A Fundamental Question

No, they don't. Neither do humans. It's a tediously sentimental, feel-good bit of slush to make us believe that dying isn't that bad after all.
And here was me thinking it was a question on Nigel Twiston Davies' chaser.
Does anyone have any news as to how the recovery is going ?
If you do believe that humans have souls, there is no reason to suppose that animals don't. Since it can't be proved one way or another, however, it's all a matter of opinion.
Another pointless post designed to stir things up.

I know I've not been around much at all lately but I have been lurking - not any more. I simply can't be bothered with the childish sniping and poking away at people, attempts to wind people up and get "fights" started, and pettiness that seem to be more and more rife around here.

Some purr misinterpretation of my topic. I have been trying lately to become a better person and have been examining the motives behind my posts on the obituaries thread in attempt to increase my self realisation. I got this far.

I find it difficult to associate the term RIP to horses because it literally means ‘Rest in Peace.’ This is what is also inscribed on my Grannies gravestone. I believe as a Christian, that my Granny is resting and will one day find eternal bliss in the company of the Saints and Angels, that in short - she has a soul. This is, of course, an improvable act of Faith.

So the question I have been mulling on is - whether or not horses have parity of esteem with my Granny in Eternity, and if they indeed do - should I also wish then an RIP when they fall of their perch - in the same way that I mentally do this when I hear of a Ukrainian plane crash, a victim of Hizbollah terrorism in Israel, or a child killed by Zionist expansionists.
Very sad if you go Purr as you have been a valuable member of this site for a long time. :(

The problem with this site, is the women seem to be (overall) the animal lovers, and a small minority of the men, seem to want to come over all macho at times and insist making stupid, snide comments to show us how "manly" they are and picking on threads and individuals they see as easy targets.

When women on this fourm show their "feelings"about horses or animals certain individuals appear to have this overiding need to appear to be a complete arsehole. The worrying trait is, that these forum's very often mirror people's real lives. Purr and Aldiniti are clearly animal lovers, and those men that continually snipe and bitch, well....need I say anymore. <_<

Some of you lads, should try and be a little more accepting in future of the other side of racing as I am sure the ladies on here do with the subject matter you lads prefer to discuss. Yes, horses dying is part and parcel of racing, but some of us really do care about this fact, and there should be absolutely NO reason why this cannot be discussed on this forum at any time and on any thread.

To those lads that continually snipe on threads about the death of racehorses do us all a favour, and GROW UP!!

This forum's loss with Purr and Aldiniti's departure, is possibly another forum's gain. Very sad.
I am not sure what an capall has said to merit such vitriol. Like me, he has been guilty of a little bit of insensitivity at times when horses have passed away. But when he tries to come half way and understand the point of view of others, he is accused of "sniping" and being a complete "arsehole".

Muttley suggested that I didn't have a right to constructively criticise the schmalziness in the RIP thread, even though I am every bit as much a member of this forum as she is.

It is noteworthy that the very people that could be accused of slightly over-reacting about horses dying have completely over-reacted when challenged about their views and have left the forum.
I tend to agree with a lot of what An Capall has posted.
As much as I find it sad when we lose a horse, I also have difficulty using the term R.I.P.with regard to a horse. After all we don't hold a church service and funeral when a horse dies do we?
It's very sad when we lose one, and if people want to say rest in peace about a horse then that's fine, it's just that I'm not comfortable about using that expression myself.
But BTB, why can't people discuss what they want on here? If people want to sit on this forum all day and all night talking about deceased horses, why shouldn't they? It's a forum for everyone surely and why should there be any need to criticise either the individual or the subject matter is totally beyond me.

There was a thread on here recently about cricket, where a few people had a dig about the sport, but was all done (I thought) in good fun.

Horses dying in racing is a very emotive subject, so all I would suggest is people let those that want to talk about it, do it in peace (excuse the pun) as driving people away from the forum just because they are active on certain subjects I feel is a very sad way for this forum to go.

Everyone is different Ted, and I have to admit that some horses are closer to me than many humans and I have been known to shed a tear when certain horses die. Just so that you can sleep at night, I use the term RIP, and I will continue to do so. B)
BTB, you are entitled to an opinion, as is everyone, but at the same time, the individuals who post what you describe as Schmalz are entitled to do so if they so wish and I really don't see why they be obliged to suffer continual harassment - which, I am afraid, is what has happened to Aldaniti - as a result. I've said before - there are some threads on this forum that, frankly, I find quite offensive - but that, as far as I'm concerned, is my just my personal viewpoint. I don't feel the need to "spoil" the threads in order to criticise the posters or their postings.

Frankly, in any event, you appear to want your cake and eat it. You say that you like to go into the RIP thread to see if any of your old friends have disappeared but you appear to be oblivious to the fact that the thread is predominantly maintained by those people who are accused of over-sentimentality. Why should they maintain the thread in a certain way, merely to fit in with your opinion?

I'm afraid, too, that the people who have left the forum have not done so because they have been merely "challenged about their views" - they have left because they have been harassed about their views.
Not that they are being too sensitive about it... Blimey. This is an internet forum. If this place gets you upset, I worry about you in real life; you must spend all day crying. Imagine the carnage if some of you lot went shopping and it started raining... Floods of tears, wrists slashed, oh dear.
PDJ, you know nothing about many of the people who post on here. Everyone is different and has had different experiences in life. Some are, as a result, more sensitive than others - you must, surely, experience that with the children you teach?

And, by the way, I'm certainly not crying over this but I defend the right of people to be sensitive!!

Oh - and sensitive or not, nobody has to put up with harassment ..
This is not harassment, Muttley. This is a couple of people saying something others don't like. There is such a huge difference.
Oh, I'm not being sensitive about anything, myself. I just find the way people poke fun at others for no real reason other than to get a rise a little tedious, tired and childish. It's worse on here than on a women's forum that I read, and that's really saying something.

Anyway, that's me. I'm sorry that the forums have degenerated to this as they were - and still are, in places - worth reading, but there's just too much rubbish and nastiness here now for me to bother wading through it.
Pursued across the forum? Show me the posts harassing her in the other sports section. General chit chat. Competitions. Total rubbish again.
A girl who was in my class died of a massive heart attack the other day at the age of 36 leaving her parents with a downes syndrome child.Thats a tragedy not Soapy Wotsits pulling up lame or Barbaro being in a sling.