Cheltenham 2016/2017

How dull the jumps section of this forum would be without Augie. Not sure I would agree about Minella Rocco being a reason to downgrade Sizing John. He has always had lots of talent he's just very hard to get right especially when Jonjo keeps leaving him in his box for a week at a time LOL...It is uncanny how year after year he gets one or two spot on and to beat one you better be at your best.

What caught my eye fact shocked me was Ricci's quotes on the ATR website............."He’s in great order. For whatever reason, he just didn’t seem to be himself last season, but he seems to be back to himself now"......"The physical problem that was bothering him all year came out in the Cheltenham race":lol:

Can anyone remember anyone for the Mullins yard, from the media, from the betting ring from the high street bookies mention even a whisper that Douvan never looked himself in any of his 3 races before Chelters?. Nowts in the form book !!!

I thought they said he injured himself at the 3rd fence was it??? Hairline fracture pelvis....................if they though something was wrong like Ricci is saying why wasn't he examined...X-rayed...........Is Ricci talking total crap or is it just bad journalism? tbh It could be the latter because listening to him and what I am reading simply isn't the same
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No one could be that naive to believe that "Hairline fracture pelvis" crap when the horse jumped just fine even the last fence. Multiple factors contributed to his below mark performance but injury had nothing to do with it. RR spills out the beans and is inconsistent in his lies by giving other excuse than the ones he gave few months ago. This shouldn't come as a shock given RR/WPM public rhetoric.
Actually Synchronized was also rated 168 for his GC, both sub-standard winners no argument there. Still he had Long Run 3 lengths behind, that has to be worth more than Minella Rocco given what LR was doing in the past 12 months.

Not for me, not with the Giant Bolster in front of him
The 'quality' of the Festival is often proportional to the health of your bank-balance, once the skirmishes are complete.

FWIW, I think the 'problem' with these particular ratings, is the mark awarded to Thistlecrack..........because it makes Sizing John's mark look artificially-low. SJ's official rating is probably about right, with Thistlecrack's a little too high, for my money.