An experiment in honesty


At the Start
May 15, 2005
I noticed today that several firms are quoting prices on Gordon Elliott's No More Heroes for the Weatherby's Champion Bumper. There are no entries as yet, and No More Heroes won't be among them when they do come out, as he is ineligible to run. Bets should be void, but any firm stupid enough to have him in the market will also be unaware that this is the case, and anyone who backs him on the strength of a likely win at Naas tomorrow will have done their cash unless they realise what's happened.

I've contacted all four firms directly, pointing out that they have the horse in their lists, but that he's ineligible. All but one have said that they will investigate, so I thought I'd monitor their markets to see if they do indeed remove him as they've been requested to. A booby prize to the firm or firms who refuse to correct this blatant error.
While Bookmakers are retarded for including him, it's most likely because punters have requested a price.
While Bookmakers are retarded for including him, it's most likely because punters have requested a price.

Quoting him is lazy and/or stupid at this stage (both crass, but forgivable in the grand scheme of things), but continuing to quote him after being informed that he cannot possibly run is either bloody minded or dishonest. I'm sure the firms in question will be quick to do the right thing.....
Quoting him is lazy and/or stupid at this stage (both crass, but forgivable in the grand scheme of things), but continuing to quote him after being informed that he cannot possibly run is either bloody minded or dishonest. I'm sure the firms in question will be quick to do the right thing.....

Problem is some firms don't pass this on to the racing desk.
Good on you, Rory

Slim, is this meant to be an excuse?

No. I've been in the race room when a price has been requested by a customer and our lads know it's not eligible. Quail Esprit for the Foxhunters was a good example. It's just a sad reflection that most of the firms now employ cut and past merchants that have picked up a programme book once in their life.
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One of the most intelligently discussed racing issues in a long time. I can understand the grievance - we feel it - and Slim puts up a solid reason.

But as they say "at least Dick Turpin had the decency to wear a mask" and with the information that is available to both parties nowadays - Rory you knew before the layers (okay probably not, but allowing them some leverage for a moment) - so if one backs a horse ante post that cannot run in the race then one has no-one to blame but themselves.

I actually have more of a problem with bookies shortening up horses for the Cheltenham races as soon as they're entered at dec stages, and then again at final decs - just in case they win their 'prep' race.

Punters have no choice then unless they wait for day of race market and it's summed up in a single word.

Begins with a G and ends in utless.

And completely off topic, the TapaTalk version of this site is now worse than sh!te.
if one backs a horse ante post that cannot run in the race then one has no-one to blame but themselves.

In this case, and all others of ineligible entries, the bets would be void,of course. The problem is that if the bookmaker was unwitting enough to lay the bet, then they would also be unaware that it shouldn't be settled as a loser. Hence the heads up.

Just to update the story, 2 firms, Stan James and Unibet have removed the horse from their lists. Racebets and Bet365 have not as yet.
Stan James, Unibet and Racebets all removed NMH from their lists fairly promptly, with various degrees of grovelling. Bet365 have come back to me maintaining that he could still run, and are now the only firm offering odds on his chances.
Perhaps ATR should be informed Rory, if not already, so Gary O'Brien could warn punters during coverage.
Stan James, Unibet and Racebets all removed NMH from their lists fairly promptly, with various degrees of grovelling. Bet365 have come back to me maintaining that he could still run, and are now the only firm offering odds on his chances.

365 refuse to take horses out of lists because of Jim Bolger.
Perhaps ATR should be informed Rory, if not already, so Gary O'Brien could warn punters during coverage.

Chances of Gary being allowed to say anything are zero given that ATR don't want to offend Bet365. After haranguing them on 3 different fronts, they have finally seen sense, and removed them from their lists. Hoo-ray. :whistle:
Chances of Gary being allowed to say anything are zero given that ATR don't want to offend Bet365. After haranguing them on 3 different fronts, they have finally seen sense, and removed them from their lists. Hoo-ray. :whistle:

Good work, rory. Effective policing of the bookmaking industry in punters' favour, conducted in a straightforward and inoffensive manner.

Power to The People. :cool: