Cheltenham Festival: Preview Nights

Haven't seen the video but presume this is the Fermoy preview-Leon Blanche said Boyles would be going best price Big Bucks -Ruby told him he wouldn't have the balls and Leon backed down.Leon gets badly exposed when the chat turns to horses.
London Racing Club Preview Evening – Wednesday 3rd March

MC – Barry Faulkner (BF)
Dave Nevison (DN)
Lydia Hislop (LH)
George Primarolo, representative of the Tote (GP)

DN: I like Kumbeshwar from his run at Kempton and think he could have a live chance in the Fred Winter. He was making ground in the Adonis without massive urgings and could be significantly better than what he’s shown so far.

Serious shout by Nevison in the Fred Winter, very nearly got a 33s winner.