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  1. Isinglass

    Bloodstock News 2010

    Yes, well done Songsheet, decent result! Just got around to catching up on what happened at the sales. The two I was associated with did not sell, one withdrawn and the other, a Barathea, bought back. Arghhhh. Depressing as hell, would not be so bad if we had enough money to get them trained...
  2. Isinglass

    Life sucks ...

    I had nooooo idea! :lol: Our black cat is still limping, but better after antibiotics and anti inflammatory. The vet gave her a shot of antibiotic that lasts for 14 days, I'd never heard of this before. Still no idea who bit her, but could be that bad tom cat who was hanging about. Or, I saw...
  3. Isinglass

    Departures 2010

    So sad about Safin, what an awful thing to happen to Sue, and of course to the horse. Life is truly a bitch sometimes. :(
  4. Isinglass

    Moscow Flyer

    Thanks for sharing these photos. Does bring back wonderful memories of what was a grand era of 2 mile chasers. He was not even my favourite at the time, but loved him madly, and admit it was a very emotional day at Cheltenham when he fell and got retired. So glad he has a nice retirement, and...
  5. Isinglass

    ZENYATTA - 15 not out!

    Indeed, two amazons. How fabulous it must be to own one like this. Such a pleasure to see them both racing and proving females can be tough too and take their racing well. :<3:
  6. Isinglass

    Arc 2010

    Did not have a penny on him but still cheered him home past the ones I backed. I'm glad to have seen the real Workforce turn up again, and how nice for Sir Michael to win the race. Finally we see a Derby winner do something else great ..... :) Fingers crossed we get to see mroe of him next...
  7. Isinglass

    Zebedee Retired To Stud

    About the same size as you? (Only kidding, don't hit me ..... owch!) :D Okay, very very small.
  8. Isinglass

    Life sucks ...

    Hmmm, will need to dig out the ancient video recorder we have then .... he does eat a lot, could at least help pay for his friends and him to dine in style. :D Thanks Kri .....
  9. Isinglass

    Handy Sites

    Spotify is brill - use it all the time! :)
  10. Isinglass

    Life sucks ...

    He is keeping me amused anyway. He can open the flap from the completly locked, ie no in or out, to the only in position. So funny. Raining hard here all day so cats mainly inside by choice. He has done an hourly patrol though. No sign of other cat so as you say, hopefully the two have solved...
  11. Isinglass

    Handy Sites

    Thanks - both of these are great! Had not found them before. :)
  12. Isinglass

    Life sucks ...

    Oh no, missed the D'ougal not feeling well' post. So glad he is better now, nothing like liver and bacon to restore one! :) My friends who have had chemo have said that sometimes it depresses you, your whole system is just knackered, and after a lot of rest you can bounce back. I hope that is...
  13. Isinglass

    Paul Nicholls - Twitter

    Crikey, how does he find time for all of this stuff?
  14. Isinglass

    Life sucks ...

    There are a lot of cat charities now and it would be pretty easy to take a queen to one and say she had 'happened' upon your home and was not yours. A friend of mine takes in a lot this way, knowing full well the person does own them. But she would rather just get the cat than argue and lose the...
  15. Isinglass

    Queen Elizabeth II Stakes

    Really a shame no CC running, kind of takes the shine off the day for me, but still hoping no more rain so the ground does not turn into a bog.
  16. Isinglass

    Ballydoyle 2 Year Olds 2010

    I'm really looking forward to seeing Treasure Beach running at Ascot. He's done well in his 4 runs and was unlucky last time out to get boxed in. Have not seen him since he was a foal at the sales. :)
  17. Isinglass

    Life sucks ...

    Sounds awful about the pregnant cats. Poor things. Sadly my Mother used to do that when I was little, and this is probably what led me to rescue strays. I dreaded coming home from school to find another of my pets gone to who knows where. Want to smack people who do this. :( Thunder and...
  18. Isinglass

    Team Ditcheat

    I see Mr Nicholls still has beautiful flower baskets, he is quite a gardener, wonder if he still does them himself or has turned that over to someone else? Halo looks very well, I hope they find the key to bring him back to his best this season whether it be over fences or a different distance.
  19. Isinglass

    Life sucks ...

    Thanks, I will look this book up, have not read it. Sounds great! :) I think some cats like a bit of travel, but not all of them. Some hate being in the car. I had one rescued cat who was used to it from a young age due to vet visits and he loved going anywhere. He sadly was born with a...
  20. Isinglass

    Team Ditcheat

    Fab pics Geezer, thank you for sharing. :) And very timely as the season when we get to see our old favs again is soon upon us. They all look well. Kauto amazes me, always looks so young and boyish. What a horse!