
I wouldn't self-flagellate too sternly, (Maurice, et al) over terms used in the distant past. Societal norms develop over time and the wise and just change with them. It wasn't too long ago that 'Love Thy Neighbour' and 'Till Death do us Part' were prime time viewing and normalised the abhorrent linguistic terms that were written into every script.

Like most people on here I've crossed swords with the man on the naughty step. I enjoy his passion, hate his communication methods. I didn't see the offending post, but reading between the lines it worries me that he would use that language while making his home in a populous Asian city.
I still haven’t got over the shock of someone in my dog walking group describing a paramedic that saved his life as a ‘darkie’. I didn’t say anything at the time but other things that he did got to me over time (eg his revenance for Enoch Powell )and eventually I had an online spat with him. It resulted in me and my dog being thrown out of the group….
I still haven’t got over the shock of someone in my dog walking group describing a paramedic that saved his life as a ‘darkie’. I didn’t say anything at the time but other things that he did got to me over time (eg his revenance for Enoch Powell )and eventually I had an online spat with him. It resulted in me and my dog being thrown out of the group….
You stuck to your guns, Moe - well done.
I started a new job a couple of years ago and was fairly shocked to hear an Asian chap referred to as "kunta kinte".

This was just a couple of years ago - hard to believe that such views still exist.
You stuck to your guns, Moe - well done.
Thankfully we’re now in a splinter group that had been thrown out of the original group for another reason! I felt sorry for my dog; I don’t mind being a billynomates ( story of my life) but it didn’t seem fair on her. What I don’t understand about people that casually throw around racist comments is that they seem to assume that everyone around them agrees with them. And people like me don’t confront them because we tend, in general, to avoid confrontation.
Wonder how many of those calling a nember who's chosen to live in Asia a racist can be numbered amongst those complaining about immigration into our own country??
Wonder how many of those calling a nember who's chosen to live in Asia a racist can be numbered amongst those complaining about immigration into our own country??
“Who’s chosen to live in Asia… and has still chosen to use the word ‘Chinky’”.

Yes, the mind boggles.
Thankfully we’re now in a splinter group that had been thrown out of the original group for another reason! I felt sorry for my dog; I don’t mind being a billynomates ( story of my life) but it didn’t seem fair on her. What I don’t understand about people that casually throw around racist comments is that they seem to assume that everyone around them agrees with them. And people like me don’t confront them because we tend, in general, to avoid confrontation.
It’s true that in real life people with those views are not confronted enough. That’s why the internet was invented, though: you don’t get away with that shit on the internet.

Every day is a school day on the internet. People won’t readily admit on here, but I’d say there will be few contributors who will be reappraising their use of language, after Tanlic’s outburst yesterday.
I've certainly found it quite illuminating reading some of the reaction on here - means my Ignore list has now hit double figures! 😂

Looks to the casual observer like there's a few fellow white males, still clinging to awful 1970s values, who think this is a non issue - well, there's a surprise.

But no more of a surprise than some berating the architect of this brilliant functionality forum for their own inability to read post and thread labels and realise certain posts and threads are located in Chit Chat and not in the main racing section. 😂
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