A Racehorse Of My Own

Bay Hawk is entered at Lingfield on Thursday in the 1.20! I will have to get there early - as I have the jockey's silks! :blink:
OH says the colours are not quite right for Aston Villa, but I am sure my Mum won't mind! B)
My boy :)


Thanks, Muttley! :)

Brendan is convinced he will me a race (or two), but he just hasn't told me which ones! :blink:
What a start, a winner at 8 - 1 !

Well done Kathy, you even got a mention by Zoey Bird........who called you Christine :o
Well done, Kathy & all connected with the beast (the horse, not Kathy).

It's always good when a forumite is connected with a winner.
Just back from business appointment, but got news send on my mobile !!!!!! Many congratulations, Kathy !! And all the best for the next races.... :)
Wow! Been away from the 'net all day and had literally just turned on the box when they were showing the replay, what a lovely performance first time out for you - he looked the winner a mile out! Fantastic stuff, you must have shouted yourself hoarse in that last few hundred yards, Kathy!
I could hear a high-pitched, excited squealing way over the commentary - Miss Kathy and friend were approaching self-combustion point! A smashing ride from young J.P. and the horse did a very good, workmanlike job with a nice wee zip at the end of the race. Saw Kathy afterwards in the Winning Connections Suite and talk about radiant - mind you, that could've been the champers. :P Well done to all, it certainly perked up my day to have a 'forum horse' to cheer in! :)