A Racehorse Of My Own

I remember you posting shortly after your mum passed away Kathy, saying that one of the last memories you had of her was you both sipping champagne watching the sunset after one particular race meeting... Heres hoping you can soon do the same after Bay Hawk has carried your mums colours to victory.

Best of luck in your new venture Kathy :)
As many of you know, my dear Mum passed away last November. She loved her horse racing, and wouldn't miss a race if any of ours were running. We had some really great days out over the years.

The last race my Mum went to was at Wincanton nearly a year ago when Mum and I went to Wincanton to represent a friend's horse as they were unable to make it. My Mum was sat in the Owners and Trainers as proud as punch as my other horse and Balmacara had both recently been retired.

Mum was proudly telling everyone about the horse she was with. It was as if he were her very own. Brendan turned up early at Wincanton and as there was a Christmas Fayre under a large marquee at the course, the 3 of us linked arms and all went shopping together. Anyone who knows Mr. Powell will know he knows everyone and it was only a matter of a few minutes when he met someone he knew and we arranged to meet up for a coffee later after we had had a good browse.

During the afternoon, Mum and I met up with another of Brendan's owners, Bob who insisted we went to his friends private box to watch the race. We declined as we didn't want to intrude but we promised to go up after the race. There was champagne and Birthday cake aplenty. We all went out onto the balcony watching the sunset. It was one of the guests' Birthdays so it was a lovely happy atmosphere.

We had a great day, even commenting (well, I did actually) on how cute Richard Johnson's backside was as we left the course as he was about 10 foot in front of us as we left the course and he was still in his silks. :D

A day of memories I will never forget. B)

When Mum passed away suddenly, I decided, if I could, I would one day buy the horse we had been to see racing. He is a lovely, kind horse who tries his heart out whenever he races. I had a call out of the blue last week asking if I knew anyone who wanted to buy Bay Hawk. :blink: I had never mentioned it to the owner before then. I was just ready to put in an offer if he ever came up for sale.

As some of you already know, I am now the very proud owner of BAY HAWK. I decided to run him in one of my Mum's favourite football team's colours. She adored Aston Villa and was a regular at Wycombe Wanderers. Mum had lived in High Wycombe and in a village just outside for most of her life. Aston Villa she followed for over 30 years so Aston Villa it is for the colours - sort of, well, as close I could get.

I know Bay Hawk is never going to be a world beater, but I have personal reasons for wanting to buy him even if it's only for a couple of years. He is a lovely horse and he is only 4 years old. I just want him to stay sound and give me and my friends some great days out at the races. I know my Mum would approve, I know the history of the horse, and the owners are good friends, the trainer knows me too, so he knows what he is letting himself in for! :D

Bay Hawk should be running (God willing) next week. I am not sure if it will all be passed into my name by then, but for all intents and purposes the Hawk is mine. I am off to see him working down at Morestead tomorrow morning and I really, really can't wait..
Just want to say good luck with Bay Hawk. I knew him when he was a foal as my racing partners bred him at Ashley House Stud in Devon. Sad he has been sold, but at least we now know who to.

His stable name at home was Herbie! He is kind and has had such bad luck with his wind. Hopefully Brendan has sorted that out now. He also has delicate legs so do not run him on firm ground! He is a half brother to another nice gelding, with a silly name, Killing Joke whose legs were ruined as a 2 year old sadly. He is now in Ireland with J Lambe but the tendon injury has probably done his career.
Bay Hawk is a really genuine horse so he will try his heart out for you, you cannot ask for more.

We recently passed a lot of 'baby' photos to Winterbeck Stud who owned him, if I can cobble them together again do you want copies, or did they pass on to you ?

best wishes
Thank you for your good wishes, he runs at Lingfield on Thursday. I may not be on here for a few days as I am unable to access this site in my home PC, so can only use my PDA for this site. Is anyone else having problems.

Isinglass, I met the breeders at Brendans Open Day. They were lovely, friendly people and I know they sent some photos. If had copies I would love them, I will PM you as soon as I can access this site via my laptop again as this mssg has taken me an age to type, and thanks again for the info about him. Dont worry I will look after him. :)
Look forward to seeing him and connections on Thursday - doesn't he look cute? Look at that beautiful heart-shaped star!
He certainly is a handsome boy, and you are right Krizon, his star is in the shape of a large love heart!

Trudi, thanks for your observation, I will mention the noseband strap to the lovely Claire, next time I see her. B)

I went to the yard to see Bay Hawk working on Saturday morning. It was a lovely, cold, crisp morning but a little foggy. Brendan's young son, also named Brendan went up the gallops too. He is an absolute credit to Brendan Snr and his little pony Dee Dee tried his hardest to catch up with the main string.


For anyone interested, I have put a few photos of Brendan Jnr on the website (SEE ABOVE). The photos are not very clear as my camera needs replacing, and it was a bit misty. Another jockey/trainer certainly in the making!

If anyone is planning to be down at Lingfield on Thursday, please PM me as it would be great to meet up with some of you.
Indeed ~ all the best with Bay Hawk Kathy; I hope he does you proud. I'd love to buy a horse and race him in my Dad's memory. He's have to be a 3 mile chaser though, so I still have some saving up to do!!