Disingenuous Warbler - what on earth do you classify Iraq as? And why were the Marines where they were - to prevent illegal arms supplies by Iranians to subversives in Iraq. And why are certain Irani factions hell bent on supplying these terrorists? Because our troops are in Iran....Originally posted by Songsheet+Apr 8 2007, 01:10 PM--></div><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td>QUOTE (Songsheet @ Apr 8 2007, 01:10 PM)</td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'> <!--QuoteBegin-Warbler@Apr 8 2007, 01:17 PM
Am I missing something?
This isn't a 'war story' or 'battle zone' etc
I am not condoning Iraq's actions - no civilised country should behave as they have but again, the behaviour of this Government is also highly questionable and you cannot deny that our illegal entry into Iraq was bound to generate a multitude of incidents such as this from other countries with their own agendas.
Betsmate's summing up is about right as far as I am concerned - it's all Government spin, smoke and mirrors and it is deeply unpleasant. [/b][/quote]
I assume you mean Iran? whose actions you're not condoning? Iraq has no involvement in this episode.
Last time I knew, we weren't at war with Iran? hence it being difficult to describe the waters as a 'battle zone' or indeed a 'war story'. If it was, it's doubtful that HMS Cornwall would still be afloat without American Carrier protection.
Essentially maintaining a patrol is no different to what the RAF are doing in the Falklands. It's not a de-facto 'battle zone' but a sensitive area with a restricted zone, which the Argentines periodically still probe even today. The crews have their 'rules of engagement' which permits interception and shoot down once violated. HMS Cornwall by contrast had to contact Northwood and London for guidance it would appear, which to my mind is a tacit acknowledgement that they weren't on a war footing with Iran.
The Iraqi insurgency can rig up a host of roadside IED's but are a long way from taking the war on to the seas. Even if Iran was able or prepared to supply them land based anti-ship missiles, (doubtful in itself), transporting one, assembling it, loading and programming it, and then firing it from Iraqi territory would be a huge undertaking, and massive risk. It's not like smuggling small arms and semtex across a porous border.
Indeed in the first Gulf War, when the waters could be legitmately described as a 'war zone' one such attack did take place when a Silkworm missile was indeed fired at the USS Wisconsin (their crew were sunbathing on deck at the time, oblivious to what was about 30 secs away). It was their RN escort HMS Gloucester that picked it up and shot it down. That the crew were kept on a state of war readiness can be gleaned from the fact that they were required to wear anti-flash clothing in sweltering conditions, something which the footage from Cornwall clearly shows her compliment aren't wearing.
I'm slightly curious about your oblique reference to the Captain of Essex County Cricket Club having his own faction supplying terrorists though