Brendan Powell


At the Start
Apr 11, 2006
The Ridgeway
Just heard that Brendan is moving to Lambourn to get a larger yard and better facilities. Presume Kathy can give us details?

Best of luck to him anyway he has done so well from what little he had in present location.
I'd heard that he had recently split from his wife so perhaps the move is an enforced one?
I haven't been able to post on line for a few days due to problems with my internet connection. :angy:

Re: Brendan's move to Lambourn, I have to say that I try and not get involved with petty racing gossip but just to stop one of the rumours just hatched on here I can confirm the move is definitely not an "enforced" move due to his separation from Rachel. Brendan seems extremely happy as you may be able to tell with the way his horses are running at the moment. :) The good thing with being connected to a non gossiping yard and trainer, is that you are able to keep things under wraps for a (very) long time before it becomes general tittle tattle (obviously, I don't mean you Isinglass) and to stop the usual whispering campaigns.

Brendan is due to move to Upper Lambourn in early July although a definite date has yet to be agreed.

As you can imagine, it will be a mammoth task to ensure it all goes smoothy. I will certainly be around to lend a hand as will my Dad and my OH.

I am sure with all the bigger and better facilities, Brendan's yard wil keep on throwing up lots of winners, continue to have very happy owners and will be continue to attract high profile owners to his yard.
Yes, I was pretty sure a move was inevitable sooner rather than later as he was rapidly running out of space as he continued to attract new owners, including us!

I had to laugh last time we were there when we encountered boxes, containing John Maxse's horse, nearly out on the gallops. I figured Brendan would have them in the house next, and our filly would have been happy to do that! :D

I'm pleased he has found somewhere, and as you say, hope the move goes well when it happens.
Isinglass, I am sorry he hasn't spoken to you directly about the move. He said last night he just hasn't got round to phoning all the owners personally - but he is doing his very best. I didn't want to put anything on the website until he had spoken to everyone, but there was an article in the Telegraph (?) on Sunday and then various TV interviews and this has all taken him a bit by surprise and lack of time meant he couldn't call every owner and now they are calling him.

Give him a call and I am sure he will fill you in! :D
Whatever yard he's moving to and for whatever reason , I wish him the best of luck with the move. It will be great to have Brendan Powell on the list of stables to visit come next Lambourn Open Day!!
It was never going to be kept "that" quiet LE when we realised Luke Harvey knew about it at Newbury a few weeks back! :D It was just out of courtesy to his owners it wasn't officially announced sooner just to give Brendan a chance to tell them all personally. Best laid plans and all that.

Lots of excuses to come and meet Headstrong down the Lambourn local, although if she's looking for juicy gossip about Brendan, it won't be coming from me. I've already warned him about you, HS :P
Brendan needs to get some more staff i think, all the girls that lead up for him seem to do double and treble lead ups .
Originally posted by Love Everlasting@May 17 2007, 05:36 PM
I did hear he's moving into Brian MEehans yard now that Kvisla is moving out, been news round here for a few days at least.
I looked at that yard prior to opting for Newmarket but its a strange place. It wouldn't have suited me as they wouldn't split the yard and it was way too big but it is very cramped since as Meehan expanded so fast he just built and built on a very small area so it feels claustrophobic and there was only one tiny house on site. Still theres probably not much else around - I see KIm Baileys old yard is being taken over by Alex Hales his former assistant.
Kathy, thanks for update. I did not expect Brendan to tell us he was moving, our horse has been retired and it will be a year before we put her sister with him. Anyway, I have not told him I am moving either!

No, seriously, it's just good news, which is why I thought it worthy of posting. He works hard, as do all of his team, and they deserve a step up in premises.

Lambourn will make it a hell of lot easier for me, Winchester is currently over 3 hours from my house, Lambourn is only 2!
Not sure how far his current base is from Lambourn (presume it's down Wiltshire way) but depending on the staff he his, ages, positions in the yard, marital status etc do people really think it's good news for his staff?

I mean some of them may have children, partners who work outside of racing etc. and uprooting the family 100 miles to Lambourn might not be for them and they may well be out of a job. It's alright if you're young or with no ties but these moves aren't always that good for the staff.
Martin, you will find that many trainers have to move yards for various reasons ie being thrown out of yards for not paying the rent, moving to smaller or bigger premises.

I don't think Brendan Powell is the only trainer who has had to move yards to find bigger premises and don't worry, I am sure the staff will have been consulted.

Brendan's new yard in Lambourn is about an hour and a quarter from Lambourn basically straight up the A34 past Newbury. No, it may not be ideal for everyone but when you move any business, there is always a percentage of employees where a change (any change) may not be ideal for their own personal circumstances.
Originally posted by jinnyj@May 17 2007, 05:34 PM
I looked at that yard prior to opting for Newmarket but its a strange place. It wouldn't have suited me as they wouldn't split the yard and it was way too big but it is very cramped since as Meehan expanded so fast he just built and built on a very small area so it feels claustrophobic and there was only one tiny house on site. Still theres probably not much else around - I see KIm Baileys old yard is being taken over by Alex Hales his former assistant.
Your right, i'm surprised Kvisla stayed so long there with the small string he had, can't have been making much money.

and I think what Martins trying to say is do his staff want to move to the dump what is Lambourn? norty (you know what i think bout the place anyway!!) and I hope for their sake the staff aren't going to be living in the same place as Meehans foreign lads lived, tis a bit grim
Presuming you mean its an hour and a quarter from WINCHESTER - thats one heck of a traffic que he'll be anticipating - it only used to take me an hour and three quarters fro Poole to Lambourn! :P

I wasnt keen on Brian Meehans yard much for similar reasons to Kirsty (though I wasnt looking from a training point of view!)- but I guess when you move to a training centre you have to take what you can get to start with and keep your ears open. At least its pretty quiet down that end.

Best of luck to him and for whichever of the many reasons it is that hes moving(adn Im aware of at least 5 differernt ones now!) I hope it all goes well and he gets lots of winners.
I'd heard the same story that BP has been forced to move due to some kind of divorce settlement :ph34r: A good friend of mine is also a friend of the Powells & she waxed lyrical about sorry she felt for Rachael to me recently.
All these "rumours" and Brendan hasn't even moved to Lambourn yet! If this thread is a taster of what he is letting himself in for by moving to a training centre... I bet he can't wait for the removal vans to arrive! :D
Is it my imagination or does racing have more than it's fair share of broken marriages?

How much does he charge Kathy and is he good value for money? One of my favourite jockeys and underrated was Brendan.
Id hope he charges Kathy the same amount as all his other owners!! :D

I used to lead him up a lot - hes a nice bloke and I always thought he was a good rider.

Yes, racing does have more than its fair share of marriage breakups and sharing about - its a high emotion world to be involved in.
As for roumers - the ones flying about about Brendan (which are mostly substantiated I think!!) are nothing compared to what will start when he moves in. Luckily for him he is unlikely to be associated with any older unattractive women!!
Except a very lovely mature lady who has a very stern/domineering/firm hand in various owners and trainers entrances (ooh err missus!!) in teh south of the country.... norty