ATR Sectional Times Trial

In that case (Quadrilla's points) it's probably worth setting up a system which then flags you up all the variables, in a rather forensic manner, you're looking for. Gamla, why not ask Racing for Change why they don't promote an integrated system of the essentials for knowledge-based punting? And/or the BHA at the same time?

If the tools are there, but scattered all over the workshop, then why don't we have the will to collect them all into one place where they're actually useful?

Quadrilla - I kinda have this picture of thousands of pieces of data, much of which will be changing very rapidly throughout the season, and serious punters getting horribly mired in just trying to collect and sift it for sense. But if you can set up a spreadsheet which can handle it all and present you with a sheet of stats which show Bonzo Dog in the 3.35 at Bath is 1/2l better than the favourite based on his sectionals, has the best draw, is at his optimal weight, and has his trip and going, then I would think it'd be an excellent tool.

Okay, listen, why don't one of you have a Facebook moment and set the thing up and sell it? You could be billionaires in 3 years' time, and all I want for encouraging you is a box of Thornton's Continental.
Already got this Krizon.
Working on the best BI in the World - Qlikview.


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Why, in a time of economic difficulties, with prize money declining, are Arena Leisure talking about investing what has to be a large sum of money in sectional timing equipment? The results of which will only ever be of interest/use to a small number of punters?

Could it be that the off course bookmakers have told them the data won't mean a thing in 0-60 handicaps and that in the short term at least the OCBs will make even more money from punters? Or what?

Because they already give us wrong horses' names, inconsistant Jockeys' and Trainers' names, incorrect distances', wrong going descriptions', incorrect recent form and wrong weights' carried ( how can A P McCoy claim 3 pounds ? ).,13215,379939,00.html

Let's go the full hog, and issue part Sectional Times.

The more confusion, the more profit they make. But it won't last forever.
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Richard - did Arena promise to pay for it? My memory leaks like a seive, but I thought the timing equipment we had installed at Lingfield was actually provided by someone else. I'm there tomorrow and will (try to remember!) try to find out. I was sure that the discs, etc., were brought by two young fellows from an outside betting company, while all Arena had to do was to ensure one of the raceday staff stuck the right disc into the right saddle bag (if you get the discs wrong for the horses, you get garbage).

Quadrilla - I'm impressed! I wouldn't be able to work it out if my life depended on it, but I'm still impressed.
Found out that the equipment provided at Lingfield was from TurfTrax (the company which make Clerks of the Courses' going sticks), who were very disappointed in the failure to take up sufficient subscriptions to the service, hence their pulling it.
Gamla - it must've been announced in some form or other, since apparently some punters were interested, but nowhere near enough to make it financially a go for TurfTrax. I can't say I saw anything on ATR (which covers Arena's tracks), but as I don't take the paper RP, I've no idea if TurfTrax put ads in that. They had two of their own lads come in early every meeting and ensure the timing monitors were in place and working, and then Lingfield's raceday staff issued the discs which the horses carried - that latter position being at Arena's expense, not TurfTrax's. I don't know how much they wanted, though, for the service. I might be able to dig it out at Sunday's meeting as a matter of interest.

Richard - you are most welcome!
I vaguely remember Channel 4 using this technology for a brief period.

Aidan O'Brien, for one, was threatening to refuse to allow the discs be put in his horses' saddlecloths. It was around the time when we were all worrying that mobile phones were going to fry our brains and nobody wanted to live near a mast.
And, of course, the few minutes that a horse might carry the disc once a month might do it irreparable damage... still, not a bad excuse if it failed to perform! "Headed field to first timing monitor, jumped in the air, swerved, lost all momentum... "