2007 Departures - Horses In Training

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Oh no :( thanks for letting me know. Poor thing.

I heard the commentator say that there had been a clash between him and another horse but didn't see it - that's when I looked up.
Oh, shitebags - I loved old Dingers, I always made a special point of watching him run whenever he was on tv or if he was at a course where I was working. That is pure, total, dung to finish off the day. I was working all day at Lingfield so missed the event, thank God.
Liked him too and feared the worst when I saw the injury. The fact that commentators never picked it up again made me feel even worse.

Sooo glad to see My Turn Now getting up. That too looked the mother and father of all falls, but thank he was only winded and happy scenes when he got back up to his feet!
10 year old Deferlant didn't run in the Summer National today as sadly he's broken his pelvis [news from someone in the Llewellyn yard an hour ago]. Very sad as RL-B had won twice on him in November, posting his highest two marks for several years, after the horse had had a very long layoff. They are hoping to save him.
He did run in the race and was pulled up after two fences I think, clearly injured.
Thanks Uncle Goo, didn't see the whole race yet. Poor old boy.
Geos was fatally injured in a p-t-p today at Tweseldown according to the RP.
That's sad news.

I know it doesn't make rational sense, but it always seems worse when an elderly top-class horse gets killed rather than some old nonentity who never won anything..
A shame abour Geos - a grand old horse who couldn't stand doing nothing. How many times did Nicky try to retire him?
Green Tango died, Not sure about the other one hasn't raced for while after a fall so perhaps he has retired
Originally posted by Venusian@Jan 7 2007, 04:54 PM
That's sad news.

I know it doesn't make rational sense, but it always seems worse when an elderly top-class horse gets killed rather than some old nonentity who never won anything..
Can only join in. Geos was a huge favourite, this is dreadful news.
Although I knew that Green Tango had been injured at Ascot I hadn't realised it was fatal.
Here he is in the paddock before the race.

It does not say in the RP that he died of his injuries, its at the top of his details, "Died as a 7yr old" but he hasn't raced since so maybe it was :(
Lovely photo Arkers.

Last I heard Aldaniti, he was being kept in at a veterinary clinic following the injuries he sustained at Ascot. As you say, the RP has him as dead so I can only presume he didn't make it out of the clinic. A real shame, he was such a lovely horse with a lot of presence.
Mind you didn't they have a horse listed as dead who wasn't? it was somebody's fav from this forum, turned out it was a mistake :o
It was Mana Mou Bay

Something I've just noticed Hunneyb has become unregistered, has she left?
Let's hope we have a much better 2007 than 2006 for our horses. I did a final tally of what everyone had confirmed had died out of Horses in Training (either in action, as the result of injury in action a little later, or at home either on the gallops or through some other injury or illness - but all only Horses in Training). The Irish horse tally suffered through no really solid information, but I found 21 confirmed as dying in races, from a total of 223 horses which we were SURE had died during the year. There were a number of horses which we asked about but no-one had a firm answer for, following falls or inexplicable 'disappearances' from the racing calendar. I de-listed horses which weren't in Horses in Training 2006, since you then get into too many different disciplines like breeding and ptp racing.

I do hope we can use this 'Departures' section to list horses pulled out of training for any number of reasons, so that it's not just a litany of the dead.

The worst incidents in 2007 were: the Cheltenham Festival (a total of 12 dead directly and following injuries incurred); Hereford at the end of November; and a lousy summer jumps meeting at Tralee in June. Many horses died on the gallops or were put down at home following illness or other injury. Towards the end of the year, pile-ups on the AW were becoming both common and fatal, with jockeys running too close and clipping heels.

So, let's hope for a more responsibly-ridden AW year, and for a very much better record at Cheltenham. At least with the rain making courses sodden at the moment, there's more of a chance for them to go more slowly or to slide if they do fall.
For the record, You're Special has not been registered as dead although he has not been in training since May 2006.

Thinking back, myself, Zozzy & Rory were chatting to Mark Bradburne at Huntingdon in early October last year and he mentioned that Green Tango had totally lost his confidence over fences. It's a sad irony that his supposed lack of confidence would cost him his life just a couple of weeks later.
I didn't include YOU'RE SPECIAL, Happy Jack, in my reckoning as he was one none of us seemed able to confirm. Sadly, yes, GREEN TANGO was included after a rather protracted period while one of us tried to find out his fate. Your remarks make it all the sadder that he was put at obstacles again. Leaving off the 'unconfirmed' went for about a further four, where details never emerged formally or otherwise.

I think we can probably estimate that a few lesser lights went at home, so I would think that a total would be nearer to 230 - Venusian's quote of Cole Morton in the Indie on Sunday last June of 180 dying every year as a result of 'racecourse accidents' is probably about right, with a number of other Horses in Training cracking up on the gallops at home, or dying from racing-related problems (viz KALMINI).

Given that HiT lists c.17,000 horses, give or take a hundred or two, and while it lists some French trainers it doesn't list ALL of the UK ones (some prefer not to appear in the august tome), it's probably not a lot different if you took 17,000 humans engaged regularly in high-risk work, where I wouldn't be surprised if they suffered similar accidents. The difference being we can usually mend the humans, but not the horses.

Let's hope for more sense and sensibility in 2007, especially at Cheltenham.
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