Carter or Obama

An impetuous, misogynist, xenophobic, racist with a multitude of conflicts of interest, and a dubious relationship with Russia, yes that is bound to go well.

If he delivers jobs to middle America and secures the borders he'll win reelection in a landslide.
If he delivers jobs to middle America and secures the borders he'll win reelection in a landslide.

There is only frictional unemployment (in the main) in USA, but I recognise that there are rust belt pockets which are suffering. However (a) anybody who thinks that Ford, GM are making billion dollar decisions based on DTs tweets are deluded and divorced from the reality of the cycle time for capital investment decisions in large corporations and (b) automotive and industrial manufacturing processes that went abroad 20 years ago are now so automated that the job relocation benefit will be about 1 for 10. You probably noticed that Fords reversal of a $1.6Bn Mexican investment results in 700! jobs for Michigan.

The promise of solving the 'jobs problem' with relocating offshore manufacturing to a high cost, low skilled, inflexible, unionised workforce such as prevails in the USA is merely selling snake oil.
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Trump will be lucky to make it through his first-term. Scandal will bring him down.

Trump has been in the public eye for nearly 50 years and not even the Clinton Mafia could bring him down because there is no Scandal.

He actually does care and should be given credit for it despite the fact he continuously reminds us how great he is.

His family can only be described as wonderful people with not one hint of scandal among them

There will be plenty fake news but that is all it will be.

Trump wants to be remembered as GREAT and he wants to leave behind a legacy his children will be proud off.

There will be no scandal and if he fails it won't be for the lack of trying to help everyone he can.

Now go cuddle a puppy dog or grab some play-dough :lol:
Aye, give him a chance. The love me or hate me characters in life are often the ones to be remembered.
Trump could have given any speech yesterday and found fault in it. CNN panelists were foaming at the mouth about his speech not uniting the country yet they sweep under the carpet that Obama exaggerated the divide. After the speech he was criticised for not mentioned Hilary, then later when he gave her a standing ovation this was dismissed as nothing compared to previous presidents. He should be judged in what he does. Political commentary is dead and I'm not old enough to say the last time it was influential on the general public.
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Aye, give him a chance. The love me or hate me characters in life are often the ones to be remembered.
give him a chance?
are you joking?

the ones have giving a chance to Castro for 50 years and Obama for 8 will not give him a minute
give him a chance?
are you joking?

the ones have giving a chance to Castro for 50 years and Obama for 8 will not give him a minute

You are correct that it is politically correct to like Obama. The "racist" voters in the US have decontaminated the Democratic numbers in both houses and the number of governors they hold while he's been in office. Trump's acid test will be 2018 when the the left attempt ignite the party to claw back the damage.