a Mitchell bomber


At the Start
Jun 6, 2005
Now this individual was once upon a time in some misguided 1980's hiatus my own MP, and I have a bit of mild history with him from various meetings. I did at least witness how terribly dismissive of inferior untermensch he can be, (those of us who aren't partners at Lazards or whose father was an MP before him) so when I heard he'd called a copper a pleb I wasn't at all surprised.

Not been a good week for the Tories with Mellor and now Mitchell

However, the judges summing up did amuse me

Weighing up the competing claims, the judge said PC Rowland was "not the sort of man who would have had the wit, imagination or inclination to invent on the spur of the moment an account of what a senior politician had said to him in temper".

so the police aren't plebs, but they are stupid
Now this individual was once upon a time in some misguided 1980's hiatus my own MP, and I have a bit of mild history with him from various meetings. I did at least witness how terribly dismissive of inferior untermensch he can be, (those of us who aren't partners at Lazards or whose father was an MP before him) so when I heard he'd called a copper a pleb I wasn't at all surprised.

Not been a good week for the Tories with Mellor and now Mitchell

However, the judges summing up did amuse me

Weighing up the competing claims, the judge said PC Rowland was "not the sort of man who would have had the wit, imagination or inclination to invent on the spur of the moment an account of what a senior politician had said to him in temper".

so the police aren't plebs, but they are stupid

that is outstanding..all that fuss about what the MP supposed to have said initially..then judge insults the guy tenfold the original diss...you couldn't make it up
I only looked into this thread on the promise of it containing a Mitchell bomber. Had I known the actual content, I wouldn't have bothered. In my experience the police are both stupid and perfectly capable of fabricating things on the spur of the moment at the same time.

Anyway - for anyone else who looks in expecting to see a Mitchell bomber and finding this turgid twaddle instead, here's a pic.



  • NexB25Mitchell.jpg
    18.7 KB · Views: 67
The full quote from the Sun is only slightly coded in light of recent speculation

Today represents vindication for The Sun and its journalists. We’ve always stood by our story and continue to do so. We’re delighted that the judge has ruled that what we reported about evidence on Downing Street and the evening in questions was the truth, and accurate.
There’s been a lot of speculation and comment about Mitchell’s outburst and criticism of our newspaper. This judgment today lays all that to rest. Our article broke the important public interest story and it has been independently and conclusively confirmed today. The Sun can be proud of its journalism.
More importantly, today marks a victory for all journalism. We now live in a world where the task of uncovering what goes on in our institutions has never been more difficult. It is the job of journalists to shine light into the dark corners of public and political life. There are many in the establishment who do not wish us to do so.
A mute press does not serve the public interest, it only serves the interests of the political classes. Today this verdict has endorsed the values of a robust and irreverent journalism and we’re absolutely delighted with the result
I interpreted more as a "we know what you've done" rather than a threat to do anything. It's worth remembering that the media can be pretty complicit in the establishment hegenomy too, they aren't necessarily the guardians of free speech and moral crusaders they'd like us to believe they are. Once they've sold their story/ download/ or programme, they're just as capable of riding off to the same dinner party as the people they've been criticising. The fourth estate often give me the impression at leats of wanting to be part of the party

Just wondering if this is the first time that the Sun have been involved in a libel against a Tory? Does it mark a change of direction post Rebekah? albeit it was Mitchell who brought the case wasn't it, and then the copper counter-sued, so the Sun were a little dragged into it
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We have a much more enquiring and freeer press than most countries. Putin has you shot for a start. Germany and France are known to have media that doesn't go too deep and the eu has tried to inflict ridiculous "privacy" laws.

Also it's far too easy to read into everything that so much is being covered uo and everyone is one big cabal looking after each other. All a bit David icke isn't it? The world is far messier than that.
I only looked into this thread on the promise of it containing a Mitchell bomber. Had I known the actual content, I wouldn't have bothered. In my experience the police are both stupid and perfectly capable of fabricating things on the spur of the moment at the same time.

Anyway - for anyone else who looks in expecting to see a Mitchell bomber and finding this turgid twaddle instead, here's a pic.


looks like it has tinkerbell printed in the front
I only looked into this thread on the promise of it containing a Mitchell bomber. Had I known the actual content, I wouldn't have bothered. In my experience the police are both stupid and perfectly capable of fabricating things on the spur of the moment at the same time.

Anyway - for anyone else who looks in expecting to see a Mitchell bomber and finding this turgid twaddle instead, here's a pic.


Nice one, simmo :D
I only looked into this thread on the promise of it containing a Mitchell bomber. Had I known the actual content, I wouldn't have bothered. In my experience the police are both stupid and perfectly capable of fabricating things on the spur of the moment at the same time.

Anyway - for anyone else who looks in expecting to see a Mitchell bomber and finding this turgid twaddle instead, here's a pic.


to be fair though..there's a few twaddle threads on the racing bit....i suppose it depends who starts the thread if it gets dissed or not though doesn't it? :p
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to be fair though..there's a few twaddle threads on the racing bit....i suppose it depends who starts the thread if it gets dissed or not though doesn't it? :p

twaddle I can live with, twaddle that makes me think there might be something interesting inside with a misleading title on the other hand..... :p