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    All Read Please

    Like a poll.
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    Greyhound Racing

    Couldn't agree more Griffin, if only 25 % of the stats were true, they would still be regarded as shocking in any unbiased mind
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    Greyhound Racing
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    Griffin, having a few friends who are incontinent, I can assure you that they don't find it a problem. They all wear a decent sized pad in their undies approx the size of a pillow which will absorb a large quantity of liquid. The downside being that it spoils your dress lines but the positive is...
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    ' I never knew' HT so it is 'Too late' and 'Over' I feel like 'The Clown' :D
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    I could be available if nec :D is Roy Orbison appearing <_<
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    Maurice,terry And Ardross?

    The anon facility is there for a good reason such as if you are so popular and your services are in great demand, you can take a breather and at least have a quiet cup of tea and a woodbine :D
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    Maurice,terry And Ardross?

    Krizon, I'm sure you would prefer any description other than anonymous :P
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    Maurice,terry And Ardross?

    Welcome back Jimmy one only realises what is missing until it returns :D It was no coincidence that your departure was noticed at the same time as Lawrence Dallaglio's injury on the Lions tour but I dismissed that because his position is in the back row whereas you like to lead from the front...
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    Lazy Week

    Social engineering now requires universities to accept lower entry levels so as to achieve a better social mix. It would be fair to say that the majority want extra education to enable them a wider choice of job but, with the changing social lifestyles, many of students as a law of average, will...
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    Maurice,terry And Ardross?

    Your feelings are clear Brian
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    Maurice,terry And Ardross?

    Let's also not forget Merlin, Derek and Griff. ;)
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    Paddy Power's "Big Brother" Betting

    Apparently if it can be proved that your spouse watches Big Brother, it is grounds for divorce and classed as unreasonable behaviour :D It could be contested however on the grounds of diminished responsibility :blink:
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    Paddy Power's "Big Brother" Betting

    Whatever happened to decent programmes like 'Itma' and 'Over the garden wall' ? :huh:
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    Live 8

    Our city council built a hugh screen in the city centre and apparently Live 8 is to be shown which will pack and close off the whole city centre, all totally free.
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    Live 8

    oh dear ! I thought a Euronymous was a flowering shrub ? :huh:
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    Live 8

    Charitable orgs are top heavy with management and the majority of donations are lost to admin etc. I frequent Asia for most of every Winter and The corruption is rife, I paid protection money every month for 5 years to the local 'brown coats' as did every other business except the ones run by...
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    Live 8

    Beds tooo big without yooooooooou one of my fav Sting songs, cos I'm a romantic :rolleyes:
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    Wasn't aiming the insinuation at you Krizon, I could never be so rude :unsure: but more at the cycle racing crowd I usually associate with who have some really prominent veins the size of the pinkie on their legs. I am led to believe it is a valve problem when the blood has to navigate back...
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    Krizon, one of the negatives of getting old is that nurses don't have to look very far to find a vein, they just follow the main arterial road then stick the needle in :D