
How many times have you left the forum in the last 18 months -2 or 3,maybe I missed one and it's 4.
An owner giving his gut reaction to a bad ride is priceless-if you didn't have a chip on your shoulder you might be able to see that.
Just off to have a few cold ones.

whats priceless about lambasting a jockey unfairly?

and whilst we are talking about being rude..you haven't done bad on the snow princess thread

chip on shoulder in regards to what exactly..defending a position is why i post..no point otherwise

if you want to arse lick owners on here when they are wrong..then go ahead..but leave me out of it
Obviously you book a top jock so that he'll adapt to a situation and use his superior ability/ experience to get the horse the best possible placing.
The problems arises, as in this case, when the jockey decides to ignore the advice of people who know the horses quirks. It's a common occurence. Chris pays the bills and has a right to be annoyed if he feels he has been ignored. I can't see why others have a problem with that.