1.30 Southwell

Fairly shocking on first viewing alright!

In fairness, there may be a grain of truth in McKeown's assertion that the horse resented the kickback, judging primarily by her head carriage in the straight. Of course that doesn't at all justify the fact McKeown made virtually no effort to put the filly into the race anyway!
I've had it on quite good authority that the main issue with this should be that the 'information' was fed out yesterday morning (to various sources that would ensure it would be backed, ie tipsters) that this horse was off for its life and everything would be done to ensure it would win. Indeed I also have it on good authority that one of the tipsters both backing the horse and passing on the same message resides on this forum.

So, basically, the message was fed out knowing that certain 'tipsters' would fall on the information and devour it, whilst backing it heavily between themselves and those they told. Prime opportunity for laying one if you wish to do so.....
Was it just me who noticed that Dean McKeown was the one who actually bought the horse?

18 Sep 2007 Keeneland 14,577gns D.R. McKeown

Yeah SL, I also have it on good authority one of the tipsters on here was told to back the horse.
I've got absolutely no sympathy for any tipsters that may have put this up as a selection based on information. Presumably whoever has filtered such information through in the past hasn't done it for the good of their health.

Regarding Blazing Walkers annoyance at those in the 'know' - anyone that has watched any racing, particularly on all-weather for the last 4 or 5 winters was in the know, in a similar way that they wer in no way surprised when Tony Culhane for one was disciplined as well.
There was a huge trade message, and between 8.45 and 9.15 with good strength which made the 8s - 5s look attractive ew. To say the least I laid the Cole horse at 2.4 and then had a very large ew on this filly 7s 13/2 6s and 5s.

Come 12.00 you knew what was happening. The positive message in my direction came from two very professional clients, who own horses and are big form backers, one, who said he had heard conenctions had been waiting a long time for this horse to run.

Regardless of what happened in the race, it was clearly a put away as Dom says to shorten it, so those who act in a corrupt manner could lay it till Barrack Obama was named President.
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I've got absolutely no sympathy for any tipsters that may have put this up as a selection based on information. Presumably whoever has filtered such information through in the past hasn't done it for the good of their health.

Regarding Blazing Walkers annoyance at those in the 'know' - anyone that has watched any racing, particularly on all-weather for the last 4 or 5 winters was in the know, in a similar way that they wer in no way surprised when Tony Culhane for one was disciplined as well.

You would be very wrong and its not dodgy, fact there are alot of trade people who opperate for gamblers and bookmakers alike, they pass on messages they recieve to these people and are paid a monthly salary, they are known in the game as trade messengers or long grass spies, they aint doing it for a cherry on top, they are paid clients of many people, they prob speak to trainers and so forth but in no way they would be rewarding trainers, jockeys, lads and so forth.

the messages you recieve are very bland but help you evaluate races.

In two years of dealing with traders or gallops spies I have never been advised to lay one or heard about a non trier and to be honest it don't interest me. But when the message is out this is a good horse, connections will be backing it, jockeys desperate for winners to prove his innocence then I'm sorry there is something severly wrong, its called dishonesty and corruption, and if people want to put false messages out there then they will soon find themselves hiding in their shadows.
I blame myself for falling hook line and sinker for it, but at the end of the day, what they done was very bad for the sport and very dishonest in general.

If a financial advisor advised people to buy shares in a certain company so therefore he could sell knowing it would crash, he would be done for fraud.

Therefore I would love to see the BHA look into substancial layers of this horse and see if at the said time they had advised either the backing of this horse or that is was heavily fancied. Because in a form, they have defrauded people.
Surely though when you get a message for a McKeown horse it´s safe to assume that it´s been plotted up and is as has already been mentioned in this thread "off for it´s life" - pretty much the same with Curley, Tony Martin (never that big on the EP´s anymore mind), Jim Best etc. you know that if the cash is down then it´s off.

The fact McKeown is on his way out is the only reason he´d have to be blunt ****** so many people over.

Hopefully it will give some of the underated and straight jocks a chance at some more rides.
Surely though when you get a message for a McKeown horse it´s safe to assume that it´s been plotted up and is as has already been mentioned in this thread "off for it´s life" - pretty much the same with Curley, Tony Martin (never that big on the EP´s anymore mind), Jim Best etc. you know that if the cash is down then it´s off.

The fact McKeown is on his way out is the only reason he´d have to be blunt ****** so many people over.

Hopefully it will give some of the underated and straight jocks a chance at some more rides.

I would be amazed if anyone could find out about his horses.
Just had a live interview on ATR with him, Sean Boyce absolutely hammered him, didn't pull any punches.
Top work from Boycie - a refreshing lack of the euphemistic cobblers that most racing presenters would hide behind in similar circumstances.
It's notable through all this that DMcK keeps on saying 'They have no evidence"!! rather than emphasising his innocence
Fair points HS - but it is very much an "innocent until proven guilty" so I guess saying they have no evidence is protesting his innocence.

FWIW he couldn't lie straight in bed and is about as far up the creek as you can get.
Absolute class interview - Boycie tears him apart and shows him up for the brainless, lying, cheating tinker he is. Sheer class!
Regarding Blazing Walkers annoyance at those in the 'know' - anyone that has watched any racing, particularly on all-weather for the last 4 or 5 winters was in the know, in a similar way that they wer in no way surprised when Tony Culhane for one was disciplined as well.

My point was, that in the last 4-5 years, on various forums,apart from the odd disgruntled punter having a go at a jock thats just lost them money,I have not seen Mr McKeowns name mentioned until these recent misdeameanors &,although obvious watching his ride yesterday, I had no inkling that he was so badly thought of. Maybe I don't move in the right circles but nobody as actually posted anything in the past,to my knowledge, saying Dean McKeown is a cheat!

But then again I also thought Tony Culhane was a straight jock too:p
Dean McKeown has been a byword for cheating ~ there have been knowing chuckles about many of his rides but not much shock as it's all so expected. Anyone who thinks he's stopped four or five horses should start multiplying that by a hundred. The humorous thing is that he's so inept at disguising it. His use of the air shot is truly legendary.