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Bet Butler

  • Thread starter Thread starter SlimChance
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The Gambling Commission has issued a statement today:

"The Gambling Commission understands that Canbet has suspended its operating activity with regard to taking bets and new deposits from 31 December 2013. We have written to the operator expressing our considerable concern and explaining that we are actively considering the commencement of a review of Canbet’s operating licence.
We have asked Canbet for reassurances that they will:
not accept any bets or new deposits for the foreseeable future
continue to pay out those customers who have outstanding balances
provide a progress report by 6 January 2014, to include details of the amounts still outstanding to existing customers, the number of customers affected and the timescale within which they will be paid.
We have also requested a further report from Canbet’s auditors to confirm that the company has the finances in place to meet its existing obligations.

I do think you should pursue your issue, CP.
It isn't much grief to set up a Skrill (Moneybookers) account.
Neither is it a severe hardship to email scans of the documents that Canbet are requiring.
By doing so, you still have "skin in the game". Doing nothing simply writes off your 1K owed.
It isn't much grief to set up a Skrill (Moneybookers) account.
Neither is it a severe hardship to email scans of the documents that Canbet are requiring.

It is on both counts for me.

The Gambling Act changed a few years ago, so I should be able to claim if they go bust.

You have been well advised, get at it now. An unsecured creditor in a bust
betting company could well get SFA. Make the effort!
I've set up a Skrill account, and it is the biggest heap of **** I've encountered for a long time. They charge you to make transactions, which is fair enough I guess, but for Canbet to only allow this as a withdrawal method is total bollocks.

Not only that, Skrill has said my maximum transaction per 60 days is a mere £406.05. I also have to wait a few more days to confirm the nominal amount (security reasons) they've taken from my card. So even if Canbet eventually pay it to Skrill, it'll still take me 6 months to get it out of there.

At least I'm not in London, as I'd probably end up doing a stretch for arson.
I've set up a Skrill account, and it is the biggest heap of **** I've encountered for a long time. They charge you to make transactions,
Somewhat misleading statement, it should be said.
Withdrawals from Skrill to your bank account do carry a small charge ( as do Neteller's which is my preferred gambling e-wallet), but depositing money from Skrill to bookmakers and withdrawing from bookmakers to Skrill do not. You only pay a transaction fee when you pull money out of Skrill to your bank account -- which in fairness most people do only occasionally. Most people keep their betting funds permanently in Skrill and Neteller to top up their bookie/betfair accounts, and vice-versa to withdraw from bookies when a particular balance has grown wedgy. I find Skrill and Neteller quite essential -- and actually most cost-efficient facilities for any serious punter. It cuts out the constant use of personal bank accounts and debit/credit card procedures when playing with multiple bookmaker accounts.

Anyway, it's your own call whether to pursue Canbet or not.
Arson is an option but I find revenge is always a dish best served cold. Retribution and vengeance is sweeter when it comes in monetary form rather than the momentary and fleeting satisfaction gained from some head-rules-the-heart criminal action. :ninja:
"Most people keep their betting funds permanently in Skrill and Neteller to top up their bookie/betfair accounts."

I ain't most people.
"Skrill has said my maximum transaction per 60 days is a mere £406.05"

Can you explain this bit to me? What do they mean by transaction?

£406.05 every 2 Months is bullshit, whichever way you look at it.
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i think thats just until you confirm your account by the amount they took from your card, then I believe the restrictions are lifted. Paypal do the same.
I see, it makes sense now, cheers.

Reckon I've missed the boat with Canbet, but will post when/if anything of interest happens.
It's worth the hassle but note that some accounts will restrict you quicker for using SKRILL and some accounts will not give you guaranteed prices if you use Skrill.
I'm probably being thick but why do you need these accounts? What's wrong with a normal bank account?
Thanks for the heads up, SC. I'm the same as Aragorn. I don't see why it's any better than just using a bank card. It can take a few days for withdrawals to be in your account, but it's quick to deposit and there's no charge.
but it's quick to deposit and there's no charge.
??? :blink:

Betfair will charge you a 1.5% fee on all Visa and Mastercard deposits. And most banks have a small service charge on all online transactions ( for Irish banks, this is currently 24c -27c for each automated transaction).

Aragorn, for punters who operate accounts with multiple bookmakers I believe the advantages of using Neteller (or Skrill) are manifold. Can I list just a couple that immediately spring to mind?

1) Bank managers are prone to getting very anal over accounts that have hundreds of betting transfers in their history. Try applying for a mortgage or loan as such an account holder and you'll see what I mean. (There's also the issue of privacy in this age of ever-increasing Big Brother government and Revenue scrutiny.
2) Withdrawal times are instant as against the up to five working days to a bank account.
3) Security. The risk ( however small) of cyber-fraud against your card is index-linked to the amount of time you use it online. With Neteller or Skrill, you'll enter your card information only once.

Many more, but I'll leave it at that for the mo'. :)
I use a visa debit and I 100% do not get charged a deposit fee. I have the statements to prove it mi'lord. It's only for Visa credit card transactions.

I have a mortgage, my bank offered me one as well but I'm not a huge punter though.

If its instant withdrawal that's a plus. Depending on how big you're betting, the money can be moved same day if the bookies wanted but I'm sure they'd prefer to hold our money an extra day. The interest they earn on deposits must be reasonable.

I'm not sure if its index linked or not but I, foolhardy as it may sound, trust my bank to look after my money!

I'm not knocking it though, genuinely interested because if withdrawals are instant that is a big plus. What's the withdrawal time to your bank?
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I don't get charged anything using a visa debit card either.

" 1) Bank managers are prone to getting very anal over accounts that have hundreds of betting transfers in their history. Try applying for a mortgage or loan as such an account holder and you'll see what I mean."

I only use it for betting anyway (or the odd interflora purchase). I generally leave enough in with the bookies for my next bet, and do a weekly run around making withdrawals, which is more of a stroll than a run around these days, as I can't get on with most firms.
I'm sure the bank manager likes it, I would if I were him. Electronic transactions aren't a hassle for them as it's automated, they're only interested in whats going out and how much is coming back in. Saying that, I'm not making hundreds of transactions, as I have my next stake sat there half the time, and secondly, I don't bet that often (compared to many punters anyway).

I also get interest if my money is sitting in the bank (however small). I'm not sure , but I don't foresee getting that while it's floating around in an e-wallet, and then (from what I understand) you get charged 10 euros every time you whip money out of that e-wallet and put it back in the bank, though I may be wrong on that last point, and to counter balance that, I do get charged a small nominal fee for having a debit account, I think it's about £5 per month.

"2) Withdrawal times are instant as against the up to five working days to a bank account."

Not bothered about it taking a few days to get the money back into the bank. I can sort of see how it may be handy for you, Jack, as from what I gather you're a kind of wheeler/dealer type punter between the exchanges and bookies. People who need these e-wallet things that just want to have the odd bet though, have probably got too many eggs in the one basket.

"3) Security. The risk ( however small) of cyber-fraud against your card is index-linked to the amount of time you use it online. With Neteller or Skrill, you'll enter your card information only once."

I have to update card details once every 3 years or so, so a slight increase in risk, but negligible really. It's also pointless me updating my card details with most of them now anyway for the minimal amount they'll let me stake, and as this current one is good for another 18 months or so, I doubt I'll have to do it with any of them by the time it runs out. Though I concede, that if starting afresh and withdrawing in stealth mode via the exchanges, then there would probably be a need to update card details every few years, so yes, slight increase in risk, but can that really be classed as a factor worthy of consideration?

I see your point if you're running about buying this that and the other online, but just for depositing into bookies?

I think it might simply boil down to each persons style of betting.
Apologies. Both of you are correct, of course. I should have specified credit cards.

End-of-the-day, you are right CP, -- it is down to the preference of each individual punter I suppose, and what he/she is most comfortable with. I'll just say that an e-wallet is quite an indispensable facility for me.

There is indeed a downside as suggested by Slim Chance in an earlier post. Bookmakers do see people who use Skrill/Neteller as people who take their punting seriously ................... or else as arbers or bonus-abusing tarts. (The most prominent Irish bookmaker in the game will not pay you their advertised sign-up bonus if you create a new account with them via Skrill, for example).

Anyway CP, it's up to you in the final analysis. If you are prepared to forego your 1K without a struggle ( ie, by emailing the scans and creating a Skrill account), then, so be it.
Personally, I wouldn't have the stoicism to forego such a sum if it was due to me. I have been known to chase a bookmaker to the ends of the earth for a promised -- but not given - free €5 bet. :ninja:
Oh, I'm certainly going to try and get the money. I'll send the docs once Skrill is active (another day or two). Then I'll try. After that I'll fly back and burn their fuckin office to the ground. :) OK, well maybe not go that far for the sake of a grand.

I've still got an axe to grind with Prodromou over the Timeteam incident though, and that was for more than anything Canbet can screw me for. I tell yer, if I ever see that twat, he'd better run like a fuckin athlete, same for that stupid (fake menstrual pain whore) that strangled it in the stalls.

....and relax..
Ladbrokes and Betfred automatically with draw the GP concession from your account if you use Skrill.
Betfred should set up a penny arcade at a coastal town and be done with it.

What is GP concession, Slim?
Ahh, OK, cheers, Colin. I thought it might be, but I'm used to it being described as BOG so thought it might be something else.
Thank you for contacting Bet Butler and for providing your details.

Your withdrawal will be passed forward to our accounts team for processing,
Can I ask if there's been any update?
Has there been a happy conclusion? Have you been able to withdraw to the full amount you requested?

(Or have you been asked for further docs, some stool samples, notarised verification of your chromosomal DNA-sequence, etc etc)?

And maybe send them -- not in a sample jar -- but in a paper envelope. :)

BTW, get your ass back posting on here, asap, fella !