
I started sleeping on a Shakti mat the other year. It’s like lying on a bed of nails but I’d find myself falling asleep within minutes of lying on it. I also have a Shakti pillow which I use when we travel up north. Thankfully I’m not driving because that sends me to sleep, too. Unfortunately old age has made my skin very thin and I’ve had to stop using it as my skin tears very easily now. I’ve got an older one that’s gone a bit blunt that I can still use. Years ago I used to read Barefoot Doctor in The Observer and bought his books. He tells you of various pressure points in the body that can help with various things. Mind you I got a bit of a shock when I read that he’d committed suicide a few years ago! He’d become quite a famous lifestyle guru so maybe that contributed to his demise.
I'm due my third visit to the acupuncturist later this week.

She recommends a TENS machine. Has anyone used one?

I've been researching them and the reviews seem to imply they only come battery operated. I think I'd like one with mains power but can't see that in any of the descriptions.

My pain has definitely lessened although it was pretty bad late last night, through the night and into the morning despite my usual painkillers, but not too bad at all during the day.

My appointment with Orthopaedics has also come through, for next week so hopefully they will organise an MRI scan for me. It would be really helpful for me to get to the bottom of whatever is causing the issues.
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We have a TENS machine and it doesn’t do much for me but does for my mothers arthritis. Also have an ultrasound machine which I sometimes swipe and use on the horses....oh and a magnetopulse machine and a faradic machine! When you’re the daughter of a vet, you seem to collect these things but they can be useful.

Is the acupuncture direct needling or the traditional Chinese, DO? As in, has she mentioned your Xi yet?
It's direct needling with some in other areas of my body that 'release endorphins'.

She also attaches electrodes to some of the needles I think because the pains are deeper-seated there. She says it stimulates the production of white blood cells that attack bubbles of lactic acid which she said are what's causing the pain.

No mensh so far if Xi. How is that pronounced so that when I ask her about it I don't sound like a total zube?
Chi but I got it wrong and maybe it’s Qi? Anyway pronounced Chi

But is sounds like she’s doing Western acupuncture which definitely isn’t the same and in my opinion, a poor relative! You need to find a traditional one like I said. It takes three years to train in traditional whereas you can get accredited for Western in six days!
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Under an hour in the car, so doable. (That doesn't look like a word, does it?)

I'll do some more research. There might be one in Lanark, which is only about half an hour along the Clyde Valley road.
The lady in Cumbernauld looks like the sort of place I would recommend/go. She’s very highly qualified and looks like she knows what’s she’s talking about.

Shes called Alexandria Waddington.
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I've had severe back, neck, and shoulder problems for years. Sleepless nights are the norm.

Early last year my wife and I separated, and a few months ago I met someone else, who is a traditional acupuncturist. Like many others, I'm hugely skeptical about this kind of thing, but it's been like someone has performed a miracle on me. With regular treatment it alleviates the pain to such a degree that I can move again, and the pain doesn't usually wake me up anymore.

However, I can't actually prove that it's the acupuncture, when it could actually be the new nightly exercise regime! :whistle: Therefore, for anyone considering it, I'd strongly recommend partaking in both as regularly as possible :lol:
I've had severe back, neck, and shoulder problems for years. Sleepless nights are the norm.

Early last year my wife and I separated, and a few months ago I met someone else, who is a traditional acupuncturist. Like many others, I'm hugely skeptical about this kind of thing, but it's been like someone has performed a miracle on me. With regular treatment it alleviates the pain to such a degree that I can move again, and the pain doesn't usually wake me up anymore.

However, I can't actually prove that it's the acupuncture, when it could actually be the new nightly exercise regime! :whistle: Therefore, for anyone considering it, I'd strongly recommend partaking in both as regularly as possible :lol:

So, Maruco, does your acupuncturist have a 35yo drop-dead gorgeous acupuncturist friend?

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