BNP on Question Time

I was thinking after reading a piece about William Hague in GQ that maybe the country won't be in such bad hands when the Tories get in. And then I see Michael Hesaltine getting all steamed up about the Lib/Dems tax idea on homes valued over a million quid (my heart bleeds) and I realise what utter twats most of them are.
imo I think the only person to look like a twat (personal jibes aside) was the lib dem spokesman! A tory makes a serious and sincere statement on taxation and the first thing a lib dem can say is "your house is worth more than a million isn't it"!

They aren't as daft as me, working my fingers to the bone just to keep the wheels of industry turning. Lightbulbs don't change themselves you know, and as for blocked bogs ........nuff said!
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Countdown to the big day. One thing is for certain...this is going to have a huge audience..

The main parties have screwed up of course. What did we expect?

Are they at all interested in genuinely pulling the white working class support from the BNP? Firstly talking of "bans" is counterproductive of course. If its the basis of Nick Griffin being an extremist, how come we have had to suffer Tony " mao was the greatest 20th century leader" Benn, racist jew hating Ken livingstone and the terrorist supporting Seamus Milne on the programme?

Picking Jack Straw for Labour is not exactly inspirational. Hes competent of course and will no doubt debate well....but... he lacks the charisma to appeal over the heads of established supporters. Just thank god they didnt go for humourless patronising Peter Vain or thicko Harman. iI it had been Hapless then griffin would be forming the next goverment

Baroness Warsi is a big mistake. Like it or not, much of the TV audiences recation to her will be along the the lines "well you would say that wouldnt you". Grossly unfair, but it will be a fact. She also has a slightly dubious history of campaigning too, which could come tolight on Thursday

Nick Griffin will do well. Many watching will believe that hes the only one on the panel who can relate to their concerns. The main parties needed to put up panellists that the audience can relate to. Its probably a reflection on their insularity that they havent been able to do so...

My selection for Labour would have been Frank Field, who has addressed the issues well. Although he can get on my nerves a bit, Boris johnson would have been a good choice for the tories. Admittedly hes hardly working class, but has the humour and charisma to appeal across boundaries...
For the majority of politicians, I cannot see what principles their policies evolve from.
That's the way it works, isn't it? You have the fundamental principles and develop policies that will accord with them, suited to the ongoing conditions and needs of the community.

So, when the phrase 'unprincipled lot' is used, it means their policies are ad hoc, off the cuff - not developed from principle.

So, what's a principle? Short & embracing a wide area; e.g. Love thy neighbour as thyself ... from which, maybe, a lot of the old Common Law was developed.

However, it seems that most politicians are either afraid to enunciate their principles in case the populist vote mis-understands them or maybe because they just don't have any .....

Whether it's the BNP, the Tories or Labour: not any idea at all what their 'principles' are, but I suspect they're all garnering support only from people who seek their own benefit.

I don't admire 'democracy', nor do I have an alternative!
The problem with democracy is that people get to vote.

If people hadn't voted for the BNP they wouldn't have got any seats and wouldn ver have got within a hundred miles of Question Time.

You can't blame the BBC. It's only doing its job. The British public is to blame for the BNP getting on the programme.
It wouldn't be too surprising to find out that the BNP paid those people to protest themselves.

The publicity for the BNP is at a very high level now just due to the protest..first story on all the news channels...the appearance on the show is near on irrelevant now

if they are genuine protesters then all they have done is gain more support for the BNP by their actions..trying to deny them free speech will gain them an automatic sympathy vote..very silly people
Don't think they would need to do that, and as for very silly people this Country is full of them, remember 1979?

I do remember 1979..and with the bin strike in Leeds..national postal strike..firemen... all in conflict..this is starting to resemble that year in lots of ways

When the mood of the country is it is now...people such as the BNP can get many people on board...which makes giving them main news story headlines is REALLY silly..the protesters have played right into the BNP's hands...their irresponsible actions today have seriously assisted the BNP.
In all fairness, the BNP looks like shooting themselves in the foot so far with this one! Give 'em enough rope.....
In all fairness, the BNP looks like shooting themselves in the foot so far with this one! Give 'em enough rope.....

he sure took one hell of a beating was like a spoof..the guy isn't real and was exposed as a complete fake and liar

just based on seeing that performance anyone voting BNP is more than likely to be of low intelligence

unfortunately... this country has many fitting that description
Absolutely - he showed himself up to be a slimy twat and a fraud. I can't see that tonight's programme did the BNP much but harm.
................but the BBC did very nicely thank you!

Is this another case of them wanting to be part of the news or even making the news rather than reporting it?
No, they did not. They have little right to judge which party should or should not be on these type of shows; if the electorate vote for a party to the degree the BNP received, they appear; end of. The BBC if anything should be applauded for resisting the ridiculous calls of Haines, and the even worse mutterings of that UAF leader 'the BBC have rolled out the red carpet for the BNP' - how exactly?

On the show itself, some of the questions were embarassing and were nothing better than some of the BNP rallies in tone - is the point of question time to have questions such as 'can't you think of anything but yourself for a minute? You're disgusting, disgusting'. Cue loud roaring - surely the BBC can filter the people/questions for more intelligent debate? Some of the points I saw were more suited to appearing in the comment page of the Sun as opposed to what I figured was an intelligent political debate.

Nick Griffin was shown up for what he is - a complete and utter twat. He came across really poorly, he could hardly get words into the correct order at times, and struggled to make any coherent points. The BNP are a laughing stock politically, and they should be given more, not less platforms such as last night, as they will be exposed quite quickly for what they are.

I thought Straw came across as well as ever, but Warsi looked lightweight.
Something like this perhaps?

Good post Hamm. Agree largely...

The BNP could rightly counter two things too. 1. The questioners from the audience were seemingly either young students or representitives from ethnic minorities. He should have been able to handle that of course but it looked very selective. 2. There was a constant banging on about his past associations and quotes. As horrible as these have ben, he has renounced them (convincingly or not). But would Livingstone get same constant questioning for his support and promotion of a nazi admiring iman or Benn for his near hero worship of mass murdering Mao?

Griffin was extremely nervous (understandable perhaps) and out of his depth

Warsi was awful. I disagree about Straw, who i thought was pretty dismal. Whenever i see or hear him, I never cease to wonder how hes managed to get as far as he has

Left as it was, this was probably on balance a setback for the BNP (thankfully) but then the ever pompous and concescending Hain was on the media this morning partonisingly alienating voters up and down the country..
surely the BBC can filter the people/questions for more intelligent debate

Definately. The questions are selected very carefully and so are those asking. I was in the audience afew years back (panel was Roy Hattersley, Douglas Hurd, Paddy ashdown and Robert Maxwell..) and its is quite regimented

One other thought. The BNP agenda is full of holes, but by the constant (and often somewhat childish) personal attacks, there was little time to shoot to pieces their actual current policies. It gave the impression that the main parties again wanted to avoid the issue (although Hume was good on these points)