
Rest In Peace.
He did what very few can do in developing this forum and the people within this community not to be afraid to share their thoughts and opinions.
Colin gave a lot of us a reason to turn on our computers to see what was happening within our forum family.
Your family should be very proud of him.
Desperately saddened by this. I only had a private message with him at the weekend. He was planning to start his own blog on the 2yo scene. He asked me what I thought.

I know he was very ill two years ago and hence I helped out on his FSS threads. He was very down at times but he seemed particularly positive lately.

Terrible news.

Wrong Colin.
What awful news - Brian H and now Col - RIP Col , condolences to all his family and friends and thanks for the forum and all it provided for so many of us.
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I am in shock...on Monday we spoke by PM and he told me what the problem was asking me not to divulge it to anyone. What I can tell you he was more concerned about his family and being a burden to them as he was about himself. He told me he was in a lot of pain and was going to see his doctor on Tuesday. I thought he'd let me know how he got on and as I heard nothing I was intending to ask him today. He never had a bad word to say about anyone and one day I hadn't been around and forgot my password...couldn't believe he set it up for me and used a name for my password only my closest friends call me by...
and I only ever mentioned it once years ago how he remembered it shocked me but that was just the way he was...He once told me he didn't like posting too often because he found he was having to repeat himself...never a truer word was spoken...Unfortunately I never had the pleasure to meet Colin but I always respected him and thought of him as a gentleman who couldn't do enough for you.. RIP a friend to us all
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I wonder did he realise how many life long friendships and winners were backed together because of this forum. So sorry to hear he has passed.