Byron Burgers boycott

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I wouldn't

I'd also lengthen your odds on the public love-in Grasshopper. Strange how clive the right wing bully boy feels the need to disassociate his online actions from his business self. Perhaps he can reflect on that with the spare time he'll have from not needing to read Warbler's posts anymore.

I would be more inclined to open a book on public fisticuffs at Wembley or Twickenham stadium (perhaps he'd prefer the Millennium Stadium) between he and I.

I'd go 1/10 Simmo. I won my last bout by KO and he'd go down in the 2nd.
Let's not pontificate about the past, 6 or 12, 18 months or whatever, Simmo.
You are an interesting poster like, but how you have been drawn into saying some of the things you've said to people I'm not sure about. Icebreaker has taken a walk, Clivex has gone now, that's as far as recent history that we need to refer to. Its just a forum, not the United Nations Security Council.
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As you have implied you are taking legal action, I've no choice but to ban your account whilst I await your counsel's correspondence. This can be sent to my email address.

I generally avoid these threads like the plague but if Clivex does seek some pro bono legal advice he'd be well advised not to draw the firm's attention to his 30th July post on the "are we becoming desensitised..." thread: "Lawyers are lower than ISIS."

Like so many people, he detests lawyers until he needs them.
It's a shame he's gone really. I've had my spats with him, and he's gone too far at times, but on balance I enjoyed the banter. I get why he's gone, and your post was a step too far Simmo. I know why you did it, but.....

The flip side is you'd think though that the right wing loony would be big enough not to bow out in the same way others have when they've been on his receiving end. Obviously he's not the man he always gave the impression he was. Ultimately he can give it, but he can't take it.

I can't say I miss his creepy mate one little bit though.
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Let's not pontificate about the past, 6 or 12, 18 months or whatever, Simmo.
You are an interesting poster like, but how you have been drawn into saying some of the things you've said to people I'm not sure about. Icebreaker has taken a walk, Clivex has gone now, that's as far as recent history that we need to refer to. Its just a forum, not the United Nations Security Council.

I've got no idea what you're talking about in the first sentence I'm afraid.

On the rest though - are you suggesting that I should put up with being called a "worthless prick", and a "muttering tramp" by clivex and "pond life", "sick twisted piece of ****" by Icebreaker without retort?

Hardly justification for claims of being bullied is it; no more than talk of knocking people out or smashing them in the mouth with a hammer?
Redolent of another belligerent, who cries the same 'wolf' when losing out in an argument - and fools no one.
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Hardly justification for claims of being bullied is it; no more than talk of knocking people out or smashing them in the mouth with a hammer?
Redolent of another belligerent, who cries the same 'wolf' when losing out in an argument - and fools no one.

Remind me - when did I threaten someone with a hammer? I can't locate such a post.
People are so sensitive these days.

What kind of world do we live in, where you can't accuse someone's Mum of shagging a ghost, or threaten to boot their door down and push them through a bacon-slicer, without them getting upset?

It's political correctness gone mad.

Slicing up ghost shaggers may be quite acceptable but I'm sure you'll be "absolutely disgusted" by this too:

The only thing I'm absolutely disgusted by after reading this absolutely disgusting article is the state of my Y-Fronts, as I shat myself laughing
Slicing up ghost shaggers may be quite acceptable but I'm sure you'll be "absolutely disgusted" by this too:

The only thing I'm absolutely disgusted by after reading this absolutely disgusting article is the state of my Y-Fronts, as I shat myself laughing

The only thing worse than being fat and ugly is being Diane Flabbott. Fat, ugly, black and F*CKING CLUELESS.

Probably smells worse than a Chinese gymnasts jockstrap too.
Slicing up ghost shaggers may be quite acceptable but I'm sure you'll be "absolutely disgusted" by this too:

The only thing I'm absolutely disgusted by after reading this absolutely disgusting article is the state of my Y-Fronts, as I shat myself laughing

A part of me is amused by this advert, another part is horrified, if I'm completely honest. On balance the horrified side of me is winning the argument though. I'd like to take a hammer to the faces of those responsible for it in order to demonstrate through the medium of smashed teeth, how they are so offensive.
Slicing up ghost shaggers may be quite acceptable but I'm sure you'll be "absolutely disgusted" by this too:

The only thing I'm absolutely disgusted by after reading this absolutely disgusting article is the state of my Y-Fronts, as I shat myself laughing

"We tried to interview several people in Sawley, however they were unavailable for comment, due to being in the middle of their chips."
The only thing worse than being fat and ugly is being Diane Flabbott. Fat, ugly, black and F*CKING CLUELESS.

Probably smells worse than a Chinese gymnasts jockstrap too.

The utterly disgusting and grossly offensive naming of the curvaceous Miss Abbott as Flabbott and references to her possible need for liberal douching with femfresh are Clivexisms; he'd be flattered Simmo
The utterly disgusting and grossly offensive naming of the curvaceous Miss Abbott as Flabbott and references to her possible need for liberal douching with femfresh are Clivexisms; he'd be flattered Simmo

I think he hacked my account earlier. Or I am him. One of the two.
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Posting or threatening to deliver things to Clive's personal address are beyond the pale. There is no excuse for it and I wouldn't blame him for getting the police involved. It's pretty disgusting, to be honest (regardless of what he wrote in any post on any thread here).
Posting or threatening to deliver things to Clive's personal address are beyond the pale. There is no excuse for it and I wouldn't blame him for getting the police involved.

this has genuinely made me Lol. The police would laugh him out the door. It is, quite simply put, not a criminal offence. In fact, it's only an offence in the minds of people on the internet (and a moral one at that).
More interestingly, apparently the origin of the phrase Beyond the Pale is from an English invasion of Ireland, where the country beyond the palings of defence around the Dublin area was considered to be unsafe -thus "beyond the pale".

And if anyone is interested, the following question remains unanswered on the English Language And Usage site. "Are stative verbs always inchoative when used with an imperative?"

It seems to me that the future sanity of the forum may rest upon a satisfactory answer to this question being gained.
But not answered to the satisfaction of those on the English Language And Usage site, hence it's continued inclusion on their unanswered questions list alongside a most interesting question regarding the possibility that world use of parentheses to indicate potential plural(s) has increased.

So no, you have not saved the forum. But thanks for trying.
Posting or threatening to deliver things to Clive's personal address are beyond the pale. There is no excuse for it and I wouldn't blame him for getting the police involved. It's pretty disgusting, to be honest (regardless of what he wrote in any post on any thread here).

deleted as personal attack
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Simmo should have been banned immediately. He has gone well over the mark before but unfortunately seems to think he now is a hero on the ever quieter forum. Perhaps it will help him cope with his many demons!

to deal with demons, you have accept that they are there.
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You are presumably looking for a jottering, simmo? Or were strong with the potion last night?

Either way, the last response to Harry is bang out-of-order. There's just no need for it.
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