Originally posted by Colin Phillips@Apr 11 2007, 07:43 AM
Didn't I hear somewhere that over 2,000 British forces personnel have gone A.W.O.L. from Iraq.
That is not meant to be a comment on their courage, more a criticism of their decision on a choice of career.
Well, I know one of those 2,000 - after his first tour of Iraq he went AWOL twice and was collared the forst time by the military police. While in chokey at Warminster, he arranged an 'accident' on his hand and went AWOL again, went to the local doctors, got signed off there and then as a result of that, was put 'on leave' by his unit commander. During all of this time he was on full pay, I might add. He in fact took nearly two years of full pay and was only returned to civilan life in January of this year.
This is down to inept and misinformed recruiting by the Armed Forces, pressured to increase their recruiting activities by whichever governement is in power during times of military 'crises'. The lad I refer to was an eighteen year old when he enlisted and was quite obviously unsuitable - he thought it would be good money for an exciting life and a good career and prospects to boot.
It should be made quite plain to any recruit that by taking the Queen's Shilling, they acknowledge that they are putting their life at risk - no matter how small that risk might be, it exists. No one can make a guarantee to a service person that they won't face hostile action - it's an impssibility. So, as I said earlier, if you can't accept that risk, don't join up. As matters stand right now, we have the luxury of not being forced to enlist - our parents and grandparents were not so lucky.
I agree, I've never been in such a situation but I hope I would have enough basic stubborness and bloody mindedness to keep my nerve - at least until actual physical punishment became totally unbearable!!
I agree in the main with Warblers views on this ..
James - just keep digging that hole..... As you have also not been in the position of being a either a hostage, POW or a captured member of the Armed Forces who was pretty obviously where they shouldn't have been, then you opinion is no more or less valid than ours.