

At the Start
Jun 2, 2003
My favourite breakfast at the moment comprises two slices of toasted crusty bread, topped with four rashers of grilled bacon, two chopped and fried sausages, a grilled tomato and two runny poached eggs. Saturdays only though, I'm far healthier the rest of the week. Its just what you need though to see you through an afternoon in front of the TV watching the racing.

However I'm always open to new suggestions and ideas regarding breakfasts.......
Breakfast is way down on my list of priorities during the week as I try to get all the girls to school on time with their packed lunches and all the correct kit. At the weekend however it's always much appreciated if Mr GG can make me a bacon sandwich. It has to be white bread with tomato ketchup. The bacon has to be cremated and should be washed down with a mug of Earl Grey.
If you want a slightly different slant, why not try a Continental brekkie, with slices of light cheese (Emmenthal, Gouda, that sort of thing), with slices of Parma or serrano ham, a couple of croissants or crispbreads?

Or waffles with maple syrup, savoury pancakes with a ham or cheese filling, or sweet ones with a few fresh berries? Tomatoes on toast (mmmm), scrambled eggs on toast or a toasted bagel, toasted bagels instead of toast, Spanish/ham/cheese omelette, kedgeree, smoked mackerel/s with a squirt of lemon (lovely hot or cold), haddock with poached egg...
Weetabix, semi-skimmed milk, a yogurt and pineapple juice Monday to Friday. Bacon, eggs and mushrooms on toast at the weekend.
Every morning the same... 6 am get up, make bucket sized, proper cappu and put milk in bowl with porridge and spoonful of sultanas, which gets shoved in the slow oven of Aga while I go out and do equine/bovine/canine type stuff. On my return at around 8.45, said porridge is usually just right to stuff down my neck before heading up to my office.

There, bet you're in awe of someone living on the edge like me... B)
Never really been a breakfast person myself because of work and the likes.
The way I eat has changed somewhat anyway since getting my butt severley kicked about my weight and I usually get by with a piece of fruit (usually a banana or satsuma) and a Nutri Grain bar.
sausage and bacon bap from the cafe on days when I go to work - Not very healthy but a pretty good way to start the day!
I'm a porridge person too, Songsheet especially in the winter made with skimmed milk and topped off with a little treacle..

In the summer, I love my smoothies and some brown, nutty toast.

I'm not really a fried breakfast person - unless I'm on holiday. :)
4 Small Scotch Pancakes (has to be Kingsmill or Warburtons - supermarkets own brands are too rubbery) lightly toasted and spread with Bertolli margarine.
With a Marlboro Light afterwards.

Or if i want to pig out....i used to work at a motorway service station in a restaurant and my fry-ups are excellent..
2 Hash Browns
Beans (with Pork Sausges - has to be Heinz)
2 Fried Eggs
2 Rashers of Bacon (well done)
Black Pudding
2 Slices of Bread
Originally posted by Kathy@Nov 14 2006, 10:17 AM
I'm a porridge person too, Songsheet especially in the winter made with skimmed milk and topped off with a little treacle..

In the summer, I love my smoothies and some brown, nutty toast.

I'm not really a fried breakfast person - unless I'm on holiday. :)
Yes, must be skimmed milk - forgot that vital detail!!
I have started taking a couple of desertspoonfuls of Cod Liver Oil every morning (for the last week). Anything that tastes that vile must be good for you. I haven't vomitted yet, although I have had two or three close calls. The bottle will not be replaced once finished and my hand does get a bit shakey whilst pouring it out over the sink.
I dont eat until about 4pm most days but my breakfast of choice would be either porridge with milk and golden syrup, or a big bowl of ready brek
I like them both, but I can't stand the sight of baked beans and eggs on the same plate. The colour clash is too violent and they don't taste well together anyway.
Sex, followed by...

Midweek: usually only time for bread and jam and a very weak coffee.

Weekends: the works and especially porridge on cold mornings.