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  1. C

    Hope No-ones Intending To Fly This Week....

    Nice to see England got off to a good start today as well, I suppose i'm a racist because I wanted an English manager instead of a non patriotic foreigners unlike many on this forum. Amazing how they played today with a bit of English spirit behind them, but according to the PC brigade on here...
  2. C

    Hope No-ones Intending To Fly This Week....

    Young white men appear to be a threat too seen as one of the current suspects converted to Islam later in life so profiling wouldn't pick up on people like that. Also, the shoe bomber Richard Read was also a convert who wouldn't have been picked up on ethnic profiling. Why not use profiling to...
  3. C

    Hope No-ones Intending To Fly This Week....

    Sticks and stones.
  4. C

    Hope No-ones Intending To Fly This Week....

    Nice to see many people come out saying we should use profiling and also one "sir" who's name escapes me saying the communities should take more responsibility and help sort these things out. Plus all the silly PC getting in the way of common sense and this is how the world is, young Asian men...
  5. C

    Hope No-ones Intending To Fly This Week....

    Did you take that quote directly from American History X? Seems startingly familiar to me. If you haven't seen it, I suggest you do, because you'd no doubt empathise very strongly with Derek's rant at the dinner table. [/b] Yes i really enjoyed it. As a non racist white english person, i...
  6. C

    Hope No-ones Intending To Fly This Week....

    Looking at it now, i think it's the white people that cause all the problems. Most asian people would probably be happy to help but you'd have some white english person saying saying how racist it is. All these PC people make the world such a lovely place.
  7. C

    Hope No-ones Intending To Fly This Week....

    I didn't say they were terrorists, again people jumping on a statement and making it racist. I said check them as they fit the profile, 99.99% would be ok. We aren't looking for white english people flying to Magaluf. If they were looking for white men over 30 it wouldn't bother me in the...
  8. C

    Hope No-ones Intending To Fly This Week....

    Saying that profiling should be used to search people of a certain origin is not racist. If I was to turn around and call these people names due to their background, or not give them a job due to the colur of their skin (just a few examples), then fair do's i'd be a racist. The word racist...
  9. C

    Hope No-ones Intending To Fly This Week....

    It's just a shame that white English people have to tip toe around everyone else they are deemed racist. Can a white english person stand up and say i've had enough of all this bulsh#t?
  10. C

    Hope No-ones Intending To Fly This Week....

    I don't use Furlong, what is it?
  11. C

    Hope No-ones Intending To Fly This Week....

    Anyway i'm off for a run, i'll let you know if i see any funny looking "types". (yes i am having a joke).
  12. C

    Hope No-ones Intending To Fly This Week....

    Craig, please explain why you include Indian people. And what "of that nature" means. [/b] I mean't colour/look but was afraid to say it due to being called racist, but that's how PC the world is now.
  13. C

    Hope No-ones Intending To Fly This Week....

    It all makes me laugh this, why stop people now taking on baby food etc? Why should these people now suffer when it's obvious they are no risk whatsoever, is this not to upset the other communities? Utter joke.
  14. C

    Hope No-ones Intending To Fly This Week....

    Calm down dear. Like I said, extreme example. The people who get caught for this, make an example of them, send them packing to the country and beliefs they are fighting for (British my a#se).
  15. C

    Hope No-ones Intending To Fly This Week....

    Anyway I'm off to live in the US.
  16. C

    Hope No-ones Intending To Fly This Week....

    Yes it is now home for millions of them and I used a very extreme example of how to get people to sort things out within their own communities.
  17. C

    Hope No-ones Intending To Fly This Week....

    I didn't say arrest them did I? Just check them, I'm sure 99.99% have nothing to hide so why should they worry. If they were after tall, white, stupid Mancunian people then I'd happily say check away officer if it made people feel easy and caused less disruption, but of course we can't do that...
  18. C

    Hope No-ones Intending To Fly This Week....

    Did I really say that? I'm now racist because I say stop people that fit the profile. PC brigade out in force now. I'm off to join the BNP.
  19. C

    Hope No-ones Intending To Fly This Week....

    What has Tim McVey to do with this? If the FBI had done a little more work Mr McVey and his chums wouldn't of gotten away with what he did. Like i said, I'm angry and sick of it. I really don't care.
  20. C

    Hope No-ones Intending To Fly This Week....

    Yes stop them all, use profiling.