Brendan Powell

Absolutely right, Krizon. It's not just the horses that don't like all that banging, shouting and clattering either. :suspect: Headstrong has already given me the lowdown on which pubs to visit and when, so it would be great for this to be a regular weekly trip for me.

Courtesy of The Racing Post today.
Powell all set for move
by Keith Hamer

BRENDAN POWELL is on target to move from Hampshire to the Lambourn stables formerly occupied by Brian Meehan next month.

Irish-born Powell, who won the Grand National on Rhyme 'n' Reason in 1988, is currently based at Morestead Stables at Twyford. He first took out a licence in 2000.

He is switching to the Newlands Stables in Upper Lambourn where Meehan trained until his move to Manton last year.

"Everything's going well. We've got all our staff sorted out and the accommodation etc," said Powell.
"Brian Meehan has kindly done the yard up for us and the house before we move in so it will be the first week of July.

"It's a big move. The easiest part will be moving the horses, it will be everything else with it.

"We are looking forward to it. It's a completely different place to train and it's a big challenge"

"We got used to what we had. I did work in Lambourn for years and touch wood know the gallops quite well. With better facilities we might get some better results," he told At The Races.
If you'd asked Kathy, I could have given you the lowdown on which pubs to visit - none of the ones within Lambourn itself is a major start!! :D
Sounds like there could be a few lunchtime sessions to look forward to - when I am not driving of course. Those pubs that do good food too would be worth putting on my shortlist. :)
Ali - you little minx!!!! Encouraging anyone to go to the Swine Bar!!! :laughing:

Unless they've improved a thousandfold in the last few years I'd say there'd be none to qualify on the good food agenda until you get outside of Lambourn! The Bakery used to be very good though.

Seriously, The Plough at Eastbury was always very good; the Queen's Arms Hotel at East Garston was also very good - the food was superb and the craic was excellent for a long while but I hear it isn't so good since Butters left; The Swan at Great Shefford was pretty good; The Ibex at Chaddleworth was superb but went downhill - I hear it's far better now; a little way outside Lambourn but The Five Bells at Wickham and The Winterbourne Arms at Winterbourne were always good; the pub in Peasemore (known to all and sundry as "The Shed") is good as well; The Blowing Stone was very good in the days of the Harvey one but not so sure how good it is now - it was very quiet when I was in there last summer. Can't think of any more off the top of my head (I don't do Lambourn pubs, hence the lack of them!) Oops - nearly forgot the Hare and Hounds at Lambourn Woodlands, that was once superb, in the days that David Cecil owned it and Brownie ran it.
I passed by most of those SL, trying to track the elusive Headstrong down on Saturday lunchtime. :suspect:
I'm sorry i couldn't help it!! but you don't know the TRUE Lambourn until you've been in there till 2am on a Friday night.

But Dom, the Malt shovel do pizzas now ..... :laughing:
Being more serious Kathy, if you need any lowdown on the place just ask, I know the place better than the back of my hand, unfortunatly, which is why im moving on in the Summer! There are some nice little pubs which do good food, but non in Lambourn.

The Hare used to be the place to be seen (have a hilarious story about my mother in there norty ) the chef is called Darren, just tell him I say hi lol
It always has been hasn't it, don't think I said it wasn't? The last time I was there about 3 years ago and it wasn't the place where you'd go for a pint!

Martin, if it ain't on the map it ain't worth bothering with :laughing:
Originally posted by Shadow Leader@Jun 6 2007, 05:56 PM
If you'd asked Kathy, I could have given you the lowdown on which pubs to visit - none of the ones within Lambourn itself is a major start!! :D
Nor were the ones I advised - except one which has just changed hands but is yet to be up and running *properly* ie The Lamb :D See you all there come the day, kitchen is being totally re-built as I speak [and Gawd did it need it]

The Hare is now just a restaurant, pricey, and rarely open. The Pheasant, up near the M4 junction, and the Queen's in East Gartson are the two most likely to appeal to Kathy, along perhaps with the Malt Shovel, which will be Brendan's 'local' when it re-opens; for all I know it may have already done so. It's been having a major makeover for the last 6-8 months. It was always *the* "lads' pub" in the evenings in recent years, but fairly civilised at lunchtimes - can't really see that changing any time soon, for geographical reasons.

The Swan in Shefford is a proper pub - but is alas v boring and has been for some time. The others mentioned by SL are too far off the radar to count for the poiposes of the thread........... As for the Wine Bar, can't see Kathy in there in a month of Sundays :eek:
Think most watering holes int he area have had time to re-stock [and re-group] since SL's day on the manor :P but I'm sure she is missed
Hard likker profits were reported up 27% during her flying visits to the area, apparently. (See: 'Public House & Bistro Monthly', April 2007.)
Brendan officially moved yards today from Morestead to Lambourn, and it went like clockwork. I have a few photos of the horses leaving the old yard which I hope to post on here later on.

Let's hope that this move to Lambourn brings him lots of new owners, some new horses, and lots of much needed visists to the winners enclosure.

I am at the new yard tomorrow morning to watch the horses on the new gallops (please don't rain :( ) so hopefully I will be able to take some more photos then.

Everyone worked very hard today with the moving of the horses taking priority. Hats off to LRT who sent two extremely hardworking box drivers for their 10 horse horse boxes, one male and one female who were both brilliant. :clap: :clap:
Went to the new yard in Lambourn this morning and I love it. I was amazed that when I arrived at 08.15hrs, 2nd lot were already on their way out and Brendan and Fred were waiting in the 4x4 to take me up to the gallops to watch them all work. The gallops are breathtaking, even though it was a little wet this morning.
All credit to Brian Meehan who had the yard looking perfect ready for Brendan's arrival this week. The farrier was there working, all the names and colours were on the doors, the computer was working so Clare was able to do entries for this week, and even Kenny the dog was settled down on his new bed enjoying the new surroundings. It looked as if they had moved in weeks ago, not yesterday! :eek:

I am just bombing up to Uttoxeter now, so will hopefully post a few photos later.
Just to update you, Brendan's move to Lambourn is paying dividends already. He has now filled all 90 boxes and he has only been there 6 weeks.

OK, some of it is due being able to move all the horses into one yard instead of the two yards he had before, but still, it's great for him to have filled all the boxes so quickly. It looks like he will have about 60 horses for the NH season this coming season so lots to look forward to. Fred Gandolfo has certainly been an added bonus. She is a great with all the horses in her care and the staff. She certainly seems to be working her magic on them both.
Brendan Powell had his Open Day today at his new yard in Lambourn. It was very well attended and Diminuendo was invited to take the professional photos of the horses parading and Muttley was her right hand woman.

All the horses looked immaculate and behaved impeccably. The staff did a fantastic job. :clap:

On a personal level, I was thrilled to see Bay Hawk looking so well. Everyone said how well he looked, he is such a poser. So as long as his legs are OK, he should be back racing at the beginning of December.

A massive thanks to Diminuendo and Muttley for coming along. I can't wait to see the photos! :)