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  1. Isinglass

    Life sucks ...

    Funny you say that because although George was a stray and pretty wild when Alan first began feeding him his vet in the UK said he looked like a Turkish Van too. Who knows, he could have been an abandoned cat I guess. He was stunning looking. Kri, funny how your cats took to hunting late in...
  2. Isinglass

    Life sucks ...

    Oops, Kri, forgot to say .... one of my old Bosses at work brought back a feral from Saudi when he lived out there, cost a fortune but he could not stand to leave him behind. George was a stunner, white with ginger long fur round his neck like a lion. He was very thin, even after feeding up. He...
  3. Isinglass

    Life sucks ...

    Moe, I cannot think what good an aspirin would do either. I don't know about dogs but they kill cats, very bad for them. A vet will usually give you pills if the dog is really bad. I don't recommend giving anything to cats, drugs react badly with them. I use herbs, or Feliway spray. Even catnip...
  4. Isinglass

    Life sucks ...

    Imagine - so sorry about the loss of your old cat. But as said, at least you found him and he ended in a warm safe place, not all alone and cold and hurt. When cats fall they often break the roof of their mouths, it has happened to those falling out of windows. Hard to understand what...
  5. Isinglass

    Today's Fancy

    yeah, sheeessssh, me too. :mad: (Not with you! With me) :lol:
  6. Isinglass

    Road To The Champion Hurdle

    Great viewing! Menorah stunning I think.
  7. Isinglass

    Online banking: any good?

    My family are all with First Direct. We find them quick, easy and helpful. Not exactly getting rich off their intrest for savers, but about average with all the other banks. They give a good overdraft, and have 'one' accounts where if you have a mortgage or a loan with them they do the interest...
  8. Isinglass

    Our Pets

    Oh, Jess is so pretty, hope she is better now. And the lab is adorable, I love them. My cats do not agree though. I need to figure out how to post piccies here .....
  9. Isinglass

    Life sucks ...

    Helen, really hope both your dog and car are okay now. I had a cat who was wheezing like that once, turned out it was an allergy to some spray a neighbour was putting on plants that cats ate. They weed killed right next to long grass, and cats eat long grass. Kri, you are right, a dying cat...
  10. Isinglass

    Paddy Mullins

    Yes, thank you for posting this link, really enjoyed it. What is from? Are there other articles? I knew little about Paddy in the early days but followed his later horses. A legend and one that leaves behind a deep legacy. Sounds like he led a grand life, and for sure made a great age.
  11. Isinglass

    Life sucks ...

    Oh, good luck Helen. It was a puncture wound that made our Minnie cat's leg blow up. Hopefully you caught it in time, we did not notice until she was quite bad. Hmmm ... porridge instead of liver? Ours like cereal too, but liver is fav!
  12. Isinglass

    Things I like ...

    You are right, the light in Autumn on clear cold mornings is other worldly. Really lovely. Our wild stripet guy likes to star gaze, he was out most of the night for the full moon. Came in with his under carriage all wet really funny. Unfortunately he did a bit of hunting too and is eating all...
  13. Isinglass

    Departures 2010

    Awful news, really sorry for all connections. God knows it is so rare to find a horse of such promise .... all the dreams and hard work. And then to lose one having found him.
  14. Isinglass

    Life sucks ...

    Same problem here, I have two middle aged delicate cats who can't keep weight on and one young one who eats for all of them and takes no exercise as prefers to sit on laps purring. Because the two ferals gave the kitten cat flu when she was only 12 weeks we nearly lost her. In order to be...
  15. Isinglass

    Old Roan Chase

    Lovely to watch him, just a joy. Clearly enjoys racing and jumping. Has a low head carriage and just kind of bowls along. Must be such a pleasure to ride. :<3:
  16. Isinglass

    Life sucks ...

    Oh of course it was at dinnertime, you know cats have superb timing! :lol: Cats do not really get colds, they have sinus infections, and cat flu which acts like a cold. I really hope Dougal is okay, does not sound good. Our grey stripey guy always has a bit of a sinus problem due to having had...
  17. Isinglass

    Things I like ...

    Oh geez me too! I've been told I have two great choices in life. Either have another really awful, painful, crappy operation to keep a liver duct clear, or lose a stone which will help the liver be less fatty. The op has a low success rate and often has to be repeated, doc is quite keen, sadist...
  18. Isinglass

    Life sucks ...

    Aloe sounds great to help the skin, and the fur, I must get some. I should drink it too, I used to and it was brilliant for keeping the digestion sound. Like most things I start I just forgot about it ..... Your culinary efforts for the cats must really be applauded! My other half used to...
  19. Isinglass

    Champion Stakes

    Really pleased for Twice Over and great for Cecil to win the last Champion Stakes run at Newmarket too.
  20. Isinglass

    Departures 2010

    Gutted about Acey, he was a gorgeous horse and his new connections were so thrilled about having him. We were stood by them and everyone was in tears. He was never jumping well at all, seemed unable to get into any kind of rhythm and things got worse .... and worse. Awful. Did not know about...