Bit of help needed

Well, yes. I've two friends who are desperate to find and purchase some raspberry cords but reckon they're finding them hard to track down....
Only a handful of people are left, Kriz, who know how to make the dye in the right way, and customers are not as discerning as they once were. I saw a piece about it on Countryfile. Finding a shade with just the right degree of loudness to go with the yellow jumper and the green tweed jacket requires a sensibility that is beyond the ken of city people and yobbish youths, it seems.

It certainly is a weird old world - having watched the adorable Brian Cox expounding on the death of the universe (our own fritzing is just a billion years off, he asserts - and I thought I'd got a bit longer than that, with five billion, but have it wrong, it seems) - the whirls and twirls of human existence seem pathetically pointless. So it's good to know that some of us, facing total annihilation in eons to come, really do care enough to get their sartorial palettes correct, lest they deeply offend the sensitive souls in our midst with a slightly too-enthusiastic russet or a tinge too far of purple in their heather mix. :(

I like cords, but I also like moleskins (especially with 5% Elastane added). Cords? Or moleskins? There's only one way to find out...
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Had a great day at Cheltenham Yesterday,managed to pick chicago grey in the first.It was the only race that we went to the parade ring for and we picked out Chicago Grey but Beshabar looked head and shoulders above everything so we had a little forecast in as well.Needless to say after that we didn't pick a winner.Good day though and I shall be staying for 2 days next year.
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