Best Country In The World

I can see the good points about Ireland.Travelling to big matches and race meetings in the summer.Plenty of beaches and mountains if you are into that kind of thing.Outside of Dublin you never have far to drive to get away from the city.
Against that everything is ridiculously expensive,the summer is too short,the rest of the year is too cold and wet.We also have an increasingly stupid younger generation with no manners and a growing drugs culture.
Yet another male non-driver!!! As someone who put in the application for her driving test on her 17th birthday I can't understand how so many people don't want to drive - I was desperate for the freedom. Then again I did live in Bally-go-backwards I guess and was fed up of walking/cycling for 3 miles every morning in the dark to go feed and muck out the 'oss!
Switzerland must be ok if you can afford to live there

Work there a bit and its nowhere near as expensive as assumed. Prices much the same as UK.

But as nice as the cities are, they feel a bit old fashioned (im no kid) and rather dull
There were three main reasons why I didn't drive in Dublin:

1 - I lived ~15 mins from the city centre by bus. The big problem I had was that to get to where I was working, I had to go into the city centre and come out again. If I'd driven, I could have gone a much more direct route, but I would have spent just as long stuck in traffic. Had there been a direct bus service, I would have had the benefit of the bus lanes. Incredibly frustrating.

2 - Car insurance is obscenely expensive.

3 - As alluded to above, the traffic is already horrible; the last thing the city needed was another driver. I despaired at crossing over a large motorway every day on the bus to see cars bumper-to-bumper, the vast majority of which were 4-seaters with three of them empty!
The survey was carried out in 2004 and was first discussed on here then. I wonder how much the results alter each year?

Like Tom, I'm surprised that Canada isn't in the top ten, and also Finland. But from memory neither was far outside.
Nasty to see odious little whale killing nations there
(Norway and Iceland)

If i had my way, they would be worst places in the world to live...after my carpet bombing and napalm and shooting of remaining population

how anyone can kill these incredible intelligent beast for fun is beyond me
Originally posted by Gareth Flynn@Dec 1 2006, 10:37 AM
There were three main reasons why I didn't drive in Dublin:

1 - I lived ~15 mins from the city centre by bus. The big problem I had was that to get to where I was working, I had to go into the city centre and come out again. If I'd driven, I could have gone a much more direct route, but I would have spent just as long stuck in traffic. Had there been a direct bus service, I would have had the benefit of the bus lanes. Incredibly frustrating.

2 - Car insurance is obscenely expensive.

3 - As alluded to above, the traffic is already horrible; the last thing the city needed was another driver. I despaired at crossing over a large motorway every day on the bus to see cars bumper-to-bumper, the vast majority of which were 4-seaters with three of them empty!
I have a friend who is from Longford. He went to renew his car insurance. He is 25, driving a 6 year old group 4 Mazda with 7 years no claims.

He was given a quote of 8,500 euro for one year fully comp.

Meanwhile, I just bought a group 7 Ford Focus. I've only been driving for 6 months and live in Northern Ireland - in the postcode with the highest car theft rate in the UK.

My quote: £600 fully comp.

Prices in Ireland are insane. I would sooner be teetotal than buy a drink from an off license in the south - almost double what they are here in some places.
I'm really surprised not to see North Korea in the top ten, at least. A genial, much-loved leader, lots and lots of public celebrations with marching bands and dancing girls, environmentally sound by turning off all its electricity at night (all three generators), a love of bright, cheerful colours and superb countryside. A healthy diet of rice and rice, too, resulting in small but perfectly-formed people. Just bring in a few AW tracks and the place'll be perfect.
It was a choice between North Korea and Ireland as to which would top the list but the Dear Leader Kim Jong-Il wouldn't pay the bribe.
Grey - I'm taking up the Beloved Leader's Special Offer for Esteemed Older Persons from Respected Other Countries - if I book before January, I get 365 nights for the price of 7 in Marbella, with all the rice and dog I can eat. Food swings it every time for me - sorry, chow-chows!
If Ireland is the best country in the world then I am a bed hopping, hard living, sexy, handsome bastard of a movie star.
Originally posted by an capall@Dec 1 2006, 05:28 PM
If Ireland is the best country in the world then I am a bed hopping, hard living, sexy, handsome bastard of a movie star.
The league tables don't lie.