Bally Conn

He did at least win on debut for you guys (& gals) which I'm sure you'll all remember with great fondness and is something that can never be taken away.
If I recall it was TGT day and most of you were at Newbury??

On a sort of related note the runner up that day at Towcester What A Buzz has just won at Newcastle,he also has had a change of stables since that day and is doing rather well for Donald McCain.
Think he's still in the same ownership though.
He did at least win on debut for you guys (& gals) which I'm sure you'll all remember with great fondness and is something that can never be taken away.
If I recall it was TGT day and most of you were at Newbury??

On a sort of related note the runner up that day at Towcester What A Buzz has just won at Newcastle,he also has had a change of stables since that day and is doing rather well for Donald McCain.
Think he's still in the same ownership though.
Hennessy Day actually. Paul D'Arcy trained What A Buzz then and he does indeed remain in the same ownership. Ironic? Perhaps.....
When I was blindfolded and touching the walls all I felt was two squishy things with little nobules in the middle. WHAT were those things????
When I was blindfolded and touching the walls all I felt was two squishy things with little nobules in the middle. WHAT were those things????

Probably lemons or limes.....they make a lot of mojitos and cocktails in some people are more aware of than others...
LOL An Capall! and you in your red woolly too! Such perversion

Anyway folks - I've got a better way of keeping him in line now -
I've got his PHOTO and his NAME

ha ha!!
Have you Headstrong?:)

I bet he is even more handsome than the description he has described privately to me!;)
:confused: Oh dear.... so he isn't 5'1", 53 years old, balding with a beer gut, dirty finger nails, yellow teeth and halitosis? I wonder why he told me that?
I take it Headstrong has photographic evidence of that. I suppose having your belly waxed is out of the question? :blink:

I sort of dreampt you looked sort of half like Colin Farrell and the other half a small, fat, hairy goblin. Now I am totally confused. :confused:

Oh well... I suppose at our age we often have our illusions shattered.

Headstrong.... I need those photos pronto!
Sorry - I've been suspended over the Blarney Stone until forced by five different forumites to swear their likenesses shall never leave my laptop
Did I mention they'd threatned to drown me in Guinness if I break my word?
(Just make sure it's draught please, it does down so much more sweetly)
Taking him back to hurdling was clearly the right thing to do. He looks very willing now...

Interestingly in the light of what was written above, an experienced Amateur I knew about 10/15 years ago who was very familiar with the Knight yard told me that they tended only to be interested in those horses which could always be placed, and the 'also rans' tended to get quickly pushed aside.
Interestingly in the light of what was written above, an experienced Amateur I knew about 10/15 years ago who was very familiar with the Knight yard told me that they tended only to be interested in those horses which could always be placed, and the 'also rans' tended to get quickly pushed aside.
Surely that's true of every top yard?
Surely that's true of every top yard?

Well it may be true of 'top' yards but it's certainly not true of every yard!
It's true that Hen had a top horse or two, but her current record may be showing the folly of not paying enough attention to the lesser lights which keep the bread and butter coming in
Or she's honest enough not to keep taking money from people when in her opinion the horse doesn't have any talent...

Doing so, of course, means every now and then a 'good one' will get away from her, especially if it's a very late maturer or had various problems but for every one of those, there are probably ten others who will never be any good, no matter who trains it.

So who's wrong ? The trainer who keeps every owner hanging on with horses which will never win or trainers like Henrietta? We all know yards at every level who keep horses in training because the need for revenue and the numbers to appear to be in demand....