20 Years old!

Congratulations on reaching 21 years! No mean feat in this climate. Thank you for all the work you put into it Col and to all contributors. The forum is still going strong, so you're obviously doing something right.
As others have said before, this place has been a constant in our lives for a very long time, and I'm pretty sure it'd leave a pretty big hole for most of us if it wasn't here.

I joined in the early days shortly after the C4 demise, and over the years I've been fortunate to meet with many members on here past and present. Cheltenham Car Park at the November Meeting many moons ago is a particular fond memory, but it's also good to have met many other members at race meetings over the years. It feels like a bit of a family to be honest. Does any family have this many dysfunctional cousins though! :) A busy life at times means I don't post as much as I'd like to these days, but I can't imagine not having the chat and banter on here, and I'll never understand how social media platforms can be better than what we have on the forum. They're just not the same, and impossibly useless for any kind of meaningful discussion.

Thanks Col for everything you've done for us over the years. Challenges have been plenty with things like software blips and upgrades, and 'challenging characters', but you've kept things moving forward with a balanced approach, and no little amount of personal time invested for the benefit of us all. And we've survived when many other similar websites have fallen by the wayside. It's no mean feat what you've continued to do for us.

There are plenty more that have contributed over the years and made this place what it is. Either through entertaining contributions, deep racing knowledge, involvement in the industry, keeping us abreast of your horses, betting knowledge, form reading, etc. Even those who have dropped the hand grenades. Let's face it, some of 'those' threads have been very entertaining to read, before the inevitable demise of the member who can't help going that one step too far. We don't like to admit it but there is some kind of strange voyeuristic entertainment in some of the arguments and more volatile threads. Clearly that is unless you are on the receiving end of something that is unwarranted. We've had the downsides, and the one that really sticks out in my mind is the one that caused Bar The Bull to leave us. Anyway, thanks you lot for brightening up so many of my days over the best part of two decades now.

One person stands out above all others though. Roger (Diamond Geezer) is the heartbeat of this place, and I'd say his contribution over the last few years is possibly what has kept us going when other websites have stopped and fallen over. Most of us take part in and enjoy the competitions he runs. But they take a hige amount of personal time and effort to set up, and score. And then there's all the admin and organising of people and prizes too. Summer months preparing shortlists of horses, etc. And also us lot are like herding cats at times, so it's a thankless task, and one that I'm sure can be very frustrating at times. He is also a minefield of useful information. Stable stuff, stats, weather updates, what Twiston-Davies is having for tea, etc, So thanks Roger. You're an absolute bloody star.

Here's looking forward to another 21 years of banter, chat, and you lot passing on all your opinions and knowledge. Thanks for every single part of it.
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Relative newcomer here. Many thanks to the many contributors here. I have definitely got way more out of the forum than I have put in. Often feel guilty that I dont have much original or insightful to contribute!!

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Lesley, it was the crap tips and drunkeness that attracted me. . . .

As I live and breathe it's Lord H after a 12 year sabbatical!

I hope you've been keeping well Brian? It's good to see you back on these shores.
I think Col has done a fabulous job keeping the forum going. When I first joined there were some troublemakers but they all seem to have slunk off and I find it a far more relaxing place. There is plenty of interesting stuff and some excellent tipping and of course Roger’s input is invaluable - can’t begin to thank him enough for running so many fun competitions.

Great to see the Honorable Lord H back - Hopefully not a fleeting visit?
How lovely. I knew there must be some nice, friendly sociable people hiding on here somewhere x

If somebody can track down Phil Waters and have him start a thread topic. 'Weight Doesn't Matter' I will donate £50 to a charity of their choice.
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I met him once and I'm still not convinced Phil Waters was/is his real name.

I wouldn't be in the least bit surprised if he's been lurking all these years.
I’m sure he’s still lurking. Just enjoyed making plenty of trouble at other people’s expense. Don’t miss him (or some others) one iota.
I met him once and I'm still not convinced Phil Waters was/is his real name.

I wouldn't be in the least bit surprised if he's been lurking all these years.

His first name was definitely Phil, he worked for Virgin Media at the time, and did me an offer. When I rang back for something else, the advisor mentioned he could see 'Phil' had applied an offer to the account :)
His first name was definitely Phil, he worked for Virgin Media at the time, and did me an offer. When I rang back for something else, the advisor mentioned he could see 'Phil' had applied an offer to the account :)

55% of the controversial posters on the Betfair forum were him. He took trolling to different levels.
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Question for all. What are the best punts landed on the forum over the 20 years? Surely Rooster Booster's Champion Hurdle is very high on the list given Mo was banging on about it from after the Greatwood hurdle? Nearly everyone was on.
Question for all. What are the best punts landed on the forum over the 20 years? Surely Rooster Booster's Champion Hurdle is very high on the list given Mo was banging on about it from after the Greatwood hurdle? Nearly everyone was on.

My personal favourite was one you put up in ‘The will win’ thread. Had a free bet from 365 which landed and gave me something silly like 20 or 30 quid.
You then posted a horse called ‘Paris To Glory’ sure it was 12s or 16s. Told my work colleague to bet it as well, absolutely pissed up by about 12 lengths.
My personal favourite was one you put up in ‘The will win’ thread. Had a free bet from 365 which landed and gave me something silly like 20 or 30 quid.
You then posted a horse called ‘Paris To Glory’ sure it was 12s or 16s. Told my work colleague to bet it as well, absolutely pissed up by about 12 lengths.

Would you believe I don't remember that. I need to look that up.