A New Place

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Congratulate yourself on taking the time to stop by, First5, and join the clique. <_< Alternatively, f+ck off, Swirly.
Hi, Jamie: you'll find this forum has banned him at least twice! He is Phil Waters, from Scotland, and a ratings fan. He is an intelligent guy with a good knowledge of what interests him, but unfortunately he went far, far, far too far in some PMs and postings on here. He seems okay, but then suddenly goes off on one and can be highly disruptive. A shame, because if it was just heated banter, folks would get over it eventually. Unfortunately, Swirly Chaser, aka Dayna Jane Stirling II, aka Tashunka Witko, aka a few other quaint names, eventually causes chaos, and revels in it, like a tiresome child constantly trying its' parents' patience.

We all know he'll keep looking in and will get in with a new moniker from time to time. I just wondered if he was the gremlin who'd wrecked your own site, but perhaps not. Good luck with your site. I see a few of us have joined you and hopefully will meet up over there, too!
I have been talking with Paul (PDJ) over on my website via PM, and we have shared a few bits of information about this character known to many as "Swirly", we have his new IP addresses, which will be banned from my end, along hopefully at your end, and with the hope he wont be able to return. I also have an Idea that he could be using an IP annonymizer, which can easily be resolved and blocked, so therefore unless he pays to have his IP changed, he should be out of ours lives for good.

I'll keep working on this until ive got the answer, and hopefully we can help each other make our communities safe from madmen like this.

where else have you advertised your forum please? (nothing sinister but there is a reason for asking)
Originally posted by dvds2000@Sep 28 2004, 09:23 PM
where else have you advertised your forum please? (nothing sinister but there is a reason for asking)

I have advertised on Betfair a couple of times, and a horse racing links site, which can be found here. Link to Links Site

Could I ask what the reason was for asking? You don't have to enclose it all here, you can contact me via PM if its a private issue. ;)
Originally posted by dvds2000@Sep 28 2004, 09:34 PM
ill pm you in a bit - seeing as the forum is playing up :(
I'll PM you my email Address, therefore we should be ok without it playing up. ;)

It does look similar to the sketch I did for HunneyB but the horses were facing left in my pic. I presume that was what you were referring to...hey, your memory is still intact :) !

I still read this forum but not that often...seem to have gone off racing!

Now it appears that Swirly is responsible for decimating forums. Are we sure there is not more than a touch of paranoia here… perhaps we can also attribute some of the Nazi war crimes to him.

It seems that he had indeed overstepped the mark more than once (and if what I am told is true was justifiably evicted from this forum), but it might be a step forward if we didn’t always use him as a scapegoat for many of our own inadequacies, perhaps in the areas of tolerance, understanding, and hey even forgiveness. I do not believe he is an unqualified bad person (indeed if he has a genuine opinion about horse racing does it matter if he is a bad person?), nor do I believe he is dedicated to making forum folks lives a misery. Perhaps if we are so fragile in our sensibilities and opinions we deserve to have them tested once and a while.
I would tentatively suggest giving him access to the horse racing board only. His forays into the general chat areas seem to be what caused most of the problems in here, and led to most of the arguments. However, when he put his mind to it, he could provoke plenty of worthwhile discussion on horse racing issues. Shame to lose that, but if he's still disruptive, then that's that.
Fine by me - as has been stated times out of mind previously, you don't have to respond to anything on here - free choice and all that!!

Now, I feel a big, multi-forum group hug coming on...... altogether now!

Aaaaahhh............ :P
i agree with stevem

u dont have to respond or read everyposting if u dont like something move on to the next thread
Is swirly in jail?

When was he convicted and found guilty?

I have no idea what he said or did to the young lady,but if it was criminal then he should have been reported to the police and they would surely have dealt with it,afer taking statements from all involved.

Seems to me that the kangaroo court has been at it again.

Before the usual suspects come to devour me,i would like it to be known that i am in favour of Capital punishment for Rapists and child molestors.

Many people, including myself, are not aware of whatever atrocity he has committed. Just that he did something bad and was banned. I will happily accept that those who banned him did so with good reason, and if what he did is of a personal nature then it need not be broadcast publicly.

On the postings of his that I have seen, and admittedly many of the more provocative ones were deleted before I got a chance to see them, he did add a bit of much needed entertainment and debate to the forum both from a racing perspective and otherwise.

That said, I accept the decision of those with full access to the reason he was banned.
It's difficult to debate the subject in that if he comes back then he'll mark out anyone who didn't want him back or they'll feel that he's marked them out. You could be considered to be provocative by passing comment if you didn't want him back.

On the oher hand, I couldn't give a toss what he thinks of me. I don't want him back.
Mel, I do know what he did, and no, it doesn't need broadcasting, and yes he should be banned. For those who would have him back, how many times do you want him to come back, be nice, get bored, cause havoc?
Dave G,
Be nice,get bored and cause havoc,are ok as reasons,it' the other stuff that is out of order.

Just imagine if the guys address gets out.His name is already on this board.

His IP adress is also on show.

All it takes are a few mad idiots(and there are enough of those around) to pay him a call and sort him out and perhaps do him some serious injury.

What for?
Derek......are you deliberately trying to provoke a reaction by defending and protecting a low life? If you know the truth behind it all & you still see the need to defend him then your morals are at best questionable, if you do not know the full story then keep quiet and stop talking crap. A mob sent up to get him? Laughable.
I have no idea what he said or did to the young lady,but if it was criminal then he should have been reported to the police and they would surely have dealt with it,afer taking statements from all involved.

Seems to me that the kangaroo court has been at it again.

Well, no change there then, Derek! No, you don't know what he did and therefore you are not qualified to make a judgement call but yet again, you are a self-proclaimed authority on the subject!

Unlike many other boards, we don't go round banning contributors lightly - Swirly was the first to have been banned and for extremely good reason. The 'victim' didn't want to take it further, as I understand it, although they would have had every right to do so.

And it was a decision taken by Brian and Col, which Pee, James and I supported.
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