Ballydoyle Team Tactics

I don't suppose Coolmore will receive any more than a slap on the wrist and a "dont do it again, boys" - which I'm sure they'll take little notice of anyway!
Well, yessss.....however since I'm assuming they're not to be tried by Stevie Wonder, my remark still stands.
How about a false rail Rory? Of course, as it stands, a jockey that quickly grabs the new rail and lets his stablemate straight through behind him is violating the team tactics rule even though he's taking a course of action specifically recommended at false rails in the rulebook.
It's a bit of a non-event really; the authorities need to show that the rule is in existence for a reason and they haven't forgotten about it (which they had, of course) but it's a tad toothless and the only positive thing to come out of it is a rewriting of said rule after the hearing.
I didn't see the Channel 4 coverage. But after the media used Murtagh's words against him and his employer to force the BHA into holding an enquiry, did they really expect him to play ball?
I didn't see the Channel 4 coverage. But after the media used Murtagh's words against him and his employer to force the BHA into holding an enquiry, did they really expect him to play ball?

Yes, You'd imagine, as most of us have progressed beyond the playground.
Murtagh was an idiot to say what he did, and short of saying as much in an interview it's hard to know what else he can say if the subject is raised - which of course it would be! He's done racing a service though, if the fallout leads to a tightening up of the practice
So what happens tomorrow? Imagine there will be some "punishment" dealt out...they will want to be seen to do something.
As they said on RUK today, this should have been dealt with at the time. Ridiculous to drag it on for so long.

Murtagh's belated summons relates to comments he is said to have made to a Sunday newspaper, implying that it was prearranged that O'Donoghue would move off the rail to allow him through on Duke Of Marmalade. Such manoeuvres favouring another horse are expressly banned. For this reason, Murtagh has been charged under Rule 220(i) that he “instructed, directed or encouraged Mr O'Donoghue to ride in the way he did”. If he is found not in breach on this, he could still be punished under a catch-all rule for “acting in a manner prejudicial to the integrity, proper conduct or good reputation of horse racing”.
The late charging of Murtagh, who is having a sensational first season as stable jockey to the Coolmore syndicate of owners, adds yet more spice to an already overheated dish.
It is suspected in Ireland that the team tactics issue is a smokescreen of convenience for British racing after so many top prizes have been exported to Ballydoyle this year. Even before he knew he was being called to account, Murtagh had changed his attitude towards the British media. Unfailingly helpful earlier in the year, he became icily monosyllabic during the St Leger meeting at Doncaster......."
