A Racehorse Of My Own

Many congratulations on Bay Hawk's victory today at Lingfield. Well done to Brendan for sorting out his wind problems, and to Kathy for having the faith and vision to buy him. How lucky can you get on first run for new owner ???

Best wishes for a continued bright future

from Isinglass and Brown Jack :P
Thank you all so much for your good wishes and the PM's and phone calls I received today! We had such a great day, and yes, I did burst into tears when he won and yes, the screaming was me too. :shy:

It was so lovely to see Krizon who has been such a lovely, supportive person, and even managed to have a sneaky sip of champagne with us today.

All the staff at Lingfield were absolutely brilliant and a few of those in the O&T bar, hopefully won a few pounds today.

I only hope my Mum was enjoying today as much as I was. Today is why racehorse ownership can be so very, very special.

I have to mention quickly young JP Featherstone, who stood and listened intently to his instructions, posed for a photo with the overly excited owner, and gave me the biggest grin ever as he returned to the Winners Enclosure! :D I have hinted (fairly strongly) to Brendan that I would love to give young Master Featherstone another ride on Bay Hawk, as I thought he gave him an absolutely peach of a ride. Even Brendan commented that JP's timing was impeccable. Praise indeed from an ex top jock!

Days like today have to be savoured and enjoyed, and I really hope a few of you on here can share in Bay Hawks (hopefully) future success.

Thanks again.

PS. Who the feck is Christine? :rolleyes: :lol:
I've got the winning video .... which would be great if I still owned a video recorder to play it on! :blink:

Hopefully, as Gareth said, it will soon be shown on ATR - so I can go and enjoy watching the race again....and again!
Diminuendo, Brendan saw your gesture! He said it was a two fingered one :o , but I can only imagine it was a thumbs up! :)

I am sorry there aren't many photos, but these are the few that I can show you that aren't completely out of focus!




Bless his little socks and a handsome chap so early too! Thanks for posting that Isinglass and what a coincidence that you clearly know him so very well.

BH was (evidently) not very straight forward to train as a 2yo, as he could be a bit stroppy at times. It turns out later he actually had a problem with his breathing which may have accounted for some of his difficult behaviour, which his owner (Andrew Christou) spent a lot of time, and money resolving. I spoke to Andrew Christou straight after the race and he was absolutely thrilled to bits. What a gentleman, as he only sold him to me about 2 weeks ago. I have to admit to feeling a bit guilty but he was absolutely fine. Andrew Balding, Bay Hawk's first trainer also called with his congratulations.
I readily admit being a contrary and cynical old bastard. But I think the genuine happiness for Kathy on her horses win today has warmed me up a bit. Especially as we are mostly strangers.

This, the Democrats win, Rumsfelds resignation, and Britneys impending divorce have made it a truly great week.

I am off to bed to dream of Rumsfeld. And Britney. And Bay Hawk.
Thanks BtB.

With no penalty for his next run, it would be great if he would win again. Any further wins though would just be pure icing on the cake.

Brendan thinks Bay Hawk will happily race further after yesterdays performance, which opens up more possibilities for him. I will keep you posted as soon as I have further info.
Is the plan to keep him to the all-weather, Kathy? He certainly acted perfectly well on the Polytrack yesterday.
It's certainly my plan, Gareth. B)

That said, Bay Hawk can hurdle and has jumped a "proper" fence too. He doesn't want the ground too soft though so it obviously limits his opportunities through the winter months. I will leave the decisions to Brendan as he clearly knows what he is doing and has been so patient with him.

I had Bay Hawk's breeder on the phone this morning who I met at Brendan's Open day back in September. He is thrilled about Bay Hawk's win as he was convinced he would win a race one day.

By the way Isinglass, I now have those lovely photos you referred to in an earlier post. :)

This forum never fails to amaze me about some of the people you can meet in cyberspace and how helpful they can be.
Well done Kathy! Only noticed BH's win this morning in the Weekender - have been so busy have been v selective with the forum...

Really thrilled for you - we will all raise a glass tomorrow to BAY HAWK
Thanks, Headstrong.

I went down to Brendan's yard this morning with Barney to go and see Bay Hawk. BH was a little stiff after the race initially, but he was back on the horsewalker this morning and will have a couple of quiet days before they up his exercise routine and decide where to go with him next!

The staff down at the yard were full of congratulations and it sounds like BH's win on Thursday was as much of a surprise to many of them as it was to me!

I saw Richie Killoran, their up and coming NH jockey, and they are still teasing him about his first win Maggie Mathias on Thursday. Bay Hawk's win was Brendan's 49th winner this year and evidently Richie gave Brendan his 50th winner. Evidently, Richie was waving his stick like a flat jockey as he crossed the line - and this is just not the done thing in a NH race. They were still teasing him about it this morning but he is taking it all in his stride.

Brendan's yard has nearly as many dogs running around than horses... so Barney had the time of his life.
I've covered his ears, Krizon every time it has been discussed. Only 24 hours left before they are soon just a distant memory. :ph34r: