Cheltenham Coverage

You're worried about 'trickeler' - how about Odgey running yesterday? Or was it Oh-ghee? Dear God, what is the problem with learning how to pronounce bog standard words, especially when the horses have been around for long enough! (For those without a dickshunerry, it's an architectural feature which looks like a horizontal parenthesis, usually over windows and doorways. Beloved of cathedrals, mosques, and other places looking to show off. I thank you!)
Has anyone caught any of ATR's coverage from Cheltenham?

Luke seems to be interviewing the unlucky chosen sods in a car-park about a mile away from the course.

They must be running a shuttle service for the motley crew.
I enjoyed the dinner feature. One of my favourites ever was the Three Trainers, years ago on the Racig Channel, with William Jarvis, William Haggas and Mark Tompkins, shown over several days as more and more wine was consumed... And one of today's racing columns - I think it was the Independent - had Venetia as Henrietta!
you're worried about 'trickeler' - how about odgey running yesterday? Or was it oh-ghee? Dear god, what is the problem with learning how to pronounce bog standard words, especially when the horses have been around for long enough! (for those without a dickshunerry, it's an architectural feature which looks like a horizontal parenthesis, usually over windows and doorways. Beloved of cathedrals, mosques, and other places looking to show off. I thank you!)

There were more marvellous gaffes today on Ch4 - Alice Plunkett saying Nicky Henderson was "double handed" in the RSA Chase....also Holt in a master commentary of the same race saying "the field, mostly made up of....actually, they're all novices".....then later on again after the Champion Chase, filming Colm Murphy and the lad jumping up and down and celebrating Big Zeb's win, he said "I think they're connected to the horse" - I don't know if he was trying to be funny but it didn't sound much like a joke!
Cheltenham Radio is really decent to listen to in between though they do an awful lot of faffing about with nonsense before racing. Point to pointless? Jaysus...
Just watching RUK's replays for the first time today and jaysus that commentator just goes through my head - he might call them right but it is painful.
Thank God most people have settled down to Kor-toe Star, Gareth. Any more of Kow-toeing to Kay-toe, and I'd have screamed. His relative (?) in France is called Kor-toe by the French presenters, so I assume that was correct from the start. I do struggle, though, with the various UIMUIRH......'s in Ireland! In fact, would need the names written down to remember how to spell them, let alone pronounce. The only ones I've got right are 'rinker' for 'rince' and 'duv' for 'dubh' so far, and 'shool' for 'shuill' - otherwise, I'm a disgrace.
Got RUK back today after a break of 20 month break.It took me 5 attempts to get connected-they don't make it easy for you.
Nick Luck was very positive about last 2 winners -top tipping.
Thank God most people have settled down to Kor-toe Star, Gareth. Any more of Kow-toeing to Kay-toe, and I'd have screamed. His relative (?) in France is called Kor-toe by the French presenters, so I assume that was correct from the start.

Oh, nooooooo.... ! Nobody's yet pronounced it like the 'au' in 'aunt', have they? Karto Star - mm, maybe not!
Caught the morning line this morning thought at first it was the walsh family morning show after 15 mins we finally heard about the horses to-day,it would be nice to her them talk about more than just two races and no mention of poor citizen vic yesterday.
Not sure about Stewart Machin's role on Racing UK. Presumably he was supposed to get paddockside interviews but either he isn't bold enough/or doesn't have the contents as he ended up just assessing the horses which I thought was the role of Freemantle/Luck.
In the Ruby Walsh feature on C4 when they bring up the sub headings for people on a personal level with him they are all in lower case :|. So annoying.

his mum, his dad, his best mate... grammar you tossers!

Also, I hate ladies day because I do not give a crap what the women look like, all I want to look at is horses and watch the races.
One thing I would say about the RUK team in a negative light is if it is an Irish horse that has not run before in the UK then they come across as having done little or no homework into the horse and they just guess.
FFS,And now everything you want to know about Dorothy Paget
Stuff you would know about anyway after a feature in the RP that Ashforth did a couple of months ago.
Perhaps its my imagination but all these characters in the crowd that stand behind the email female and big mac look utterly gormless are they hand picked?
Perhaps its my imagination but all these characters in the crowd that stand behind the email female and big mac look utterly gormless are they hand picked?

Gormless, YES. one of the chief reasons given by friends of mine for not liking racing is the clowns that just stand there in the background looking gormless and idiotic